The State Auditor’s Office has assigned contract monitoring ratings of additional monitoring warranted, reduced monitoring warranted, or no additional monitoring warranted to each of the 25 largest state agencies. Those agencies were determined by the Legislative Budget Board. That statute requires a report on those ratings to be submitted to the Office of the Comptroller of Public Accounts and the Department of Information Resources by September 1 of each year. The Comptroller’s Office and the Department are responsible for developing guidelines for the additional and reduced monitoring. For the purposes of this project, the SAO reviewed and analyzed relevant information from sources specified in Texas Government Code, Section 2261.258. The SAO’s report in its entirety can be found here.
Agencies were rated as follows:
• Six (24%) were rated additional monitoring warranted for at least one contracting period.
• Three (12%) were rated reduced monitoring warranted for at least one contracting period.
• Sixteen (64%) were rated no additional monitoring warranted for all contracting periods.