The Senate adjourned until 2:00 p.m. Thursday, October 14.

The House recessed until 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 13.

Video Broadcasts: House | Senate



On 10/13 the Senate gaveled in to refer the following bill:

HB 1 (Hunter) Relating to the composition of districts for the election of members of the Texas House of Representatives to be heard in Redistricting on 10/15.

On 10/12 the Senate gaveled in to refer the following bills: 

SB 51 (Hughes) Relating to prohibited COVID-19 vaccine mandates and vaccination status discrimination and to exemptions from certain vaccine requirements to be heard in State Affairs on 10/14.

SB 52 (Creighton) Relating to authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds to fund capital projects at public institutions of higher education to Higher Education.



After 17.5 hours of debate, HB 1 (Hunter) the House’s redistricting plan was voted out of the House (83-63) with 37 amendments on 10/12. The bill now moves to the Senate and will be heard in Senate Redistricting on 10/15. The current map can be found here.

On 10/12 the House referred the following bills:

HB 33 (Slaton) Relating to a prohibition on certain companies and hospitals from requiring employees to receive a COVID-19 vaccination; creating a criminal offense to State Affairs.

HB 37 (Noble) Relating to prohibited vaccination status discrimination and requirements for COVID-19 vaccines to State Affairs.

HB 39 (Noble) Relating to prohibited vaccination status discrimination and requirements for COVID-19 vaccines to State Affairs.

HB 86 (Tinderholt) Relating to prohibited COVID-19 vaccine passports; providing a civil penalty to State Affairs.

HB 93 (White) Relating to a prohibition on COVID-19 vaccine mandates to State Affairs.

HB 109 (Cain) Relating to exemptions from certain vaccination requirements to State Affairs.

HB 110 (Slaton) Relating to COVID-19 vaccination policies and related measures of governmental entities; creating criminal offenses to State Affairs.

HB 119 (Harris) Relating to the enforceability of a covenant not to compete with respect to certain employees discharged from employment for refusal or failure to receive a COVID-19 vaccination to State Affairs.

HB 134 (Middleton) Relating to exemptions from certain vaccination requirements to State Affairs.

HB 137 (Harris) Relating to a prohibition on certain companies that receive governmental contracts or financial benefits from requiring employees to receive a COVID-19 vaccination; authorizing a civil penalty to State Affairs.

HB 155 (Oliverson) Relating to exemptions from COVID-19 vaccine requirements to be heard in State Affairs on 10/13.

On 10/12, House Ways & Means held a formal hearing to vote out the following bills:

CSSB 1 (Bettencourt) Relating to the provision of direct relief from ad valorem taxes to certain property owners in this state through the distribution of certain federal economic assistance money received by the state and a study of the provision of additional ad valorem tax relief; making an appropriation. The bill would provide for direct payments to homeowners rather than change school district tax rates. It was voted out of committee (9-1). The bill now moves to the House floor for further deliberation.

HB 90 (Oliverson) Relating to reducing school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes through the use of certain surplus state revenue was voted out of committee (7-3). The bill now moves to the House floor for further deliberation.

On 10/12, House Appropriations held a hearing to vote out the following bills:

SB 8 (Nelson et al.) Relating to making appropriations of certain federal coronavirus relief money was voted out of committee as substituted (25-0). The House split education and healthcare funding into HB 161 (Capriglione) and education funding into HB 160 (Wilson). These bills retain provisions from the Senate version such as hospital staffing support, children’s mental health support, TRS funding, and higher education support. See below for a HillCo report with more details. The bill now moves to the House floor for further deliberation.

HB 160 (Wilson) Relating to making supplemental appropriations for education initiatives, institutions, and related agencies and giving direction regarding appropriations was voted out committee (22-3). The bill now moves to the House floor for further deliberation.

HB 161 (Capriglione) Relating to making supplemental appropriations relating to health and human services and giving direction regarding appropriation was voted out of committee (26-0). The bill now moves to the House floor for further deliberation.

Upcoming Senate Committee Meetings

Upcoming House Committee Meetings

  • Human Services – 10/13/2021
    Time: Upon final adjourn./recess or bill referral if permission granted, Location: E2.010

    • To review efforts to remedy the rising numbers of Children Without Placement & Monitor the impact of children crossing the Texas-Mexico border on child protective services programs
  • Resolutions Calendars – 10/13/2021
    Time: 9:30 AM, Location: Agricultural Museum, 1W.14
  • Calendars – 10/13/2021
    Time: 9:45 AM, Location: Agricultural Museum, 1W.14
  • Redistricting – 10/13/2021
    Time: 10:00 AM or upon final adjourn./recess or bill referral if permission granted, Location: Capitol Extension Auditorium, E1.004

    • SB 6 (Huffman) the U.S. House redistricting map
  • State Affairs – 10/13/2021
    Time: 1:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess or bill referral if permission granted, Location: E2.016

    • HB 155 (Oliverson) establishing vaccine requirement exemptions for individuals, including customers or employees
  • Youth Health & Safety, Select – 10/14/2021
    Time: 8:00 AM, Location: E2.014

    • To discuss the impact of social media on the mental health of Texas youth

Upcoming Joint Committee Meetings