The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) will conduct a public hearing to receive testimony regarding: (1) proposed revisions to 30 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 307, Texas Surface Water Quality Standards, §§307.1 – 307.10; and (2) subsequent revisions to the Procedures to Implement the Texas Surface Water Quality Standards (IPs), RG-194.


The proposed rulemaking would provide a periodic public review and revision of the State’s surface water quality standards, as provided for in the Texas Water Code, §26.023, and as required by the Federal Clean Water Act, §303(c).


At the request of the commission, the preamble of this rule proposal also specifically solicits comments on two figures located in the rule text. On Figure: 30 TAC §307.10(1), Appendix A, Site-specific Uses and Criteria for Classified Segments, the commission solicits comments on setting the 24-hour average dissolved oxygen criteria at the decimal fraction of 4.5 mg/L rather than at a whole number such as 4.0 mg/L or 5.0 mg/L. As part of the same figure, the commission also solicits comments on the designation of separate aquatic life use designations for fish versus benthic communities. On Figure: 30 TAC §307.10(6), Appendix F, Site-specific Nutrient Criteria and Screening Levels for Selected Reservoirs, the commission solicits comments on the proposed criteria and screening levels in comparison to other potential forms of criteria, such as applying stand-alone criteria for chlorophyll a without supplemental screening levels. An example of an alternative approach using stand-alone chlorophyll a criteria can be found on the commission’s Water Quality Standards Web site at:  


In conjunction with the hearing, the commission will also take written and oral comments on the proposed changes to the IPs. The IPs provide guidance and explanation of the general and technical procedures used in implementing the standards in wastewater discharge permits. The IPs reflect editorial and substantive changes necessitated by changes to Chapter 307 as well as clarification of some subjects and new information on others.


Copies of the proposed rule and guidance can be obtained from the commission’s Web site at:  


Written comments on the proposed revisions to 30 TAC Chapter 307 may be submitted to

Michael Parrish, MC 205, Office of Legal Services, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, or faxed to (512) 239-4808. Electronic comments may be submitted at:  File size restrictions may apply to comments being submitted via the eComments system. All comments should reference Rule Project Number 2007-002-307-OW. The comment period closes March 17, 2010.


Copies of the proposed rulemaking can be obtained from the commission’s Web site at  


Written comments on the proposed revisions to the IPs may be submitted to Mr. David

Galindo, MC 150, Water Quality Division, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087, or faxed to (512) 239-4420. Electronic comments may be submitted via email to  File size restrictions may apply to comments being submitted via e-mail. All comments should reference the Implementation Procedures, RG-194. The comment period closes March 17, 2010.


Copies of the proposed guidance document are available in the TCEQ Regional offices, in the TCEQ library in Austin, Texas, and on the commission’s Web site at: