On September 23, 2014, the EPA issued its first action letter regarding the 2014 revision of the Texas Surface Water Quality Standards (30 TAC, §307). This letter does not address all outstanding portions of the rule requiring EPA review, and major sections still under consideration by the EPA include the addition of primary contact recreation 2; revisions to §307.4 and §307.7 regarding contact recreation standards; several revised site-specific criteria in Appendix A and D; and several site-specific recreational uses and criteria for unclassified water bodies in Appendix G.
The action letter is located online at https://www.tceq.texas.gov/waterquality/standards/2014standards.html. A highlighted version of the rule depicting what action the EPA has taken on the rule will be provided soon at the above link.
Please note that portions of the 2010 TSWQS are still under review by EPA. The TCEQ will provide updates as information is received regarding both revisions.
Questions or comments regarding the Texas Surface Water Quality Standards can be e-mailed to standards@tceq.texas.gov, and staff contact information is located online at http://www.tceq.texas.gov/waterquality/standards/WQ_standards_contact.html