The House and Senate will reconvene on May 11th, at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. respectively.
Floor Deliberations: House Calendars & Senate Calendars
Committee Hearings: House & Senate
Video Broadcasts: House | Senate
End of Session Deadlines: Calendar
Bills on the Floor Spotlight
SB 374 (Seliger) relating to municipal annexation of certain rights-of-way was passed to third reading in the House on 5/10. The bill allows for a municipality to bring in the road or railway easement making property to be annexed at the request of a landowner contiguous. SB 374 is on the 5/11 House calendar for final passage.
SB 700 (Buckingham) relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department was placed on the House Major State Calendar for 5/11.
SB 1776 (Campbell) relating to an elective course on the founding principles of the United States for high school curriculums was passed to third reading in the House as amended on 5/10. Amendments were offered on the floor to add documents and subjects to the course material. SB 1776 is on the 5/11 House calendar for final passage.
SB 2028 (Kolkhorst) relating to the Medicaid program, including the administration and operation of the Medicaid managed care program was finally passed in the Senate unanimously. The bill will now move over to the House for further deliberation.
HB 3 (Burrows) Relating to state and local government responses to a pandemic disaster, including the establishment of the Pandemic Disaster Legislative Oversight Committee was passed to third reading with 19 adopted floor amendments on 5/10 (92-45). HB 3 is on the 5/11 House calendar for final passage.
HB 1556 (Murphy) relating to the Texas Economic Development Act was pronounced dead by procedural action on 5/10 after just over one hour of conversation and 4 adopted amendments. Just after Rep. Trey Martinez-Fischer had proposed an amendment that would have required the school district to get voter approval to authorize the board approving the application, Rep. Murphy stepped up to postpone the bill until June 1st. Please note that language from the bill can always resurface as an amendment on another appropriate bill that is moving. so HillCo will continue to monitor the issue.
HB 3731 (Dutton) relating to public school accountability ratings, including interventions and sanctions administered to a school district, open-enrollment charter school, or district or school campus assigned an unacceptable performance rating failed to pass in the House on 5/10 (59-82) after reconsidering the vote by which the bill failed to pass on 5/8.
HB3979 (Toth)- relating to the social studies curriculum in public schools was passed to engrossment in the House after 4 hours of deliberation and with 18 adopted floor amendments (81-52). HB 3979 is on the 5/11 House calendar for final passage.
HB 4146 (King, Tracy) relating to a restriction on permits authorizing direct discharges of waste or pollutants into water in certain stream segments was passed to engrossment by the House on 5/10 as amended (72-69). The bill as amended would prohibit TCEQ from granting discharge permits on section of certain waterways.
HB 4545 (Dutton) relating to the assessment of public school students and the purchase of certain instruction-related materials was passed to engrossment by the House on 5/10 with two amendments. The first amendment removes additional powers given to the TEA Commissioner, and the second amendment removes the grant program that ties funding and testing performance.