The joint committee on the Public School Finance System began today with an overview of the school finance system. Sen. Florence Shapiro, co-chair, began the hearing by noting the system is “confusing and complex.” She also asked for information, to possibly be presented at the next hearing, on how other states are funding their education system. After reviewing the finance system and previous court decisions, the committee then heard about the current school finance lawsuits that have been combined and set for an October 22 trial date. It is anticipated that a decision will be made sometime in the Spring of next year, but assuming the decision goes to the Supreme Court a decision on the case is not expected before the end of regular session. Shapiro stated a special session on school finance is eminent.
Rep. Jimmie Don Aycock, co-chair, suggested the joint committee form “break out groups” to meet on various issues to discuss: school size allotments, Cost of Education Index (CEI’s), instructional allotments, etc., and then bring back their findings to the joint committee.
The next meeting of the joint committee will be held July 23.