The Senate Chamber initally met today at 11:00 AM and sent SB 2142 (Hughes) to the Senate Committee on Jurisprudence. After the committee laid out the bill, it was voted out of committee with 3 ayes and 1 nay and was sent on to the Senate chamber for further deliberation.
Summary of Remarks from Senate Committee on Jurisprudence
SB 2142 (Hughes) Relating to correcting the prices of wholesale power and ancillary services sold in the ERCOT market during a certain period
- Result of what the committee and Senate discussed
- Directs ERCOT to correct pricing errors of Feb. 18 and 19; well-developed that errors results in inaccurate and excessive charges
- Recounts that ERCOT and PUC have authority to make these changes & directs them to do that
- Takes immediate effect with the requisite vote threshold
- Governor made this an emergency item, everyone is expecting something to be done; this is the right move
No public comment was held
SB 2142 voted out 3-1 (Ayes – Huffman, Hughes, Johnson/Nays – Creighton)
Senate Jurisprudence recessed