On August 18th the Senate Committee on Natural Resources meet and took up the following interim charges:


#3 – Monitor and review the implementation of the Environmental Protection Agency’s rules on carbon dioxide and federal legislation on greenhouse gases. Review the participation of the TCEQ, the Railroad Commission of Texas, the Department of Agriculture and the Public Utility Commission in working collaboratively to comply with the federal mandates and in meeting federal clean air standards.


#5 – Determine whether the TCEQ should identify and evaluate cumulative effects on public health and the environment due to air toxics and ozone precursor emissions proposed in applications for new air permits, air permit amendments, and air permit renewals. Make recommendations, if needed.


#6 – Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Senate Committee on Natural Resources, 81st legislature, regular and called sessions and make recommendations for any leg needed to improve, enhance, and/or complete implementation.


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