Over the summer, Texas Education Code updates have included several proposed or adopted rules that impact instructional programs. These include:
- Proposed New 19 TAC Chapter 67, State Review and Approval of Instructional Materials, Subchapter B, State Review and Approval, 67.43, Lists of Approved and Rejected Instructional Materials Approved for first reading and filing authorization at the June SBOE meeting. These proposed rules would govern the process for approving or rejecting instructional materials submissions for the new Instructional Materials Reivew and Adoption (IMRA) process.
- Proposed New 19 TAC Chapter 120, Other Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, Subchapter B, English Language Proficiency Standards Approved for first reading and filing authorization at the June SBOE meeting. These new ELPS are compliant with current federal law in ESSA, Every Student Succeeds Act, and would be implemented in the 2026-27 school year unless the State Board of Education votes with a two-thirds majority to implement them sooner. The new rules significantly change the language proficiency standards. English Language Proficiency Standards Review | Texas Education Agency
- Related to this, the Proposed Amendments to 19 TAC Chapter 101, Assessment, Subchapter AA, Commissioner’s Rules Concerning the Participation of English Language Learners in State Assessments, Division 1, Assessments of English Language Proficiency and Academic Content for English Language Learners would align the rules for language proficiency assessment of emergent bilingual students with existing state and federal policies. The public comment period ended July 22.
The SBOE also approved for second reading and final adoption:
- Proposed Revisions to 19 TAC Chapter 89, Adaptations for Special Populations, Subchapter A, Gifted/Talented Education These rules establish the criteria for utilizing gifted and talented student allotment funds as added by HB 1525 from the 87th legislative session in 2021.
Adopted rules include:
- 19 TAC 74.28 – concerning students with dyslexia or related disorders. These updates to the rules align with House Bill 3982, passed in the 88th Texas Legislature. The updates also clarify language used in the Texas Education Code and the Dyslexia Handbook: Procedures Concerning Dyslexia and related disorders. Section 74.28 provides requirements for school districts to identify students with dyslexia and provide appropriate support and resources to these students. These amendments became effective on June 30th, 2024.