The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) is holding a Board meeting on January 30th and invites the public to attend to offer oral comments on rules for the new flood financial assistance and planning programs created by the Texas Legislature in 2019. Attendees may provide comments on all program rules: flood financial assistance rules and Flood Intended Use Planregional and state flood planning rules, and flood planning regions. The meeting will be held on Thursday, January 30, in Austin at the Stephen F. Austin Building, 1700 N. Congress Avenue, Room 170, at 10:30 a.m. The flood planning program will result in regional flood plans in 2023 and the first state flood plan in September 2024. Proposed flood planning rules include information on representative designation, technical and financial support for the regional flood planning groups, and guidance principles for regional and state flood planning. The proposed flood planning region boundaries map proposes the creation of 11 flood planning regions.