See below for the upcoming interim legislative hearings. Hearing dates and times are subject to change. Please note that additional hearings dates may also be added at any time.
The standing committee hearings can be found at the following links: House | Senate
House Investigative The Robb Elementary Shooting – 7/17/22 at 1:30 PM
- The committee will meet to consider a preliminary report.
House Urban Affairs – 7/14/22 at 11:00 AM
The committee will meet to hear invited and public testimony on the following:
- Charge #2: Evaluate the availability of workforce housing to support the dynamic economic growth of the state. Study the use of public-private partnerships and other tools to incentivize the development of housing that meets Texas’ expanding workforce demands. Develop and include measures to ensure accountability and transparency associated with these tools.
- Charge #3: Review the Municipal Management District Legislative Template with respect to representation and accountability. Make recommendations for improving the template.
House Defense & Veterans’ Affairs – 7/20/22 at 9:00 AM
The committee will meet to hear invited and public testimony on the following interim charge:
- Examine programs and funding streams connected to services that improve mental health outcomes for servicemen and women suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).
- The committee will also receive an update on Military Equipment available to local governments through the Texas Law Enforcement Support Office.
House Public Education – 7/25/22 at 9:00 AM
The committee will meet to hear invited and public testimony on the following interim charges:
- Monitor the implementation of the following:
- HB 1525 and HB 3(86R), relating to public school finance and public education
- HB 4545, relating to assessment of public school students and providing accelerated instruction
- SB 1365, relating to public school organization, accountability, and fiscal management
- SB 1716, relating to supplemental special education services and instructional materials for certain public school students
- Study the effects of COVID-19 on K-12 learning loss and best practices that exist to address learning loss. Monitor the implementation of state and local plans to address students’ achievement gaps. Make recommendations for supporting the state and local efforts to increase academic development.
- Examine the causes and contributors for chronic absenteeism in public schools and its impact on student outcomes. Consider techniques and approaches that have been utilized by public schools to identify students who are chronically absent and return these students to classrooms.
House Public Education – 7/26/22 at 10:00 AM
The committee will meet to hear invited and public testimony on the following interim charges:
- Identify and examine efforts to ensure that parents have a meaningful role in their children’s education. Recommend necessary changes in both independent school district board and open enrollment charter governing board governance to protect the right of parents to participate in their child’s education.
- Examine partnerships between K-12, higher education institutions, and employers that promote postsecondary and career readiness and identify current obstacles that public schools, higher education institutions, and employers face. Make recommendations to ensure career and technical education programs, internships, apprenticeships, and other opportunities are more accessible.
- Monitor and analyze the state policy on curriculum and instructional materials used in public schools.
Senate Finance – 7/11/22 at 10:00 AM
The committee will meet to hear invited and public testimony on the following interim charges:
- Federal Funds: Report on the state use of federal COVID-19 relief funds provided under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, the American Rescue Plan Act, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Acts, and similar federal legislation.
Senate Finance – 7/12/22 at 10:00 AM
The committee will meet to hear invited and public testimony on the following interim charges:
- Operation Lone Star: Monitor appropriations and spending supporting Operation Lone Star.
- Bail Bond Reform: Monitor the implementation of recent bail bond reform legislation along with its economic impact on the judicial and correctional system.
Agency Spotlight
Pension Review Board – 7/14/22 at 10:00 AM
Pension Review Board Investment Committee – 7/14/22 at 3:00 PM