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The Texas Water Development Board met to discuss several agenda items including EDAP and SWIFT funding.
Item 1. Discussion regarding outreach efforts and activities by the Board.

  • Not discussed

Item 13 (Discussed out of order). Consider authorizing the Executive Administrator to execute a Memorandum of Understanding between the Office of the Governor and the TWDB allowing for TWDB administration of $6.8 million in emergency appropriations. (Kaye Schultz)

  • Acknowledges that an emergency exists in flood management and flood plain monitoring systems
  • Installing additional stream gauges, restoring community assistance and flood grant coordination programs, and other related flood plain activities
  • These programs were reduced by 65% after 2011, would help boost these back up
  • Also provides for increased flood preparedness measures
  • Member Brunn asks if this would give these funds to TWDB to utilize
    • Yes
  • Brunn comments that stakeholder and public comment would be very useful, work session scheduled for December 14, memorandum will need to be adopted into rule
  • Motion to authorize memorandum approved

Item 2. Consider approving material changes to contracts for goods and services awarded under Chapter 2155 of the Texas Government Code executed during the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2015. (David Carter)

  • Extend the length or postpone contract for 6 months or more or increase consideration required by 10%
  • Motion to approve issuance of resolution approved

Item 3. Consider approving by resolution a request from the City of Pearland (Brazoria County) for a $61,200,000 loan from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund to finance the design and construction of an expansion of the Reflection Bay Water Reclamation Facility. (Nancy Richards)

  • Reclamation facility has exceeded capacity, will be expanded from 2 million gallons per day to 6 million gallons per day
  • Jackson comments that this has shorter life and shorter long-term
  • Brunn comments that estimated savings will by roughly $16 million with structure of loan
  • Motion to adopt approved

Item 4. Consider approving by resolution a request from the Mooreville WSC (Falls County) for a $731,000 grant from the Economically Distressed Areas Program to finance the construction of a project to develop a long-term reliable water supply. (Caaren Skrobarczyk)

  • Mooreville has completed PAD for projects originally granted to enhance water supply
  • Bids for project exceed projections, so Mooreville is coming to board to ask for additional funds
  • Requirements have been met
  • Motion to provide assistance approved

Item 5. Consider approving by resolution a request from the El Paso Utilities Public Service Board acting on behalf of the City of El Paso (El Paso County) for a grant in the amount of $2,800,000 from the Economically Distressed Areas Program to finance planning and design costs for a project that will provide first time wastewater service to the Montana Vista area. (Mireya Loewe)

  • Received commitment in 2014 for planning of first-time wastewater service, will provide service to 2,400 households
  • DSHS issued nuisance determinations for all areas, EL Paso is thus eligible for more than 50% grant and is requesting for $2,800,000 and reimbursement of some past planning funds
  • Jackson comments design will be completed in 2017
  • 2 cards registered in support, none wished to address board
  • Motion to provide assistance approved

Items 6-8 considered together.
Item 6. Consider affirming by resolution the commitment to provide financial assistance from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund to the Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 50 (Harris County) made in TWDB Resolution No. 15-018, and concurring in the Executive Administrator's environmental finding. (Chris Caran)
Item 7. Consider affirming by resolution the commitment to provide financial assistance from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund to the City of Fort Worth (Tarrant County) made in TWDB Resolution No. 14-106, and concurring in the Executive Administrator's environmental finding. (Katherine Calnan)
Item 8. Consider affirming by resolution the commitment to provide financial assistance from the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund to the Zavala County Water Control and Improvement District No.1 (Zavala County) made in TWDB Resolution No. 13-17, and concurring in the Executive Administrator's environmental finding. (William Alfaro)

  • Approved

Item 9. Briefing and discussion regarding the recommended financing structure for the State Water Implementation Fund for Texas Program's 2016 Funding Cycle. (Tom Entsminger)

  • Results from ongoing analysis of strategic planning model
  • For 2016, anticipating $1 billion bond issuance, $650 million in new project requests, also includes borrowers who received commitments in 2015 and are returning to board
  • Deferred loans and board participation have no additional subsidization
  • Dec. 1, 2015 is the opening date for the application process, will be posted to website within the hour
  • Jackson asks for explanation of multi-year loans
    • Some borrowers received commitment for total amount, but will come in yearly to close on certain portions, borrowers will take subsidy rates for the applicable year
  • Brunn asks if rates are 35% for low interest loans, 25% for 30 year loans
    • Yes
  • Brunn comments board originally thought $800 million would be available, looks like it will be able to distribute a bit more
  • Jackson highlights education workshops for SWIFT implementation
  • Brunn asks for 2016 funding timeline
    • Applications open through Feb. 5, then will prioritize applications in spring 2016, then will bring prioritized applications to board, who will then set subsidy and financing terms, bond sale in fall of 2016

Item 10. Consider authorizing the Executive Administrator to negotiate and execute contracts as approved and directed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) not to exceed a total amount of $33,468,280.35 for subgrants from FEMA's Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Program, within 120 business days from notification of award. (Kathy Hopkins)

  • Board is tasked to administer FMA program, TWDB was notified that 6 sub-applications were selected for further review
  • Proposed funding for these sub-applications was $32 million
  • Staff is seeking permission to negotiate and execute contracts for these applications
  • Jackson comments board received 20 applications, 17 were sent to FEMA, 6 were then identified for further review, asks what this meant
  • These applications were selected for the “pre-award” phase, i.e. FEMA determined applications meet requirements
  • Total number of applications has increased over previous years, flooding has increased demand
  • Motion to authorize approved

Item 11. Discussion on Interregional Conflict Mediation. (Todd Chenoweth)

  • Board received letter from Region D highlighting Marvin Nichols reservoir conflict between Region D and Region C
  • After determining interregional conflict existed, board directed mediation begin
  • Mediation resulted in an agreement stating Region C would remove Marvin Nichols reservoir conflict to 2070 in regional water plan and assist Region D in determining alternative sources
  • Both Regions have submitted revised regional water plans and agreed to conclusion

Item 12. Consider amending TWDB Resolution No. 15-104 for the reimbursement of the costs of additional loans through the issuance, sale and delivery of up to $18,300,000 in additional Water Financial Assistance General Obligation Bonds. (David Duran)

  • Will provide formal notice of intent and add additional loans to reimbursement section
  • Motion to amend approved

Item 14. Briefing and discussion on drought conditions in the state of Texas. (Mark Wentzel)

  • Presents charts showing drought status of Texas, state is in generally worse condition than it was in July 14, 2015, but El Niño has improved drought conditions as of Nov. 24, 2015
  • Mid September reservoirs were 80% full, now reservoirs in East Texas are doing very well, reservoirs in West Texas can be at half-capacity or bellow, most areas are improved from a month ago
  • National Weather Service expects drought to be improved by end of February due to El Niño
  • Brunn asks if there is a chance for continued improvement and all-time high
    • Yes, but conditions could worsen

Item 15. The Board will receive comments from the public.

  • No public comment received


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