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Over the past several years, the Toxicology Division of the TCEQ has established the Air Pollutant Watch List (APWL) to address air emissions in areas of the state where ambient air monitoring has indicated a potential health concern.  The purpose of the APWL is to reduce emissions by focusing TCEQ resources and heightening awareness for interested parties in areas of concern. 

The TCEQ Office of the Chief Engineer is providing an opportunity for public comment on the APWL protocol. The APWL protocol is a draft document that outlines the framework that the TCEQ will follow for APWL issues, such as listing and delisting of APWL areas.  The draft protocol may be accessed on the TCEQ’s APWL Website.  Comments on the draft APWL protocol must be received by 5:00 p.m. on January 24, 2011.

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