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This report covers TEA’s “HB 3 in 30” video on Board and District Goal Setting regarding Early Childhood and CCMR Plans, part of a video series on HB 3. The video can be found here.

This report is intended to give you an overview and highlight of the discussions on the various topics the committee took up. It is not a verbatim transcript of the hearing but is based upon what was audible or understandable to the observer and the desire to get details out as quickly as possible with few errors or omissions.



  • HB 3 requires boards to adopt detailed plans that achieve goals in:
    • early childhood literacy and mathematics proficiency and
    • college, career, and military readiness.
  • Early Childhood and CCMR plans will have two key checkpoints. One at 3rd grade and another at high school graduation.
  • Goals for EC-LM: It is best practice that plans include progress measures for PreK- 2nd grade to understand growth toward reading proficiency.
  • Goals for CCMR: HB 3 offers the opportunity to receive outcome bonuses for students demonstrating college, career, or military readiness. The goals for CCMR should reflect the multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate CCMR.


Requirements for All Plans

  • Must assign at least one district-level administrator or employee of the regional education service center to oversee the coordination of each plan.
    • This coordinator will oversee goal-setting, stakeholder engagement, appropriate implementation and submit the annual report to the board on their progress.
    • The superintendent or a board governance coach can help with coordination.
  • Set specific five-year goals
    • These must contain a baseline, a target, a population and a deadline.
    • Annual targets must be included.
    • The board will work with the superintendent to adopt these goals.
  • Be reviewed annually by the board at a public meeting
    • A monitoring calendar must be adopted and a multi-year schedule that describes the months during which interim updates on goals and plan progress measures are reported to the board.
    • These updates must contain: the board outcome goal and progress measure being monitored, the available data showing previous, current, and annual reporting periods, the annual and 5 year deadline targets, the superintendent’s evaluation of performance for the district and each applicable campus, and supporting documentation that evidences the evaluation and describes any needed next steps.
    • Post an annual report on district website which should have the following components visible:
      • 5- year board outcome goals that include annual targets, closing the gaps student groups’ annual targets, and progress measures that are predictive of the goal with annual targets.
      • Each campus’ plan with their specific targets for progress measures
      • Each campus’ school actions and implementation steps
      • Monitoring calendar
      • Annual/Interim updates reported to the board


Specific plan requirements for EC-LM

  • Annual goals for aggregate student growth on 3rd grade math and reading assessment
  • Annual goals for students in each group evaluated under closing the gaps domain (30 or more students in a group)
  • Targeted professional development for classroom teachers in kindergarten through 3rd grade for campuses that the board identifies as not meeting the plan’s goals and that considers the unique needs of students on bilingual education or special language needs programs
  • Annual goals may be set for students in bilingual or ESL programs; and
  • Requires professional development for classroom teachers in kindergarten through 3rd grade for campuses that the board identifies as not meeting the plan’s goals.
    • HB 3 requires all teachers and principals in kindergarten through 3rd grade to attend Reading Academies by 2021-2022


Specific plan requirements for CCMR

Annual goals for aggregate student growth on CCMR readiness

Annual goals for students in each group evaluated under closing the gaps domain (30 or more).


Plan Components- Developing Goals

  • Each campus will use the progress measures to create annual goals and targets for all student groups under the closing the gaps domain.
  • School boards need to adopt at least three outcome goals: one in early childhood literacy aligned to third grade STARR results, one in early childhood math aligned to 3rd grade STARR results, and one in CCMR aligned to graduates that meet readiness requirements.
  • The role is the board is to review and ultimately vote to adopt each plan.
  • Goal setting- goal setting templates are linked on the HB 3 in 30 website.
  • To track and monitor student progress, school districts should adopt progress measures that are predictive of the goal.
  • Each measure will be used to establish baselines and targets for each group under closing the gaps student groups.
    • Three EC Literacy progress measures were chosen for this presentation. As in many districts, there are three distinctive developmental literacy tools for PreK, kindergarten, and 1st through 3rd.
      • CIRCLE PM (PreK): this progress monitoring system provides an on-track measure for PreK students reading development and comprehension and provides activities for teachers that target specific skills based on assessment results.
      • TX-KEA (Kindergarten): provides the percentage of students on track for grade level literacy proficiency.
      • TRPI/Tejas Lee (1st-3rd): this tool shows percentage of students that are developed on literacy skills.
    • Three EC Math progress measures were chosen for this presentation.
      • CIRCLE PM (PreK): includes a math component and measures progress on skills such as counting and number identification.
      • TX-KEA (Kindergarten): includes a math section that align with the CIRCLE PM diagnostic and kindergarten objectives.
      • TEMI-O 2.0 (1st and 2nd grades): this tool measures math, problem-solving and computation. For 3rd grade, districts could use STARR interim assessments to monitor academic improvements.
    • Three CCMR progress measures were included in this presentation.
      • These three measures focus on looking at the percentage of students earning dual credit (college readiness), earing an industry based certification (career readiness), or those enlisting in the military (military readiness).


School Board Training Requirements

  • SB 1566 requires school board members to receive at least three hours of training on evaluating and improving student outcomes (EISO) every two years.
  • Updates to the rule incorporate training on HB 3 board adopted goals and plans in to the already required EISO training
    • This training will be available in early 2020
  • EISO training will continue to count as team building credit as long as all board members and superintendent are present for the entirety of the training.


Next Steps

  • All school systems are encouraged to start by engaging in an authorized board coach (LSG or XG).

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