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SB 1512 (Flores/Martinez) Relating to payment of costs related to the relocation of certain political subdivision utility facilities for state highway projects was signed by the Governor on 5/28. The bill amends the Transportation Code to require a utility to relocate a utility facility required by a state highway system improvement at the expense of the state under certain circumstances. The bill will be effective immediately.

SB 357 (Nichols/Canales) Relating to outdoor advertising signs regulated by the Texas Department of Transportation was sent to the Governor on 5/25. The bill amends the Transportation Code to limit the height of a commercial sign to 60 feet, excluding a cutout that extends above the rectangular border of the sign; and, maintains the 85-foot height limitations for commercial signs that existed on March 1, 2017. The bill includes an exemption from the limitation for signs regulated by a municipality certified for local control under an agreement with TxDOT.

HB 803 (Patterson/Paxton) Relating to financial reporting requirements of a toll project entity was reported was sent to the Governor on 5/28. The bill amends the Transportation Code by adding Section 372.054, which requires a toll project entity to publish a financial data report on their website, separate from the entity’s certified audited financial report.

HB 2830 (Canales/Hancock) Relating to certain requirements for and limitations on design-build contracts for highway projects of the Texas Department of Transportation was sent to the Governor on 5/24. The bill amends the Transportation Code to prohibit TxDOT from entering into more than six contracts, under the Scope of and Limitation on Contracts section, in each state fiscal biennium. The bill also amends section 223.245(a-5) to require a request for proposal to include a design approximately 30 percent complete, rather than schematic design 30 percent complete.

SB 198 (Schwertner/Canales) Relating to payment for the use of a highway toll project was sent to the Governor on 5/25. The bill amends the Transportation Code to require TxDOT to provide electronic toll collection customers with the option of automatic payment of tolls. The bill authorizes a toll project entity to provide a customer’s account information to another toll project entity for the purposes of customer service, toll collection, enforcement, or reporting requirements.

Archive - 86th Session

LBB Releases 2019 QAT Annual Report

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffDecember 16, 2019

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