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Yesterday the Texas Education Agency (TEA) informed superintendents and district administration about the opening of the application for the Texas Through-year Assessment Pilot (TTAP). The TEA also pointed out that this pilot activity should not be confused with other changes to the STAAR assessment planned for spring 2023. The statement from TEA continues:

Texas Through-year Assessment Pilot Overview

House Bill 3906, 86th Texas Legislature, 2019, among other changes to STAAR, required the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to develop and pilot an innovative, through-year assessment model as a possible replacement for the summative State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®). A through-year assessment model refers to a progress monitoring system that provides students multiple opportunities throughout the school year to demonstrate their mastery of the curriculum standards and to contribute to their summative performance level reported at the end of the year.

In response to this legislation, TEA has developed TTAP in collaboration with Texas educators, administrators, students, and families. The assessment pilot will include three, short testing opportunities—one each in the fall, winter, and spring. For the 2022–23 school year, the following grades and subjects will be piloted:

  • Grade 5 science
  • Grade 6 math
  • Grade 7 math
  • Grade 8 social studies

Participate in the Texas Through-year Assessment Pilot

All Texas public school districts and open-enrollment charter schools are encouraged to apply to participate in TTAP. The district-level application is now available and will close on April 29, 2022. The TTAP webpage contains details about the pilot’s structure and design. In addition, a webinar will be hosted on Tuesday, March 22, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. (CT) to provide more information about the pilot. Districts may register for the webinar here or on the TTAP webpage.

Please submit any questions regarding TTAP or the application process via the Student Assessment Help Desk.

Archive - 2012 & Earlier


HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffJuly 30, 2010

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