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Governor Greg Abbott has signed several bills from the 87th Regular Legislative Session this week, including:

  • HB 1927 (Schaefer) Relating to the carrying of a firearm by a person 21 years of age or older and who is not otherwise prohibited from possessing the firearm and to criminal offenses otherwise related to the carrying of a firearm. The bill will be effective on 9/1/21.
  • HB 5 (Ashby/Nichols) Relating to the expansion of broadband services to certain areas. The bill will be effective immediately.
  • HB 4 (Price/Buckingham) Relating to the provision and delivery of certain health care services in this state, including services under Medicaid and other public benefits programs, using telecommunications or information technology and to reimbursement for some of those services. The bill will be effective immediately.
  • HB 18 (Oliverson/Kolkhorst) Relating to establishment of the prescription drug savings program for certain uninsured individuals.
  • HB 133 (Rose/Kolkhorst) Relating to the provision of certain benefits under Medicaid and the Healthy Texas Women program, including the transition of case management for children and pregnant women program services and Healthy Texas Women program services to a managed care program. The bill will be effective on 9/1/21.
  • SB 6 (Hancock/Leach) Relating to liability for certain claims arising during a pandemic or disaster related to a pandemic. The bill will be effective immediately. The bill will be effective immediately.
  • SB 1155 (Nelson/King) Relating to the eligibility of certain events for funding under the Major Events Reimbursement Program. The bill will be effective on 9/1/21.

Abbott also signed HB 3979 into law noting the bill is a strong move to abolish critical race theory in Texas, but more must be done. The issue will be added to a special session agenda.

For a complete list of all bills signed: Bills Signed by the Governor

Abbott has signed several pieces of legislation and will be holding a signing ceremony for the following bills on Thursday, June 17th in San Antonio. Including:

  • SB 19 (Schwertner/Capriglione) Relating to prohibited contracts with companies that discriminate against the firearm or ammunition industries
  • SB 20* (Campbell/Hefner) Relating to carrying and storing a handgun or handgun ammunition by a hotel guest.
  • SB 550 (Springer/Spiller) Relating to the manner of carrying a handgun by a person who holds a license under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code.
  • HB 957 (Oliverson/Springer) Relating to local, state, and federal regulation of firearm suppressors.
  • HB 1500* (Hefner/Creighton) Relating to authority of the governor and certain political subdivisions to regulate firearms, ammunition, knives, air guns, explosives, and combustibles and certain associated businesses during certain disasters and emergencies.
  • HB 1927 (Schaefer/Schwertner) Relating to provisions governing the carrying of a firearm by a person who is 21 years of age or older and not otherwise prohibited by state or federal law from possessing the firearm and to other provisions related to the carrying, possessing, transporting, or storing of a firearm or other weapon; creating criminal offenses.
  • HB 2622 (Holland/Hall) Relating to the enforcement of certain federal laws regulating firearms, firearm accessories, and firearm ammunition within the State of Texas.

Governor Abbott will be joined for the bill signing ceremony by Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, Speaker Dade Phelan, Senators Donna Campbell, Brandon Creighton, Charles Schwertner, and Drew Springer, Representatives Giovanni Capriglione, Cole Hefner, Tom Oliverson, Matt Shaefer, David Spiller, and other members of the legislature, as well as representatives of the National Rifle Association.

*Bill yet to be signed.

Archive - 2013 to 2018

Health Care Hearings – October 3

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffOctober 3, 2014

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