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The House and Senate will reconvene on Monday, May 17, at 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. respectively.

Floor Deliberations: House Calendars & Senate Calendars

Committee Hearings: House & Senate

Video Broadcasts: House | Senate

End of Session Deadlines: Calendar

Bills on the Floor Spotlight

HB 545 (Thompson, Ed) relating to municipal annexation of certain rights-of-way was passed by the House as amended on 5/14 (117-25). The bill as amended allows municipalities to annex limited areas located next to roadways to facilitate law enforcement and emergency response, but this limited annexation does not increase a municipality’s ETJ. HB 545 will now move to the Senate for further deliberation.

HB 2275 (Zwiener) relating to the creation and uses of the critical infrastructure resiliency fund was passed out of the House as amended on 5/13 (108-37). The bill seeks to make grant funding available for hardening and weatherizing the state’s electric grid and water and wastewater systems and for the purchase of reserve power supply. HB 2275 will now move to the Senate for further deliberation.

HB 4472 (Landgraf / Bell, Cecil) relating to the Texas emissions reduction plan was passed by the House on 5/14 (117-27) with three amemdments. Amendments include abilitiy to contract for other studies, flexibilites to adjust initial vehicle limitations, and congestion and air quality reporting requirements. The bill will now move over to the Senate for futher consideration.

HB 4509 (Bonnen) relating to instruction on informed American patriotism in public schools was passed by the House as amended on 5/14 (104-37). Amendments on the floor added a definition for informed American Patriotism and adding certain materials to the curriculum under the bill. HB 4509 will now move to the Senate for further deliberation.

HB 4545 (Dutton) relating to the assessment of public school students and the purchase of certain instruction-related materials failed to pass by the House on 5/11 (62-78), It was then reconsidered on 5/13 and finally passed (82-63) with the following adopted amendments:

  • The adopted second reading floor amendment by Ken King strikes language on instruction-related purchase by the Commissioner in section one
  • The second reading floor amendment by Krause adopted removes outcome-based funding in section ten of the bill
  • The third reading adopted floor amendment by King, which was perfected when it was updated and adopted on 5/13 would:
    • Clarifies language on what supplemental language must provide, assist with or include by adding that a district may only provide supplemental instruction if funds for that purpose are provided to the district through federal stimulus dollars
    • Requires the Commissioner (shall, rather than may) to provide resources to districts to assist in the provision of an accelerated instruction program
    • Adds accelerated instruction as a recognized use of grant funds
    • Strikes language for non-compliance that would allow interventions or appointment of a conservatorship

SB 19 (Schwertner) was passed out of the House on 5/13 (86-60) and prevent state agencies from contracting with private entities unless the contract contains a disclaimer that the entity does not discriminate against a firearm entity or firearm trade association. SB 19 will now return to the Senate for concurrence or to resolve changes made by House amendments.

SB 1138 (Hughes) proposing a Legislative Budget Board study on streamlining public safety net programs was passed by the House as amended on 5/13 (89-63). Amendments were added in the House to add aspects to the study, including food insecurity and meeting the needs of program participants. SB 1138 will now return to the Senate for concurrence or to resolve changes made by House amendments.

SB 2081 (Menendez) relating to class size limits (not more than 22 students) for prekindergarten classes; passed the Senate on 5/12 (24-6) with one amendment which exempts charter schools. The bill will now move to the House for further consideration. Its companion in the House, HB 41 (Talarico) was passed by the House on 5/14 (77-65). That bill will now move to the Senate for further consideration.

Bills In/Heading to Conference Committee

SB 1 (Nelson/Bonnen) General Appropriations Bill.

  • Sens.: Nelson (Chair), Huffman, Kolkhorst, Nichols and Taylor
  • Reps.: Bonnen (Chair), Capriglione, González, Mary, Walle and Wilson

HB 5 (Ashby/Nichols) Relating to the expansion of broadband services to certain areas.

  • Sens.: Nichols (Chair), Hancock, Hinojosa, Perry and West
  • Reps.: Conferees: Ashby (Chair), Anderson, Morales, Christina, Paddie and Rose

HB 1927 (Schaefer/Schwertner) Relating to the carrying of a firearm by a person 21 years of age or older and who is not otherwise prohibited from possessing the firearm and to criminal offenses otherwise related to the carrying of a firearm.

  • Sens.: Schwertner (Chair), Birdwell, Hughes, Campbell and Creighton
  • Reps.: Schaefer (Chair), Burrows, Canales, Guillen and White

SB 13 (Birdwell/King) Relating to contracts with and investments in companies that boycott certain energy companies.

  • Sens.: Birdwell (Chair), Hughes, Lucio, Kolkhorst and Seliger
  • Reps.: P King (Chair), Darby, Guillen, Harless and Lucio

SB 295 (Perry/Minjarez) Relating to the confidential and privileged communications and records of victims of certain sexual assault offenses.

  • Sens.: Perry (Chair), Huffman, Nelson, Hughes and Kolkhorst
  • Reps.: Minjarez (Chair), Cole, Guillen, Morales Shaw and Raymond

SB 1438 (Bettencourt/Meyer) Relating to the effect of a disaster on the calculation of certain tax rates and the procedure for adoption of a tax rate by a taxing unit.

  • Sens.: Bettencourt (Chair), Perry, Hinojosa, Schwertner and Creighton
  • Reps.: Meyer (Chair), Burrows, Guillen, Metcalf and Noble
Archive - 2012 & Earlier

TCEQ Meeting February 9

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffFebruary 7, 2011
88th Interim v35

Spotlight on TEA Letters to Administrators

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffNovember 4, 2024

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