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The House and Senate will reconvene today at 10:00 am.

Video Broadcasts House | Senate

Today’s Calendars: House | Senate

Today is the last day for the House to consider local and consent SBs on 2nd & 3rd reading and ALL 3rd reading SBs/SJRs on the supplemental calendar. It is also the last day for the Senate to consider ALL bills & JRs on 2nd and 3rd reading.

As of the 2nd reading deadline last night, the House passed bills up to Page 7 of 13 from the 5/23 supplemental calendar, meaning the remaining 2nd reading bills will not advance to a 3rd reading vote today. For today, the House has posted a supplemental calendar including the fourteen 2nd reading bills passed yesterday, a local calendar, and addendum to the local calendar.

The Senate recessed at 1:35 am this morning and will reconvene at 10:00 am for their local calendar. Before the midnight deadline tonight, the Senate can take up any bill listed on the intent calendar in any order.


  • Wednesday, May 24, 2023 (135th day)
    • Last day for the House to consider local and consent Senate bills on 2nd and 3rd reading and all 3rd reading Senate bills and Senate joint resolutions on the supplemental calendar.
    • Last day for the Senate to consider all bills and joint resolutions on 2nd or 3rd reading. The Senate deadline for passing all bills and joint resolutions does not take into consideration the House deadline for passing Senate bills and joint resolutions. Realistically, to be eligible for consideration by the House under its end-of-session deadlines, Senate bills and joint resolutions must be passed by the Senate and received by the House before the 130th day.
  • Thursday, May 25, 2023, before midnight (136th day) Deadline for the House to distribute Senate amendments
  • Friday, May 26, 2023 (137th day) Last day for the House to act on Senate amendments (concur or request a conference committee)
    • Before midnight—House copies of conference committee report (CCR) on the general appropriations bill must be distributed (48-hour layout).
    • Before midnight—Senate copies of CCRs on tax, general appropriations, and reapportionment bills must be distributed (48-hour layout).

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