Texas HHSC is reducing the use of alternative devices as an approved method to clock in and clock out of for Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) required services. The phased reduction will begin Sept. 1, 2025, and end on Sept. 1, 2028.
Allowable percentages will scale down every Fiscal Year until 2028. By Sept. 1, 2028, program providers, financial management services agencies (FMSAs), including those approved as an EVV Proprietary System Operator (PSO), and Consumer Directed Services (CDS) employers, must limit the use of alternative devices for visit transactions to a maximum of 5% of their total visit transactions. For more details, see HHSC’s allowable percentage chart here. HHSC is intending to publish further details and a full policy in a future update.
EVV Alternative Device Reduction Schedule Beginning Sept. 1, 2025