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House Floor


HB 1500 (Holland) Relating to the continuation and functions of the Public Utility Commission of Texas and the Office of Public Utility Counsel, and the functions of the independent organization certified for the ERCOT power region. HB 1500 was passed in the House on 4/19 (140-1) with 1 amendment that would clarify allowable issues in ERCOT closed sessions. The bill will now move to the Senate for further discussion.

HB 1565 (Canales) Relating to the functions of the Texas Water Development Board and continuation and functions of the State Water Implementation Fund for Texas Advisory Committee. Finally passed in the House on 4/19 (141-4). The bill will now move to the Senate for further discussion.


HB 681 (Bell, Keith / King, Ken / Buckley / Shaheen / Morales, Eddie) Relating to virtual and off-campus electronic instruction at a public school, the satisfaction of teacher certification requirements through an internship teaching certain virtual courses, and the allotment for certain special-purpose school districts under the Foundation School Program. HB 681 is the safety net for SB 15 relating to virtual education passed last session. The bill was passed to engrossment on 4/19 with 1 amendment that would strike the removal of an expiration provision for remote or virtual certification. HB 681 will return to the floor for a final passage vote.

HB 900 (Patterson / Buckley / Burrows / Shaheen / Longoria / et al.) Relating to the regulation of library materials sold to or included in public school libraries. Passed to engrossment in the House on 4/19 (96-52). One amendment was adopted that would move compliance deadlines back, further clarify definitions of sexually explicit content, and state intent that the bill is not trying to remove books based on a constitutionally protected class. The bill will be brought back to the floor for a final passage vote.

HB 1416 (Bell, Keith / Dutton / Buckley / VanDeaver / King, Ken / et al.) Relating to accelerated instruction provided to public school students who fail to achieve satisfactory performance on certain assessment instruments. HB 1416 is a collection of changes for HB 4545 from the 87th Session. The bill was passed to engrossment in the House on 4/19 and will return to the floor for a final passage vote.

HB 1595 (Bonnen) Relating to the administration and investment of, and distribution and use of money from, certain constitutional and statutory funds to support general academic teaching institutions in achieving national prominence as major research universities and driving the state economy; redesignating the national research university fund as the Texas University Fund. HB 1595 was finally passed on 4/18 (136-11) and would restructure the current National Research University Fund into the Texas University Fund. The bill will now move to the Senate for further discussion.

HB 1662 (Burns) Relating to certain requirements and procedures regarding the posting of a school district’s employment policy on the district’s Internet website. HB 1662 was finally passed unanimously on 4/18 with one amendment that would change the timeline for posting from 10 days to 5 days. The bill will now move to the Senate for further discussion.

HB 1760 (Hefner) Relating to the prosecution of the offense of possessing a weapon in certain prohibited places associated with schools or postsecondary educational institutions. Passed out of the House on 4/18 (100-47), HB 1760 narrows the offense for carrying a weapon on premises where an activity sponsored by a school or postsecondary institution is being conducted only if the premises are owned and operated by the school or institution. The bill will now move to the Senate for further discussion.

Health Care

HB 916 (Ordaz / Slawson / Frank / Rose / Howard / et al.) Relating to health benefit plan coverage of prescription contraceptive drugs. HB 916 was finally passed on 4/18 (136-9) and would provide for a 3 month trial period for prescription contraceptives and a 12 month supply each subsequent time the enrollee obtains the same drug. The bill will now move to the Senate for further discussion.

HB 999 (Price / Guillen / Allison / Oliverson / et al.) Relating to the effect of certain reductions in a health benefit plan enrollee’s out-of-pocket expenses for certain prescription drugs on enrollee cost-sharing requirements. Passed to engrossment in the House on 4/19. The bill will return to the floor for a final passage vote.

HB 1898 (Jetton) Relating to a grant program to fund the provision by children’s hospitals of mental and behavioral health services to children in this state. HB 1898 was passed out of the House on 4/18 (128-16). The bill will now move to the Senate for further discussion.


HB 2416 (Paul / Thompson, Ed) Relating to creation of the gulf coast protection trust fund to be administered by the General Land Office. HB 2416 was passed out of the House on 4/18 (140-6). The bill will now move to the Senate for further discussion.


HB 2127 (Burrows) Relating to state preemption of and the effect of certain state or federal law on certain municipal and county regulation. HB 2127 was finally passed in the House on 4/19 (92-56). 38 amendments were offered on second reading and 2 were adopted that would narrow venue to the county where the municipality is located, prohibit future dog or cat sale ordinances, grandfather dog or cat sale ordinances existing before April 1, 2023, and allow for ordinances governing massage parlors. The bill will now move to the Senate for further discussion.

Senate Floor


SB 1397 (Schwertner) Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. The bill was voted out of the Senate (31-0) on 4/17 with no amendments. The bill will move to the House for further discussion.

SB 1659 (Schwertner) Relating to the sunset review process and certain governmental entities subject to that process. The bill was voted out of the Senate (31-0) on 4/18 with two amendments that change Sunset date of TDI/OPIC and removes language on Sunset’s authority to review agencies not subject to a Sunset date. 


SB 11 (Nichols) Relating to measures for ensuring safety and security in public schools, including measures related to certain student records and truant conduct. The bill was passed out of the Senate (31-0) on 4/19 with two amendments that add consultation with law enforcement and ensures DPS and law enforcement and emergency responders have accurate maps. The bill will move to the House for further discussion.

SB 1861 (Bettencourt) Relating to the provision of virtual education in public schools and to certain waivers and modifications by the commissioner of education to the method of calculating average daily attendance. The bill was voted out of the Senate (28-3) on 4/18 with two amendments that include adding virtual option as a last resort before student expulsion and excludes those enrolled in full time virtual from applying to the Fast Growth Allotment. The bill will move to the House for further discussion.

Health Care

SB 177 (Middleton) Relating to informed consent before the provision of certain medical treatments involving COVID-19 vaccination. The bill was voted out of the Senate (20-11) on 4/18 with no amendments. The bill will move to the House for further discussion.

SB 1140 (Schwertner) Relating to the adequacy and effectiveness of managed care plan networks. The resolution was voted out of the Senate (31-0) on 4/17 with no amendments. The resolution will move to the House for further discussion.

Environment, Transportation, & Energy

SB 1710 (Perry) Relating to universal service fund assistance to high cost rural areas and the uniform charge that funds the universal service fund. The bill was passed out of the Senate (30-1) on 4/19 with one amendment that removes the previous test in statute. The bill will move to the House for further discussion.

SB 785 (Birdwell) Relating to the ownership by a landowner of the geothermal energy and associated resources below the surface of the landowner’s land. The bill was passed out of the Senate (30-1) on 4/19 with one amendment that clarifies existing laws regarding heat/energy potential are not affected. The bill will move to the House for further discussion.

SB 1212 (Johnson) Relating to the interconnection and integration of distributed energy resources. The bill was voted out of the Senate (31-0) on 4/18 with two amendments that include adding an upper limit to the size of distributed energy resource, giving PUC discretion to move that upper limit, and removing municipally owned utilities and electric co-ops. The bill will move to the House for further discussion.

SB 1060 (Hughes) Relating to the adoption of political shareholder proposals by insurers and insurer holding companies, The bill was voted out of the Senate (19-12) on 4/18 with no amendments. The bill will move to the House for further discussion.

SCR 2 (Nichols) Extending the duty of the comptroller of public accounts under Section 7-c, Article VIII, Texas Constitution, to deposit certain tax revenue to the state highway fund. The resolution was voted out of the Senate (31-0) on 4/17 with no amendments. The resolution will move to the House for further discussion.

SB 1083 (King) Relating to insurer restrictions and duties regarding repair of a motor vehicle covered under an insurance policy. The bill was voted out of the Senate (29-2) on 4/17 with no amendments. The bill will move to the House for further discussion.


CSHB 1 (Bonnen/Huffman) General Appropriations Bill. The bill, as substituted, was voted out of the Senate (31-0) on 4/17 with no amendments. The bill will now move back to the House where the bill will most likely move to a conference committee of both chambers to resolve the differences.

SB 926 (Parker) Relating to certain temporary sales by a mixed beverage permit holder. The bill was voted out of the Senate (30-1) on 4/18 with no amendments. The bill will move to the House for further discussion.

SB 2284 (Middleton) Relating to the sale of distilled spirits to ultimate consumers by the holder of a distiller’s and rectifier’s permit. The bill was voted out of the Senate (24-6) on 4/18 with no amendments. The bill will move to the House for further discussion.

SB 1204 (Paxton) Relating to state and local government information technology infrastructure, information security, and data breach and exposure reporting. The bill was voted out of the Senate (31-0) on 4/17 with one amendment that requires an independent analysis of current operations.

Archive - 2012 & Earlier

SBOE Holds November Meeting

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffDecember 3, 2009
Archive - 2012 & Earlier

Spotlight on Bills

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffMay 25, 2011

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