The Legislative Budget Board (LBB) has released their LBB Staff Reports, as directed by House Speaker Straus, which could have been used to inform a Government Effectiveness and Efficiency Report (GEER). These reports do not provide recommendations but instead, in some areas, will offer options. Out of the 52 reports in the publication, 32 provide staff identified options to improve the efficiency of government programs and operations. To further highlight differences between these reports and the 2015 GEER Report, the 2015 GEER Report contained 49 analyses and 106 recommendations.
These reports are drafted as a point of reference for lawmakers and citizens and may also be used to support policy deliberations during the 85th Session.
Economic Development & Regulation
Implement Cost Sharing for Tourism Promotion Activities
Overview of Texas Insurance Associations
Fiscal Policy & Analysis
Further Reduce Reliance on General Revenue-Dedicated Accounts for Certification of the State Budget
Improve Available Information Regarding Funds Held Outside the State Treasury
Improve Transparency of Funding for the Health Professions Council
Overview of Enforcement and Collection of Hotel Occupancy Taxes on Short-Term Rental Properties
Overview of Issues Related to Appraisals of Dealer's Heavy Equipment Inventory
Overview of Oil and Gas Industry Contributions to the Texas Economy and State Revenue
Overview of State Funding of Convention Center Facilities Utilizing Qualified Hotel Projects
Overview of Texas Exports During Calendar Year 2015
Overview of the Texas Spending Limit
Government Operations & Employees
Abolish Certain Inactive or Duplicative Advisory Committees
Consolidate and Increase use of State-Owned Vehicle Maintenance Shops
Consolidate Contract Reporting Requirements to Increase Statutory Compliance and Improve Transparency
Improve State Agency Electronic Communication Practices and Reduce Paper Usage
Maximize Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Funds
Overview of Disaster Planning and Recovery
Support and Enforce Contracting Best Practices
Health & Human Services
Financing Options for the Early Childhood Intervention Program
Implement Prevention Strategies to Reduce Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
Improve Care Coordination in Medicaid
Improve Oversight and Implementation of Prior Authorization for Antipsychotic Medication in Medicaid
Improve the Cost-Effectiveness of Medical Transportation Services for Texas Medicaid Clients
Increase Access to Urgent Care Providers in Medicaid
Overview of Claims Administrator Contracts in the Texas Medicaid Program
Overview of Current Medicaid Hospital Payments and Healthcare Assessment Fees
Overview of Medicaid Managed-Care Fraud Identification and Investigations
Overview of Select Issues, Recommendations, and Agency Actions Related to Child Protective Services Transformation
Redirect Child Support for Children in Foster Care to Maximize Reimbursement of Foster Care Payments
Use Improved Data to Evaluate Rural Hospital Medicaid Funding
Higher Education
Align Eligibility for Certain Undergraduate Financial Aid Programs with the State's Higher Education Goals
Ensure Adequate Oversight of Dual Credit Programs to Maximize Effectiveness and Efficiency
Overview of Issues Impacting Financial Aid Award Notification
Justice & Public Safety
Estimated Net Costs of Technical Revocations from Community Supervision and Parole
Implementation of the Federal Prison Rape Elimination Act in Texas
Improve Transparency and Oversight of the Driver License Improvement Plan
Modify State Crime Lab Case Management Practices to Optimize Workload
Monitor Federal Regulations of Prison Telephone Rates that Affect Revenue to the Crime Victims Compensation Account
Overview of the Potential Effects of Raising the Age of Criminal Responsibility
Overview of the Review and Approval of New Drug Therapies in Correctional Managed Health Care
Strengthen Inspection and Training Functions of the Texas Commission on Jail Standards
Survey Results of Mental Health Services in Texas Jails
Natural & Cultural Resources
Apply Remaining Texas Water Resources Finance Authority Funds to Texas Water Development Board Debt Service
Improve the State’s Dam Infrastructure to Increase Public Safety
Increase Transparency of Revenue Sources Available to the Texas Animal Health Commission
Public Education
Clarify Disposition of Assets and Records in Charter School Closures
Overview of Public Charter School Facilities in Texas
Overview of Selected Issues Regarding Funding for Public School Transportation
Align State Transportation Policy to Reduce Traffic Fatalities
Improve Reporting of County Road and Bridge Funds
Provide State Funding for Seaport Capital Improvements
Use Excess Revenues to Pay Down Texas Mobility Fund Bond Debt
2017 LBB Staff Reports Released