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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that it will seek public comment as it moves toward nationwide implementation of the Medicare Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program.
By 2016, Medicare must implement competitive bidding or competitive bidding pricing for included items to non-competitive bidding areas. CMS is soliciting public comment on the methodology it would use to comply with the statute when using competitive bidding pricing information to adjust payment amounts in non-competitive bidding areas. In addition, CMS is requesting comments regarding ideas for potentially simplifying the payment rules and enhancing beneficiary access to items and services under the competitive bidding programs for certain durable medical equipment (DME) and enteral nutrition.
CMS is first requesting comments on several aspects that it would consider in developing a methodology to adjust DMEPOS fee schedule amounts or other payment amounts in non-competitive areas based on DMEPOS competitive bidding payment information. 
It is especially important to garner feedback from industry, stakeholders, and the public as CMS implements this provision of the law and adjusts prices of DMEPOS items in non-bidding areas. CMS is seeking input in several areas, including:

  • Do the costs of furnishing various DMEPOS items and services vary based on the geographic area in which they are furnished?
  • Do the costs of furnishing various DMEPOS items and services vary based on the size of the market served in terms of population and/or distance covered or other logistical or demographic reasons?
  • Should an interim or different methodology be used to adjust payment amounts for items that have not yet been included in all competitive bidding programs (for example, items such as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) devices that have only been phased into the nine Round 1 areas thus far)?

CMS is considering whether different payment rules for DME and enteral nutrients, supplies and equipment (enteral nutrition) should be considered under the competitive bidding programs. The current standard payment rules were written in the 1980s in an attempt to save money and depending on the item or payment class the item falls under, allow a purchase basis for certain items. These rules also allow a capped rental basis, with the beneficiary taking ownership of the capped rental equipment after 13 months of continuous use, or a continuous monthly rental basis where the monthly payments are not capped and continue for as long as medical necessity and Part B coverage continues.
Medicare allows additional payments for numerous supplies and accessories furnished for use with beneficiary-owned DME and enteral nutrition equipment. Complicated claims processing systems and edits are needed to count rental months, prevent duplicate payments for thousands of separately coded items, and track utilization of ongoing replacements of supplies and accessories.
CMS is seeking comments on whether it should consider simplifying the payment rules under competitive bidding programs for certain DME and enteral nutrition by making one monthly payment to the supplier for all related items and services needed each month. The monthly payments would continue as long as medical necessity for the covered items continued and the supplier would be responsible for furnishing all items and services needed each month. CMS is seeking input in several areas, including:

  • Are lump sum purchases and capped rental payment rules for DME and enteral nutrition equipment still needed?
  • Are there reasons why beneficiaries need to own expensive DME or enteral nutrition equipment?
  • Would there be any negative impacts associated with continuous bundled monthly payments for enteral nutrients, supplies, and equipment or for certain DME?

The ANPRM is currently on display at and will be published in the February 26, 2014 Federal Register. The deadline to submit comments is March 28, 2014.

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