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Today, Lt. Governor David Dewhurst appointed Senator Jane Nelson to serve as Chair of the Senate Finance Committee, named additional members of the Senate Finance Committee, and appointed members to the Legislative Budget Board. The committee will begin work in upcoming months in anticipation of the arrival of agency LARs (Legislative Appropriation Requests) in August and joint budget office hearings in September.

Senate Committee on Finance
Members named today: Sens. Jane Nelson (Chair), Brian Birdwell, Kelly Hancock, Robert Nichols, and Charles Schwertner.

*The Lt. Gov. press release points out the above mentioned Senators will replace Finance Committee members: Sens. Tommy Williams, Bob Deuell, Robert Duncan, and Glenn Hegar.

Legislative Budget Board
Members include: Sens. Jane Nelson, Craig Estes, Kevin Eltife, and Juan "Chuy" Hinojosa.  

The Board is co-chaired by the Lieutenant Governor and the Speaker of the House and also includes four Members of the House and four Members of the Senate. The House members include: Reps. Drew Darby, John Otto, Sylvester Turner, and John Zerwas.

Archive - 86th Session

Hall and Perry Appointed to Agriculture

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffJanuary 23, 2019

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