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The following state agency health care hearings have been scheduled between January 20 and February 9.
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
January 22, 2018 – 09:00 AM
4900 North Lamar Blvd., Health and Human Services Commission,
Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Room, Austin
AGENDA: Texas Brain Injury Advisory Council Legislative and Policy Committee January 22, 2018 9:00 a.m. Meeting Site: Health and Human Services Commission Brown-Heatly Building Public Hearing Room 4900 North Lamar Blvd. Austin, TX 78751 1. Call to order 2. Welcome and introductions 3. Approval of meeting minutes from October 16, 2017 4. Committee member updates 5. Review and discuss committee goals and future projects 6. Adjourn.
Additional Information Contact: Crystal Starkey, 512/206-5646
Department of State Health Services
January 22, 2018 – 10:00 AM
Department of State Health Services, 1100 West 49th Street, Tower Building, Room T607, Austin
Texas School Health Advisory Committee (TSHAC) The Advisory Committee will meet to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda: 1. Call meeting to order and introduction of members, staff, and guests. 2. Approval of the minutes from the September 11, 2017 TSHAC meeting. 3. Presentation on school health advisory council research by guest speaker, Eric Ratliff, PhD. 4. Discussion and possible action regarding policy recommendations on e-cigarettes for local school health advisory councils (Senate Bill 489, 85th Texas Legislative Session). 5. Updates from the Texas Education Agency, Texas Department of Agriculture, and Texas Department of State Health Services. 6. Update from the Texas Department of State Health Services on the status of the epinephrine auto-injector in Kindergarten through 12th grade school rules. 7. Discussion and possible action regarding the update from the Texas Education Agency regarding Fitnessgram'. 8. Discussion and possible action regarding recommendations for coordinated school health related to Fitnessgram'. 9. Discussion and possible action regarding new Coordinated School Health data websites. 10. Discussion and possible action regarding possible agenda topics for local school health advisory council meetings. 11. Discussion and possible action regarding the revised TSHAC document revision schedule. 12. Discussion and possible action regarding the next TSHAC meeting on April 23, 2018 and future TSHAC meeting dates. 13. Discussion regarding future TSHAC agenda topics and priorities. 14. Public comment. 15. Adjournment. Agenda items may be taken in any order at the discretion of the Presiding Officer. An individual who wishes to speak on an issue that falls under the Committee's jurisdiction shall be heard during the Public Comment agenda item. The Presiding Chair may establish and announce limitations on speakers, including time limits and when speakers may address the Committee. The limitations, if any, may vary from meeting to meeting. Texas Penal Code, Section 46.035(c) states: "A license holder commits an offense if the license holder intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carries a handgun under the authority of Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Texas Government Code, regardless of whether the handgun is concealed or carried in a shoulder or belt holster, in the room or rooms where a meeting of a governmental entity is held and if the meeting is an open meeting subject to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, and the entity provided notice as required by that chapter." Please note that this governmental meeting is, in the opinion of counsel representing the Health and Human Services Commission, an open meeting subject to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, and the Health and the Human Services Commission is providing notice of this meeting as required by Chapter 551. In addition, please note that the written communication required by Texas Penal Code, Sections 30.06 and 30.07, prohibiting both concealed and open carry of handguns by Texas Government Code, Chapter 411 licensees, will be posted at the entrances to this governmental meeting. Additional Information Contact: Crystal Beard, 512/776-7279
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
January 22, 2018 – 10:00 AM
4900 North Lamar Blvd., Health and Human Services Commission, Brown-Heatly Building, Room 1530, Austin
Bylaws Committee and Membership Committee AGENDA: Texas Brain Injury Advisory Council Bylaws Committee and Membership Committee January 22, 2018 10:00 a.m. Meeting Site: Health and Human Services Commission Brown-Heatly Building Room 1530 4900 North Lamar Blvd. Austin, TX 78751 1. Call to order 2. Welcome and introductions 3. Committee member updates 4. Review and discuss committee goals and future projects 5. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Crystal Starkey, 512/206-5646
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
January 22, 2018 – 10:00 AM
4900 North Lamar Blvd., Health and Human Services Commission, Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Room, Austin
Education and Awareness and Services and Supports Committee AGENDA: Texas Brain Injury Advisory Council Education and Awareness and Services and Supports Committee January 22, 2018 10:00 a.m. Meeting Site: Health and Human Services Commission Brown-Heatly Building Public Hearing Room 4900 North Lamar Blvd. Austin, TX 78751 1. Call to order 2. Welcome and introductions 3. Approval of meeting minutes from October 16, 2017 4. Committee member updates 5. Review and discuss committee goals and future projects 6. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Crystal Starkey, 512/206-5646
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
January 22, 2018 – 11:30 AM
4900 North Lamar Blvd., Health and Human Services Commission, Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Room, Austin
AGENDA: Texas Brain Injury Advisory Council January 22, 2018 11:30 a.m. Meeting Site: Health and Human Services Commission Brown-Heatly Building Public Hearing Room 4900 North Lamar Blvd. Austin, TX 78751 Conference Call: Call In: 1-877-226-9790 Guest Code: 7071613 This meeting will be webcast. To access the webcast, go to ed-meetings the day and time of the meeting. 1. Call to order 2. Welcome and introductions 3. Adoption of meeting minutes from October 16, 2017 4. Discussion of committee business a. Education and Awareness Committee b. Legislative and Policy Committee c. Services and Supports Committee d. Bylaws Committee and Membership Committee 5. Updates from the Health and Human Services Office of Acquired Brain Injury a. Introduction of new staff b. Update on the Texas Brain Injury Advisory Council (TBIAC) membership application process c. TBIAC bylaws update d. Update on H.B. 271, 85th Legislature, Regular Session, 2017 6. Review the 2017 TBIAC Report to the Executive Commissioner draft 7. Discussion on the 2018 TBIAC Report to the Legislature 8. Discussion on the TBIAC proposed amendments to Title 1, Texas Administrative Code, s351.825 9. Stroke Education Presentation 10. Public comment 11. Adjourn Contact: Questions regarding agenda items, content, or meeting arrangements should be directed to Crystal Starkey, Program Manager, Health and Human Services Commission, 512-206-5646, This meeting is open to the public. No reservations are required, and there is no cost to attend this meeting.  Additional Information Contact: Crystal Starkey, 512/206-5646
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
January 22, 2018 – 02:00 PM
4900 North Lamar Blvd., Health and Human Services Commission, Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Room, Austin
Texas Brain Injury Advisory Council Executive Committee AGENDA: Texas Brain Injury Advisory Council Executive Committee January 22, 2018 2:00 p.m. Meeting Site: Health and Human Services Commission Brown-Heatly Building Public Hearing Room 4900 North Lamar Blvd. Austin, TX 78751 1. Call to order 2. Welcome and introductions 3. Approval of meeting minutes from October 16, 2017 4. Committee member updates 5. Review and discuss committee goals and future projects 6. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Crystal Starkey, 512/206-5646
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
January 23, 2018 – 10:00 AM
4900 North Lamar Blvd., Health and Human Services Commission, Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Room, Austin
Texas Autism Council Agenda: Texas Autism Council January 23, 2018 10:00 a.m. Meeting Site: Health and Human Services Commission Brown-Heatly Building Public Hearing Room 4900 North Lamar Blvd. Austin, TX 78751 1. Welcome and introductions 2. Approval of the September 25, 2017, meeting minutes* 3. Chair and council member updates 4. Presentations: a. Health and Human Services Commission crisis intervention services for individuals with autism spectrum disorder b. Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board: Autism Training Grants 5. Charge to subcommittees: 2018 report to the Executive Commissioner 6. Public comment 7. Adjourn *Denotes action item Note: Council subcommittees will meet from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Additional Information Contact: 512/776-3465
Statewide Health Coordinating Council
January 23, 2018 – 10:00 AM
Department of State Health Services, 1100 West 49th Street, Moreton Building, Room M-618, Austin Texas Center for Nursing Workforce Studies (TCNWS) Advisory Committee
Teleconference: Call-in Number: 1-646-749-3122 Participant Passcode: 711-929-525 The Committee will meet to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda: 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Establish Quorum and Approval of Excused Absences 3. Review of January 23, 2018 Agenda 4. The following items are for discussion and possible action: a) Approval of Minutes of October 25, 2017 Meeting b) Home Health and Hospice Care Nurse Staffing Reports c) Governmental Public Health Nurse Staffing Reports 5. Final Announcements and Public Comment 6. Adjourn Texas Penal Code, Section 46.035(c) states: "A license holder commits an offense if the license holder intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carries a handgun under the authority of Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Texas Government Code, regardless of whether the handgun is concealed or carried in a shoulder or belt holster, in the room or rooms where a meeting of a governmental entity is held and if the meeting is an open meeting subject to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, and the entity provided notice as required by that chapter." Please note that this governmental meeting is, in the opinion of counsel representing the Health and Human Services Commission, an open meeting subject to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, and the Health and the Human Services Commission is providing notice of this meeting as required by Chapter 551. In addition, please note that the written communication required by Texas Penal Code, Sections 30.06 and 30.07, prohibiting both concealed and open carry of handguns by Texas Government Code, Chapter 411 licensees, will be posted at the entrances to this governmental meeting. Additional Information Contact: Pam Lauer, telephone (512) 776-6723, Texas Center for Nursing Workforce Studies, 1100 West 49th Street, Mail Code 1898, PO Box 14934
Texas Diabetes Council
January 24, 2018 – 07:00 PM
Hyatt Place Austin-North Central, 7522 North IH-35, Meeting Room 1, Austin
Advocacy and Outreach Committee. The Advocacy and Outreach Committee of the Texas Diabetes Council will meet, and, except with respect to Public Comment, may discuss and take action on, any of the following agenda items: 1. Call to Order, Welcome, and Introductions 2. Roll Call, Certification of Quorum 3. Consideration for Approval of Meeting Minutes – October 25, 2017 4. Continuous Glucose Monitoring Presentations – Medtronic 5. Review of Vision and Mission Statements of Texas Diabetes Council 6. State of Texas Legislative Update 7. American Diabetes Association Update on Advocacy Activities 8. Recent Articles on Diabetes Outcomes Research 9. Updates on Statewide Professional Diabetes Education Opportunities 10. Coordinating Calendar Items (upcoming Committee-related conferences, events, etc.) 11. Recommendations for Agenda Items for Next Meeting 12. Reminder of Date, Time, and Location of Next Meeting 13. Public Comment 14. Adjournment The Committee may go into a closed meeting on any agenda item under Government Code, s551.071 for legal consultation with, and advice from, its Attorney as permitted under s551.071 of the Texas Open Meetings Act (Act), Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapter D. Any closed, executive session will be convened in accordance with Subchapter E of the Act, and any Committee action on any item addressed in a closed meeting will be taken in an open meeting. At the discretion of the Committee Chair, agenda items may be taken in any order and public comment may be permitted in connection with any agenda item. An individual who wishes to speak on an issue that falls within the Committee's purview during time designated for Public Comment must notify the Committee Chair as instructed prior to the beginning of the meeting. The Chair may determine and announce the manner and time limits for participation, which may vary from meeting to meeting. Texas Penal Code, Section 46.035(c) states: "A license holder commits an offense if the license holder intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carries a handgun under the authority of Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Texas Government Code, regardless of whether the handgun is concealed or carried in a shoulder or belt holster, in the room or rooms where a meeting of a governmental entity is held and if the meeting is an open meeting subject to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, and the entity provided notice as required by that chapter." Please note that this governmental meeting is, in the opinion of Health and Human Services Commission counsel representing the Texas Diabetes Council and its Committees, an open meeting subject to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, and notice of this Advocacy and Outreach Committee meeting is being provided as required by Chapter 551. In addition, please note that the written communication required by Texas Penal Code, Sections 30.06 and 30.07, prohibiting both concealed and open carry of handguns by Texas Government Code Chapter 411 licensees, will be posted at the entrances to this governmental meeting. Additional Information Contact: Ashley Doyle, MPH, Diabetes Program Specialist, Diabetes Prevention and Control Branch
Texas Diabetes Council
January 25, 2018 – 09:00 AM
Department of State Health Services, 1100 West 49th Street, Tower Building, Room T607, Austin
Health Professionals and Outcomes Committee. The Health Professionals and Outcomes Committee of the Texas Diabetes Council will meet, and, except with respect to Public Comment, may discuss and take action on, any of the following agenda items: 1. Call to Order, Welcome, and Introductions 2. Roll Call, Certification of Quorum 3. Consideration for Approval of Meeting Minutes – October 26, 2017 4. Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) Curriculum and Criteria 5. Continuous Glucose Monitoring Presentations – Medtronic 6. Recent Articles on Diabetes Outcomes Research 7. Recommendations for Agenda Items for Next Meeting 8. Reminder of Date, Time, and Location of Next Meeting 9. Public Comment 10. Adjournment The Committee may go into a closed meeting on any agenda item under Government Code, s551.071 for legal consultation with, and advice from, its Attorney as permitted under s551.071 of the Texas Open Meetings Act (Act), Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapter D. Any closed, executive session will be convened in accordance with Subchapter E of the Act, and any Committee action on any item addressed in a closed meeting will be taken in an open meeting. At the discretion of the Committee Chair, agenda items may be taken in any order and public comment may be permitted in connection with any agenda item. An individual who wishes to speak on an issue that falls within the Committee's purview during time designated for Public Comment must notify the Committee Chair as instructed prior to the beginning of the meeting. The Chair may determine and announce the manner and time limits for participation, which may vary from meeting to meeting. Texas Penal Code, Section 46.035(c) states: "A license holder commits an offense if the license holder intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carries a handgun under the authority of Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Texas Government Code, regardless of whether the handgun is concealed or carried in a shoulder or belt holster, in the room or rooms where a meeting of a governmental entity is held and if the meeting is an open meeting subject to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, and the entity provided notice as required by that chapter." Please note that this governmental meeting is, in the opinion of Health and Human Services Commission counsel representing the Texas Diabetes Council and its Committees, an open meeting subject to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, and notice of this Advocacy and Outreach Committee meeting is being provided as required by Chapter 551. In addition, please note that the written communication required by Texas Penal Code, Sections 30.06 and 30.07, prohibiting both concealed and open carry of handguns by Texas Government Code, Chapter 411 licensees, will be posted at the entrances to this governmental meeting. Additional Information Contact: Jimi Ripley-Black, Information Specialist IV, Diabetes Prevention and Control Branch
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
January 25, 2018 – 10:00 AM
4900 North Lamar Blvd., Health and Human Services Commission, Brown-Heatly Buldg, Public Hearing Room, Austin
Intellectual and Developmental Disability System Redesign Advisory Committee Agenda: Intellectual and Developmental Disability System Redesign Advisory Committee January 25, 2017 10:00 a.m. Meeting Site: Health and Human Services Commission Brown-Heatly Building Public Hearing Room 4900 North Lamar Blvd. Austin, TX 78751 Texas Penal Code Section 46.035(c) states: "A license holder commits an offense if the license holder intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carries a handgun under the authority of Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Texas Government Code, regardless of whether the handgun is concealed or carried in a shoulder or belt holster, in the room or rooms where a meeting of a governmental entity is held and if the meeting is an open meeting subject to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, and the entity provided notice as required by that chapter." Please note that this governmental meeting is, in the opinion of counsel representing the Health and Human Services Commission, an open meeting subject to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, and the Health and the Human Services Commission (HHSC) is providing notice of this meeting as required by Chapter 551. In addition, please note that the written communication required by Texas Penal Code Sections 30.06 and 30.07, prohibiting both concealed and open carry of handguns by Texas Government Code Chapter 411 licensees, will be posted at the entrances to this governmental meeting. This meeting will be webcast. To access the webcast, go to ed-meetings the day and time of the meeting. 1. Introductions and Chair report 2. Review and adoption of October 26, 2017, meeting minutes (Vote required) 3. Discuss Government Code Chapter 534 requirements and next steps 4. Subcommittee updates a. Transition to Managed Care b. Day Habilitation and Employment Services c. System Adequacy 5. Lunch 6. Intellectual and Developmental Disability Pilot Managed Care lessons learned 7. System Redesign Annual Legislative Report 8. Break 9. Discuss Legislative Appropriation Request process for 86th Legislative Session 10. Home and Community-based Services Day Habilitation and Residential Remediation Plan 11. Public comment 12. Discuss April 2018 agenda topics 13. Adjourn and thank you Public comment may be taken on any agenda item. Additional Information Contact: Tony Moreno, 512/462-6278
Texas Diabetes Council
January 25, 2018 – 01:00 PM
Department of State Health Services, 1100 West 49th Street, Moreton Building, Room M-100, Austin
The Texas Diabetes Council will meet, and, except with respect to Public Comment, may discuss and take action on, any of the following agenda items: 1. Call to Order, Welcome, and Introductions 2. Roll Call, Certification of Quorum 3. Action on Absences 4. Consideration for Approval of Meeting Minutes – July 27 and October 26, 2017 5. Chair's Address on State Plan to Prevent and Treat Diabetes Priorities 6. Diabetes Prevention and Control Program Updates a. Report on Program Activities b. Public Information and Education on DSMES c. Community Diabetes Education Program Interventions 7. Continuous Glucose Monitoring Presentations – Abbott Diabetes Care and Medtronic 8. Texas State Agency Reports related to the State Plan to Prevent and Treat Diabetes a. Department of State Health Services b. Health and Human Services Commission/Texas Medicaid c. Texas Workforce Commission 9. Committee Reports and Possible Recommendations for Proposed Council Action: a. Health Professionals and Outcomes Committee -i. Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) Curriculum and Criteria -ii. Continuous Glucose Monitoring Presentations (Abbott and Medtronic) -iii. Recent Articles on Diabetes Outcomes Research b. Advocacy and Outreach Committee -i. Continuous Glucose Monitoring Presentations (Abbott and Medtronic) -ii. Texas Diabetes Council Vision and Mission Statement Review -iii. State of Texas Legislative Update -iv. American Diabetes Association Update on Advocacy Activities -v. Recent Articles on Diabetes Outcomes Research -vi. Updates on Statewide Professional Diabetes Education Opportunities 10. Member Announcements of Diabetes Resources 11. Recommendations for Agenda Items for Next Meeting 12. Reminder of Date, Time, and Location of Next Meeting 13. Public Comment 14. Adjournment The Council may go into a closed meeting on any agenda item under Government Code, s551.071 for legal consultation with, and advice from, its Attorney as permitted under s551.071 of the Texas Open Meetings Act (Act), Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapter D. Any closed, executive session will be convened in accordance with Subchapter E of the Act, and any Council action on any item addressed in a closed meeting will be taken in an open meeting. At the discretion of the Council Chair, agenda items may be taken in any order and public comment may be permitted in connection with any agenda item. Pursuant to 25 Texas Administrative Code s651.5, an individual who wishes to speak on an issue that falls under the Council's jurisdiction during time designated for Public Comment must notify the Council Chair as instructed prior to the beginning of the meeting. The Chair may determine and announce the manner and time limits for participation, which may vary from meeting to meeting. Texas Penal Code, Section 46.035(c) states: "A license holder commits an offense if the license holder intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carries a handgun under the authority of Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Texas Government Code, regardless of whether the handgun is concealed or carried in a shoulder or belt holster, in the room or rooms where a meeting of a governmental entity is held and if the meeting is an open meeting subject to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, and the entity provided notice as required by that chapter." Please note that this governmental meeting is, in the opinion of Health and Human Services Commission counsel representing the Texas Diabetes Council, an open meeting subject to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, and the Texas Diabetes Council is providing notice of this meeting as required by Chapter 551. In addition, please note that the written communication required by Texas Penal Code Sections 30.06 and 30.07, prohibiting both concealed and open carry of handguns by Texas Government Code, Chapter 411 licensees, will be posted at the entrances to this governmental meeting. Additional Information Contact: Melissa Cammack, MS, MCHES, Manager, Diabetes Prevention and Control Branch
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
January 26, 2018 – 09:00 AM
701 West 51st St., Health and Human Services Commission, John H. Winters Human Services Complex, Public Hearing Room, Austin
Drug Utilization Review Board AGENDA: Drug Utilization Review Board January 26, 2018 9:00 a.m. Meeting Site: Health and Human Services Commission John H. Winters Human Services Complex Public Hearing Room 701 West 51st St. Austin, TX 78751 This meeting will be webcast. To access the webcast, go to ed-meetings the day and time of the meeting. 1. Call to order 2. Approval of minutes from November 3, 2017 (Vote required) 3. Old business: Report on Health and Human Services Commission decisions on acceptance of the Drug Utilization Review (DUR) Board recommendations from the November 3, 2017, meeting 4. New business: Public comment on drug classes to be reviewed and clinical drug reviews to be reviewed for the Medicaid Preferred Drug List (PDL): a. Acne agents, oral b. Acne agents, topical c. Analgesics, narcotic long d. Analgesics, narcotic short e. Angiotensin modulator combinations f. Angiotensin modulators g. Antimigraine agents, other h. Antimigraine agents, triptans i. Bladder relaxant preparations j. H. pylori treatment k. Immunomodulators, atopic dermatitis l. Intranasal rhinitis agents m. Movement disorders n. Neuropathic pain o. Ophthalmics, anti-inflammatory/immunomodulator p. Phosphate binders q. Platelet aggregation inhibitors r. Progestins for cachexia s. Proton pump inhibitors t. Smoking cessation Public comment on new drugs to be reviewed for the Medicaid PDL: a. Gastrointestinal (GI) motility, chronic / Symproic b. Glucocorticoids, inhaled / Armonair Respiclick c. Glucocorticoids, inhaled / Trelegy Ellipta d. Glucocorticoids, oral / Zodex e. HAE treatments / Haegarda f. Hypoglycemics, insulin and related agents / Fiasp FlexTouch pen g. Hypoglycemics, insulin and related agents / Fiasp vial h. Hypoglycemics, insulin and related agents / Humalog Junior KwikPen i. Stimulants and related agents / Cotempla XR-ODT 5. Executive work session Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 531.071, and in accordance with Texas Administrative Code, Title 1, Part 15, Subchapter F, Section 354.1941(c)(2), the DUR Board may meet in executive session on one or more items listed under new business as permitted by the Texas Open Meetings Act. 6. Lunch 7. Announcements of drugs recommended for the Medicaid PDL 8. Retrospective DUR: Larry Dent, Pharm. D., BCPS, Conduent, LLC a. Report on recent retrospective DUR intervention sent for high dose attention deficit hyperactivity disorder medication management in youth b. Report on recent retrospective DUR intervention outcomes for GI management c. Retrospective DUR proposals: (Vote required) i. Hypertension management ii. Major depressive disorder management iii. Benzodiazepine anxiolytics and controlled sedative hypnotics 9. Prospective prior authorization proposals (clinical edits): Christina Faulkner, Pharm. D., Health Information Designs, LLC (Vote required) a. Proton pump inhibitors b. Topical retinoids 10. Retrospective drug use, criteria for outpatient use in Vendor Drug Program: Jennifer Seltzer, Pharm. D., University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy (Vote required) a. Fentanyl (inhalation/oral/transdermal) b. Gabapentin c. Hydrocodone Bitartrate/Hydrocodone Polistirex d. Ivacaftor (Kalydeco') and Lumacaftor/Ivacaftor (Orkambi') e. Calcineurin Inhibitors – Pimecrolimus (Elidel'), Tacrolimus (Protopic') f. Tramadol (Ultram') 11. Adjourn 12. Next meeting date: April 27, 2018. Additional Information Contact: Maribel Castoreno, 512/707-6112
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
January 26, 2018 – 09:00 AM
4900 North Lamar Blvd., Health and Human Services Commission, Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Room, Austin
AGENDA: Behavioral Health Advisory Committee January 26, 2018 9:00 a.m. Meeting Site: Health and Human Services Commission Brown-Heatly Building Public Hearing Room 4900 North Lamar Blvd. Austin, TX 78751 This meeting will be webcast. To access the webcast, go to ed-meetings the day and time of the meeting. 1. Welcome, opening remarks, and introductions 2. Approval of minutes for October 27, 2017, meeting and review of past action items 3. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Behavioral Health Services updates a. Statewide Behavioral Health Coordinating Council update b. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities update c. Staffing update d. Opioid response update e. Community collaborative grants update 4. Review revised Bylaws 5. Office of Disability Prevention for Children 6. Public comment 7. State Hospital Plan update 8. Medicaid-Housing Innovation Accelerator Program 9. Home and community based services-adult mental health 10. Subcommittee and committee reports a. Children and Youth Behavioral Health Subcommittee b. Data Subcommittee c. Rules Subcommittee d. Policy Subcommittee e. Self-Directed Care update f. Mental Health Condition and Substance Use Disorder Parity Workgroup g. Housing Subcommittee h. Block Grant Subcommittee 11. Public comment 12. Planning for next meeting 13. Action items and committee recommendations 14. Closing remarks Public comment may be taken on any agenda item. Additional Information Contact: Karissa Sanchez, 512/424-6631
Texas Medical Board
January 26, 2018 – 09:30 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 2, Suite 225, Austin
Texas State Board of Acupuncture Examiners Education Committee 1. Call to order and roll call. 2. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding requests to become approved providers. 3. Report from staff of continuing acupuncture education courses approved. 4. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding requests for approval of continuing acupuncture education courses. 5. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Laura Fleharty, 512/305-7174
Texas Medical Board
January 26, 2018 – 09:45 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 2, Suite 225, Austin
Texas State Board of Acupuncture Examiners Board Meeting 1. Full Board call to order and roll call. 2. Board Member Report. 3. Executive Director's Report. Legislative update Budget update Audit update Outreach update 4. Medical Director Report. 5. Consideration and possible action regarding pending litigation. 6. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding applicants appearing concerning eligibility. 7. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding applicants for a Texas Acupuncture License. 8. Review, discussion, and possible action regarding selected files and cases. 9. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding referrals from the Texas Physician Health Program. 10. Consideration and Approval of Non-Public Rehabilitation Orders and Modification Request/Termination Request of Non Public Rehabilitation Orders. 11. Consideration and Approval of Agreed Board Orders. 12. Consideration and Approval of Modification Request/Termination Request Orders. 13. Consideration and Approval of Reinstatement Request Orders. 14. Consideration and Approval of Nunc Pro Tunc Orders. 15. Consideration and Approval of Mediated Settlement Agreement Orders. 16. Consideration and Approval of Termination of Suspension Orders. 17. Consideration and Approval of Default Orders. 18. Consideration and Approval of Proposal for Decision. 19. Report on Temporary Suspension/Automatic Orders/Automatic Actions. 20. Consideration and approval of cease and desist orders. 21. Consideration and approval of Remedial Plans. 22. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding proposed rule amendments and rule review to 22 T.A.C. Chapter 183. a. s183.5 b. s183.25 23. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding adoption rule review and proposed amendments to 22 T.A.C. Chapter 183. a. s183.4 Licensure b. s183.19 Acupuncture Advertising c. s183.20 Continuing Acupuncture Education 24. Open forum for public comments. 25. Consideration and approval of October 6, 2017 Acupuncture Examiners Board Meeting Minutes. 26. Committee reports and the consideration and approval of committee action items. 27. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Laura Fleharty, 512/305-7174
Department of State Health Services
January 26, 2018 – 10:00 AM
Department of State Health Services, Central Office, 1100 West 49th Street, Moreton Building, Conference Room M-653, Austin
Promotor(A) Or Community Health Worker (Chw) Training And Certification Advisory Committee Agenda Please check in with Security – someone will escort you to the Conference Room. Members of the public may attend the meeting in person at the address above or access the meeting through conference call and webinar. Register for the webinar at: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions for joining the webinar. Welcome and introductions Approval of minutes (November 17, 2017) – *Action Item CHW Spotlight: Role of a CHW in Oral Health in a Colonia For Our Children – an HPV vaccination education for Hispanic parents Advisory Committee Sub-Committee Updates Committee Business -Vote will be to include subcommittee activities completed in 2017 in the annual report and to approve a list of activities proposed for 2018 – *Action Item Program Update Committee Member Sharing: What are your plans as a CHW or someone working with CHWs to help your community and fellow CHWs this year Public Comment New business for consideration at next meeting Adjourn Texas Penal Code, Section 46.035(c) states: "A license holder commits an offense if the license holder intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carries a handgun under the authority of Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Texas Government Code, regardless of whether the handgun is concealed or carried in a shoulder or belt holster, in the room or rooms where a meeting of a governmental entity is held and if the meeting is an open meeting subject to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, and the entity provided notice as required by that chapter." Please note that this governmental meeting is, in the opinion of counsel representing the Health and Human Services Commission, an open meeting subject to Chapter 551, Texas Government Code, and the Health and the Human Services Commission is providing notice of this meeting as required by Chapter 551. In addition, please note that the written communication required by Texas Penal Code Sections 30.06 and 30.07, prohibiting both concealed and open carry of handguns by Texas Government Code, Chapter 411 licensees, will be posted at the entrances to this governmental meeting. Additional Information Contact: Adriana Flores, 512/776-3860
Department of State Health Services
January 29, 2018 – 09:00 AM
Tenet Hospital of Providence, 3280 Joe Battle Blvd., El Paso
Governor's EMS and Trauma Advisory Council (GETAC) Injury Prevention and Public Education Committee Call to Order/Roll Call Welcome to new committee members Reading of the GETAC Vision and Mission Statements: GETAC Vision: A unified, comprehensive, and effective Emergency Healthcare System GETAC Mission: To promote, develop, and advance an accountable, patient-centered Trauma and Emergency Healthcare System. Review and approval of minutes from November 18, 2017 meeting Discussion and possible action on the following items: 1. Opioid poisoning "spectrum of prevention" tool 2. Update about pilot test of submersion report form 3. Update and work on Evidence-Based Childhood Drowning Prevention Fact Sheet 4. Review injury prevention observances and develop social media recommendations 5. Revision of the Texas Hospital-Based Injury Prevention Components document 6. Presentation format and criteria for presenting to the committee 7. Review the following palliative care documents: Palliative Care Guidelines (American College of Surgeons), Adult Comfort Care Order Set Sample (Vanderbilt University Medical Center), and the Best Practices Guide: Palliative Care for Review (American College of Surgeons) 8. Initiatives, programs, and potential research that might improve injury prevention efforts in Texas General Public Comment (Comment time may be limited at Chair's Discretion) Announcements Review and list agenda items for next meeting Future meeting dates All workday meetings are from 9:00 a.m. until noon. All quarterly meetings are from 1:00-2:30 p.m. Wednesday, February 14, 2018 – regular quarterly meeting in Austin Friday, April 20, 2018 – workday meeting in San Antonio Wednesday, May 9, 2018 – regular quarterly meeting in Austin Friday, July 27, 2018 – workday meeting in Amarillo Wednesday, August 22, 2018 – regular quarterly meeting in Austin Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Colin Crocker, 512/834-6700
Texas State Board of Pharmacy
January 30, 2018 – 09:00 AM
333 Guadalupe Street, Room 2-225, Austin
Interagency Prescription Monitoring Program Work Group Meeting Agenda I. Call to Order II. Review of Meeting Minutes Held October 31, 2017 III. Update on Program a) Statistics b) Threshold reporting c) Guidelines for potentially harmful prescribing and dispensing patterns IV. Wholesale Distributor Reporting V. User Registration of Licensees VI. Intern/Resident DEA number VII. Open Discussion VIII. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: BJ Slack, 512/305-8050
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
January 31, 2018 – 09:00 AM
701 West 51st St., Health and Human Services Commission, John H. Winters Human Services Complex, Public Hearing Rm, Austin
Aging Texas Well Advisory Committee AGENDA: Aging Texas Well Advisory Committee January 31, 2018 9:00 a.m. Meeting Site: Health and Human Services Commission John H. Winters Human Services Complex Public Hearing Room 701 West 51st St. Austin, TX 78751 This meeting will be webcast. To access the webcast, go to ed-meetings the day and time of the meeting. 1. Welcome and opening remarks: Dr. Michele Saunders, Committee Chair 2. Review and approve November 1, 2017, meeting minutes 3. Special topic: Age Friendly Cities: Dr. Laura Keyes, University of North Texas 4. Division reports a. Quality Monitoring Program: Jennifer Carrillo, Nurse IV b. Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program: Kate Layman, Senior Policy Advisor c. State Long-term Care Ombudsman: Patty Ducayet, Manager d. State Operated Facilities: Joy Borjes, Senior Advisor e. Access and Eligibility Services i. Aging and Disability Resource Centers, Community Access and Grants: Debbie Hall, Grant Coordinator ii. Area Agencies on Aging: Sue Fielder, Director f. Aging Services Coordination: Holly Riley, Manager 5. Ex-officio agency reports a. Department of State Health Services: Lynda Taylor, Alzheimer's Disease Program Coordinator b. Texas Workforce Commission: Tim Spong, Older Individuals Who Are Blind Program Specialist c. Department of Family and Protective Services: Dirk Sheridan, Community Engagement Lead for Adult Protective Services 6. Aging Texas Well Advisory Committee (ATWAC) updates and operations a. Updates on member vacancies: Cody Rothschild, ATWAC Liaison b. S.B. 1693, 85th Legislature, Regular Session, 2017, workgroup updates and timeline planning: Dr. Michele Saunders, Committee Chair 7. Roundtable: ATWAC member updates on relevant news from entities represented on ATWAC 8. Public comment 9. Wrap-up and next steps Public comment may be taken on any agenda item. Additional Information Contact: Cody Rothschild, 512/438-4157
The University of Texas System
January 31, 2018 – 10:00 AM
Health Professions Education Bldg, Room 3047 A&B College of Medicine, Texas A&M University, 8447 Riverside Pkwy, Bryan
Joint Admission Medical Program (JAMP) Council COMPLETE AGENDA (single space): The JAMP Council will convene a meeting on January 31, 2018, according to the following agenda. I. Discussion and possible action regarding the following agenda items: Approval of minutes of December 5, 2017 and January 17, 2018 meeting Review of criteria guidelines and processes for entry into & continued participation in JAMP Committee assignments and responsibilities Evaluation & Accountability Committee Update Academic Affairs Committee Update Routine budgetary issues, including possible amendments to the current budget Medical school interview process Issues raised by JAMP faculty directors related to above agenda items The date for next Council meeting II. Recess to convene Executive Session pursuant to the Texas Education Code, Section 51.8246(b) to discuss the education records or other personal information of individual students or the evaluation, eligibility, admission, or selection of individual students: Selection of 2018 JAMP applicants Review grades Student appeal(s) Student resignation(s) from JAMP Student dismissal(s) from JAMP III. Reconvene in open session to take action as appropriate on Executive Session items and adjourn Meeting Accessibility: Meetings of the Joint Admission Medical Program Council are open to the public except for executive session held in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. Persons interested in Council meetings and desiring communication or other special accommodations should contact the Board Office at least two working days prior to the meeting. The Board Office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding holidays, and contact information follows: phone (512) 499-4402; fax (512) 499-4425; email; 210 West Seventh Street, Austin, Texas 78701, or RELAY Texas (TTY: 7-1-1). CERTIFICATION: I certify that I have reviewed this document and that it conforms to all applicable Texas Register filing requirements. Karen Rabon Senior Associate General Counsel to the Board of Regents The University of Texas System 512/499-4402 January 17, 2018. Additional Information Contact: Paul Hermesmeyer, 512/499-4352
Texas Board of Occupational Therapy Examiners
February 2, 2018 – 09:00 AM
333 Guadalupe, Suite 2-510, Austin
1. Call to Order 2. Discussion and possible action on excusing board member absences 3. Public comment 4. Approval of Minutes of November 3, 2017 5. Discussion and possible action on the Executive Director's Report concerning fiscal and budgetary matters, performance measures, ongoing projects, agency personnel matters, Executive Council activity, and other agency business 6. Investigation Committee Report A. Review and possible action on Agreed Orders for Case #s: 16-122; 18-007; 18-034; 18-058 and 18-062 B. Discussion and possible action on the Investigation Committee meeting of January 11, 2018 C. Discussion and possible action on investigative activities to date 7. Discussion and possible action on adopting changes to proposed s362.1. Definitions, s372.1. Provision of Services, and s367.2. Categories of Education, and proposed new s363.3. Negotiated Rulemaking, s363.4. Alternative Dispute Resolution, and s367.4. Process for Selecting a Peer Organization to Evaluate and Approve Continuing Education Courses 8. Discussion and possible action on the OT Coordinator's Report. The Coordinator's Report may concern any items listed on the agenda and events that have occurred between this meeting and the Board's last meeting. 9. Discussion and possible action on the Presiding Officer's Report. The Presiding Officer's Report may concern any items listed on the agenda and events that have occurred between this meeting and the Board's last meeting. 10. Discussion and possible action on scheduling future Board meeting dates and agenda items for future consideration 11. Adjournment The Board may meet in closed session on any item listed above if authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. Additional Information Contact: Lea Weiss, 512/305-6900
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
February 7, 2018 – 01:30 PM
4900 North Lamar Blvd., Health and Human Services Commission, Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Room, Austin
Proposed Medicaid Payment Rates for the Medicaid Biennial Calendar Fee Review. Hearing.  The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will conduct a public hearing to receive public comment on proposed Medicaid payment rates for the Medicaid Biennial Calendar Fee Review.  The hearing will be held in compliance with Texas Human Resources Code §32.0282, which requires public notice of and hearings on proposed Medicaid reimbursements.  HHSC will broadcast the public hearing; the broadcast can be accessed at The broadcast will be archived and can be accessed on demand at the same website. Proposal.  The payment rates for the Medicaid Biennial Calendar Fee Review are proposed to be effective April 1, 2018, for the following services: Temporary Professional Services (“G Codes” – cancer screening, bone density screening, hemodialysis, sleep studies, emergency telehealth consultations, and radiation treatment); Hospital Outpatient Imaging ("G Codes” – cancer screening); Rural Hospital Outpatient Imaging ("G Codes” – cancer screening); Cardiovascular System Surgery; Physician Administered Drugs (Oncology); Physician Administered Drugs (Non-Oncology); Proton Therapy; Digestive System Surgery; Urinary System Surgery; and Access-to-Care. Methodology and Justification. The proposed payment rates were calculated in accordance with Title 1 of the Texas Administrative Code:   §355.8021, which addresses the reimbursement methodology for home health services; §355.8023, which addresses the reimbursement methodology for durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies (DMEPOS); §355.8061, which addresses outpatient hospital reimbursement; §355.8085, which addresses the reimbursement methodology for physicians and other practitioners; and §355.8441, which addresses the reimbursement methodologies for Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) services (known in Texas as Texas Health Steps). Briefing Package.  A briefing package describing the proposed payment rates will be available at  on or after January 24, 2018.  Interested parties may obtain a copy of the briefing package on or after January 24, 2018, by contacting Rate Analysis by telephone at (512) 730-7401; by fax at (512) 730-7475; or by e-mail at  The briefing package will also be available at the public hearing. Written Comments.  Written comments regarding the proposed payment rates may be submitted in lieu of, or in addition to, oral testimony until 5:00 p.m. the day of the hearing.  Written comments may be sent by U.S. mail, overnight mail, special delivery mail, hand delivery, fax, or e-mail. U.S. Mail: Health and Human Services Commission, Rate Analysis Department, Mail Code H-400, P.O. Box 149030, Austin, Texas 78714-9030. Overnight mail, special delivery mail or hand delivery: Health and Human Services Commission, Rate Analysis Department, Mail Code H-400, Brown-Heatly Building, 4900 North Lamar Blvd., Austin, Texas 78751-2316, Phone number for package delivery: 512-730-7401. Fax: Attention: Rate Analysis at (512) 730-7475. E-mail:
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
February 7, 2018 – 01:30 PM
4900 North Lamar Blvd., Health and Human Services Commission, Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Room, Austin
Proposed Medicaid Payment Rates for Private Duty Nursing Services. Hearing.  The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will conduct a public hearing to receive public comment on proposed Medicaid payment rates for Private Duty Nursing Services.  The hearing will be held in compliance with Texas Human Resources Code §32.0282, which requires public notice of and hearings on proposed Medicaid reimbursements.  HHSC will broadcast the public hearing; the broadcast can be accessed at The broadcast will be archived and can be accessed on demand at the same website. Proposal.  The payment rates for Private Duty Nursing Services are proposed to be effective April 1, 2018. Methodology and Justification. The proposed payment rates were calculated in accordance with Title 1 of the Texas Administrative Code: §355.8021, which addresses the reimbursement methodology for home health services; and §355.8441, which addresses the reimbursement methodologies for Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) services (known in Texas as Texas Health Steps). Briefing Package.  A briefing package describing the proposed payment rate will be available at  on or after January 24, 2018.  Interested parties may obtain a copy of the briefing package on or after January 24, 2018, by contacting Rate Analysis by telephone at (512) 730-7401; by fax at (512) 730-7475; or by e-mail at  The briefing package will also be available at the public hearing. Written Comments.  Written comments regarding the proposed payment rates may be submitted in lieu of, or in addition to, oral testimony until 5:00 p.m. the day of the hearing.  Written comments may be sent by U.S. mail, overnight mail, special delivery mail, hand delivery, fax, or e-mail. U.S. Mail: Health and Human Services Commission, Rate Analysis Department, Mail Code H-400, P.O. Box 149030, Austin, Texas 78714-9030. Overnight mail, special delivery mail or hand delivery: Health and Human Services Commission, Rate Analysis Department, Mail Code H-400, Brown-Heatly Building, 4900 North Lamar Blvd., Austin, Texas 78751-2316, Phone number for package delivery: 512-730-7401. Fax: Attention: Rate Analysis at (512) 730-7475. E-mail:

Archive - 2013 to 2018

Health Care Hearings – March 14

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffMarch 14, 2014

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