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The following legislative and state agency health care hearings have been scheduled between July 23 and August 12.
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
July 25, 2016 – 10:00 AM
1200 E. Anderson Lane Board Room, Austin
Uniform Pre-Nursing Curriculum Advisory Committee This meeting will be web-cast through the Coordinating Board's website at: 1. Call to order 2. Welcome 3. Approval of Minutes from June 6, 2016 meeting 4. Discussion of prerequisite variances among baccalaureate degree nursing programs 5. Review of preliminary legislative report 6. Determine need for future meetings and schedule 7. Adjournment. Bill Franz General Counsel Texas Penal Code Section 46.035(c) states: A license holder commits an offense if the license holder intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carries a handgun under the authority of Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code, regardless of whether the handgun is concealed or carried in a shoulder or belt holster, in the room or rooms where a meeting of a governmental entity is held and if the meeting is an open meeting subject to Chapter 551, Government Code, and the entity provided notice as required by that chapter." Thus, no person can carry a handgun and enter the room or rooms where a meeting of the THECB is held if the meeting is an open meeting subject to Chapter 551, Government Code. Please Note that this governmental meeting is, in the opinion of counsel representing THECB, an open meeting subject to Chapter 551, Government Code and THECB is providing notice of this meeting as required by Chapter 551. In addition, please note that the written communication required by Texas Penal Code Sections 30.06 and 30.07, prohibiting both concealed and open carry of handguns by Government Code Chapter 411 licensees, will be posted at the entrances to this governmental meeting. Additional Information Contact: Donna Carlin, 512/427-6241
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
July 25, 2016 – 10:00 AM
4900 North Lamar Blvd. (Health and Human Services Commission, Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing, Room), Austin
Palliative Care Interdisciplinary Advisory Council 1. Welcome and introductions 2. Review and approval of meeting minutes from April 15, 2016 (vote may be taken)* 3. Report overview 4. Council discussion of legislative report and proposed recommendations (vote may be taken)* a. Recommendation I: Promote the two-component definition of palliative care b. Recommendation II: Promote expansion of Supportive and Palliative Care (SPC) programs in Texas c. Recommendation III: Expand training, awareness, and continuing education related to SPC d. Recommendation IV: Promote the highest standards for quality e. Recommendation V: Provide model policies and protocols for SPC programs f. Other potential recommendations g. Final guidance for the report 5. Council discussion of proposed website, navigation, and governance (vote may be taken)* a. Site map and page features b. Discussion of proposed links and resources c. Website governance 6. Continuing education (vote may be taken)* 7. Next steps for the Council 8. Public comment 9. Action items for staff or member follow-up 10. Adjourn * Public comment will be taken on this agenda item. Contact: Questions regarding agenda items, content, or meeting arrangements should be directed to Jimmy Blanton, Director, Health and Human Services Commission, 512-380-4372, Additional Information Contact: Jimmy Blanton, 512/380-4372
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
July 26, 2016 – 01:00 PM
Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Room, 4900 North Lamar Blvd., Austin
Updates on issues related to Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program. Call-in: 1-877-226-9790 Access Code:  4791775. This meeting will be webcast. Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) conducts many stakeholder meetings on a variety of topics. Based on stakeholder feedback, HHSC is going to convene a consolidated meeting to reduce the number of meetings stakeholders need to attend. At this meeting, HHSC representatives will provide program updates on Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP).1. Welcome and introductions 2. Executive Commissioner's update on stakeholder input to improve member and provider experience 3. 1115 Transformation Waiver update 4. Program updates a. STAR b. CHIP c. STAR+PLUS d. STAR Health e. Medicaid and CHIP Dental Programs f. Duals Demonstration 5. Upcoming contract changes 6. Medicaid initiatives a. STAR Kids b. Medicaid for Breast and Cervical Cancer c. Adoption and Permanency Care Assistance d. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Pilot e. Senate Bill 760 implementation 7. Provider enrollment 8. Upcoming procurements 9. Managed care financial update 10. Health plan management update 11. Open discussion 12. Adjourn. Contact: Questions regarding agenda items, content or future meeting agenda topics should be directed to
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
July 27, 2016 – 01:00 PM
4900 North Lamar Blvd., Health and Human Services Commission, Brown-Heatly Building, Room 2530, Austin
The Intellectual and Developmental Disability System Redesign Advisory Committee Housing Subcommittee 1. Welcome and introductions 2. Approval of Intellectual and Developmental Disability System Redesign Advisory Committee, Housing Subcommittee meeting minutes from April 27, 2016 3. Update and presentation of Assistive Technology and Marketing 4. Update on Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Account and Special Needs Trust 5. Discuss future meetings dates and Agenda items 6. Adjourn Contact: Questions regarding Agenda items, content, or meeting arrangements should be directed to Jesse Rose Moorhead, Manager-Operations Support Unit, Utilization Management and Review, Access and Intake Division, Department of Aging and Disability Services, 512-438-5391, or This meeting is open to the public. No reservations are required, and there is no cost to attend this meeting. Additional Information Contact: Jesse Moorhead, 512/438-5391
Texas Diabetes Council
July 27, 2016 – 07:00 PM
Hyatt Place North Central, 7522 North IH-35, Meeting Rm 2, Austin
Advocacy and Outreach Committee The Committee will meet to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda: 1. Call to Order 2. Introductions 3. Approval of April 27, 2016 Meeting Minutes (Action item) 4. Health and Human Commission Rider 84: Texas Medicaid and Texas Diabetes Council Coordination and Report 5. Employee Retirement System Rider 14: Diabetes Prevention Program for ERS Participants 6. Texas Diabetes Council (TDC) Letter of Support for Access to Quality Diabetes Education Act of 2015 (H.R. 1726/S. 1345) 7. Cities Changing Diabetes Initiative 8. American Diabetes Association Advocacy Update 9. Diabetes Research Updates 10. Statewide Professional Diabetes Education Updates 11. Coordinating Calendar Items (Information about upcoming conferences, events etc.) 12. Next Meeting Date – October 26, 2016 13. Public Comments 14. Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Rita Ortega, 512/776-7111
Texas Diabetes Council
July 27, 2016 – 08:00 PM
Hyatt Place North Central, 7522 North IH-35, Meeting Rm 1, Austin
Medical Professionals Advisory Subcommittee. The Subcommittee will meet to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda: 1. Call to Order; and Welcome 2. Designate Recorder, Roll Call, and Mission Statement (Action Item) 3. Review and Approve April 27, 2016 Minutes (Action Item) 4. Algorithm Review, Discussion and Updates (Action Items) a. Minimum Practice Recommendations for Children (Action Item) b. Insulin Algorithm, Complicated Version (Action Item) c. Exercise Algorithm for Type 2 Diabetes Prevention and Therapy (Action Item) d. Diabetes Medical Nutrition Therapy and Prevention Algorithm For Adults (Action Item) e. Nutrition Section-Diabetes Tool Kit (Action Item) 5. Public Comments 6. Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Rita Ortega, 512/776-7111
Texas Diabetes Council
July 28, 2016 – 08:30 AM
Texas Department of State Health Services, 1100 West 49th St, Moreton Building, Room M-653, Austin
Outcomes Advisory Subcommittee.  The Subcommittee will meet to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda: 1. Call to Order, Welcome, and Introductions 2. Review and Approve April 28, 2016, Minutes (Action Item) 3. Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations Data (OSER) 4. College Station Medical Center DSME Program 5. Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Recognition Program 6. DSME Market Research Project 7. Health and Human Commission Rider 84: Texas Medicaid and Texas Diabetes Council Coordination and Report 8. Outcomes Research/Recent Articles 9. Public Comments 10. Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Rita Ortega, 512/776-7111
Texas Diabetes Council
July 28, 2016 – 09:00 AM
Texas Department of State Health Services, 1100 West 49th St, Tower Building, Room T-607, Austin
Medical Professionals Advisory Subcommittee. The Subcommittee will meet to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda: 1. Call to Order; and  Welcome 2. Designate Recorder, Roll Call, and Mission Statement (Action Item) 3. Review and Approve April 28, 2016 Minutes (Action Item) 4. Algorithm Review, Discussion and Updates (Action Items) a. Minimum Practice Recommendations for Children (Action Item) b. Insulin Algorithm, Complicated Version (Action Item) c. Exercise Algorithm for Type 2 Diabetes Prevention and Therapy (Action Item) d. Diabetes Medical Nutrition Therapy and Prevention Algorithm For Adults (Action Item) e. Nutrition Section-Diabetes Tool Kit (Action Item) 5. Public Comments 6. Adjournment.
Additional Information Contact: Rita Ortega, 512/776-7111
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
July 28, 2016 – 10:00 AM
4900 North Lamar Blvd., Health and Human Services Commission, Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing, Room, Austin
The Intellectual and Developmental Disability System Redesign Advisory Committee 1. Welcome and introductions 2. Review and adoption of April 28, 2016, meeting minutes (Vote required) 3. Legislative Report update 4. Home and Community-based settings requirements update 5. Public comment* 6. Health and Human Services Transformation update 7. Lunch 8. STAR Kids update 9. Subcommittee updates a. Day Habilitation and Employment Services b. Housing c. Quality d. Transition to Managed Care 10. Break 11. Discuss post-secondary education workgroup 12. Discuss membership term expirations and solicitation for applications process 13. Discuss next steps and Agenda items for October 27, 2016, meeting 14. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Sallie Allen, 512/424-6969
Texas Diabetes Council
July 28, 2016 – 11:00 AM
Texas Department of State Health Services, 1100 West 49th Street, Tower Building, 4th Floor, Room, T-607, Austin
Health Care Professionals Advisory Committee. The Committee will meet to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda: 1. Call to Order, Welcome, Introductions 2. Designate Recorder and Roll Call (Action Item) 3. Mission Statement 4. Review and Approve April 28, 2016, Minutes (Action Item) 5. Medical Professionals Advisory Subcommittee Report (Action Item) 6. Outcomes Advisory Subcommittee Report (Action Item) 7. Public Comments 8. Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Rita Ortega, 512/776-7111
Texas Diabetes Council
July 28, 2016 – 01:00 PM
Texas Department of State Health Services, 1100 West 49th St,
M-100, Austin
The Council will meet to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda: 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Action on Absences 4. Approval of April 28, 2016 Meeting Minutes (Action Item) 5. Chair's Address and Report 6. Presentations – Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) Rider 84: Texas Medicaid and Texas Diabetes Council Coordination to Improve Screening for Diabetes and Referral to Diabetes Self-Management Education among Medicaid Patients – Report to Legislature – Employees Retirement System of Texas (ERS) Rider 14: Diabetes Type 2 Prevention Program for ERS Participants – Report to Legislature 7. DSHS Diabetes Prevention and Control Program Manager's Report 8. Health Care Professionals Advisory Committee a. Medical Professionals Advisory Subcommittee – 1. Algorithm Review, Discussion and Updates — a. Minimum Practice Recommendations for Children (Action Item) — b. Insulin Algorithm, Complicated Version (Action Item) — c. Exercise Algorithm for Type 2 Diabetes Prevention and Therapy (Action Item) — d. Diabetes Medical Nutrition Therapy and Prevention Algorithm for Adults (Action Item) — e. Nutrition Section-Diabetes Tool Kit (Action Item) b. Outcomes Advisory Subcommittee – 1. Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations Data (OSER) – 2. College Station Medical Center DSME Program – 3. Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Recognition Program – 4. DSME Market Research Project – 5. Health and Human Services Commission Rider 84: Texas Medicaid and Texas Diabetes Council Coordination and Report (Action Item) – 6. Outcomes Research/Recent Activities 9. Advocacy and Outreach Committee a. Health and Human Commission Rider 84: Texas Medicaid and Texas Diabetes Council Coordination and Report (Action Item) b. Employees Retirement System Rider 14: Diabetes Prevention Program for ERS Participants c. Texas Diabetes Council (TDC) Letter of Support for Access to Quality Diabetes Education Act of 2015 (H.R. 1726/S. 1345) d. Cities Changing Diabetes Initiative e. American Diabetes Association Advocacy Update f. Diabetes Research Update g. Statewide Professional Education Updates h. Coordinating Calendar Items 10. Program Reports a. Public Information and Education b. Community Diabetes Projects 11. Agency Reports a. Department of Assistive & Rehabilitative Services b. Department of State Health Services c. Department of Aging and Disability Services d. Health and Human Services Commission/Texas Medicaid 12. Member Announcements 13. Public Comment (No Action Required) 14. Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Rita Ortega, 512/776-7111
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
July 29, 2016 – 09:00 AM
701 West 51st St., Dept of Aging and Disability Services, John H. Winters Building, Public Hearing Room, Austin
Drug Utilization Review Board 1. Call to order 2. Approval of Drug Utilization Review (DUR) Board minutes from April 29, 2016 (Vote required) 3. Old business: Report on Health and Human Services Commission decisions on acceptance of the DUR Board recommendations from the April 29, 2016, meeting 4. New business: Public comment on drug classes to be reviewed for the Medicaid Preferred Drug List (PDL)*: a. Alzheimer's agents b. Antihistamines, minimally sedating c. Antihypertensives, sympatholytic d. Antivirals, oral e. Calcium channel blockers f. Cephalosporins and related antibiotics g. Fluoroquinolones, oral h. Glucocorticoids, oral i. Immunosuppressives, oral j. Iron, oral k. Leukotriene modifiers l. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs m. Ophthalmic antibiotic/Steroid combinations n. Ophthalmic antibiotics o. Ophthalmics for allergic conjunctivitis p. Ophthalmics, anti-inflammatory q. Ophthalmics, glaucoma r. Otic anti-infectives and anesthetics s. Otic antibiotics t. Prenatal vitamins u. Skeletal muscle relaxants v. Steroids, Topical high w. Steroids, Topical low x. Steroids, Topical medium y. Steroids, Topical very high z. Ulcerative colitis Public comment on new drugs to be reviewed for the Medicaid PDL*: a. Acne Agents, Topical / Aczone gel with pump b. Antimigraine Agents, Triptans / Onzetra Xsail c. Antimigraine Agents, Triptans / Zembrace Symtouch d. Antipsychotics / Vraylar e. Cytokine & CAM Antagonists / Taltz f. Cytokine & CAM Antagonists / Xeljanz XR g. Hepatitis C Agents / Zepatier h. Hypoglycemics, Insulin / Humulin 500 U/M pen i. Intranasal Rhinitis Agents / Rhinocort Allergy OCT j. Intranasal Rhinitis Agents / Ticanase k. Stimulants & Related Agents / Adzenys XR ODT l. Stimulants & Related Agents / Dyanavel XR m. Stimulants & Related Agents / Quillichew ER 5. Therapeutic and clinical drug reviews and updates – Chris Andrews, Pharm.D., Magellan Medicaid Administration 6. Executive Work Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Chapter 531.071, and in accordance with Title 1, Texas Administrative Code, Part 15, Subchapter F, Section 354.1941(c)(2), the DUR Board may meet in executive session on one or more items listed under new business as permitted by the Texas Open Meetings Act. 7. Announcement of drugs recommended for the Medicaid PDL 8. Lunch 9. Retrospective DUR: Larry Dent, Pharm. D., BCPS, Xerox Heritage, LLC a. Report on recent retrospective DUR interventions sent: i. Stroke prevention ii. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder management b. Report on recent retrospective DUR interventions outcome: i. Atypical antipsychotics utilization review ii. Diabetes disease management c. Retrospective DUR proposals: (Vote required)* i. Atypical antipsychotics: Optimization of use ii. Benzodiazepine anxiolytics and controlled sedative hypnotics 10. Prospective prior authorization proposals (clinical edits): Christina Faulkner, Pharm. D., Health Information Designs, LLC (Vote required)* a. High and very high potency topical corticosteroid agents b. Opiate/benzodiazepine/muscle relaxant combination update 11. Retrospective drug use, criteria for outpatient use in Vendor Drug Program: Jennifer Seltzer, Pharm. D., University of Texas at San Antonio (Vote required)* a. COX-2 inhibitors b. Ketorolac c. Mecasermin d. Nonsedating antihistamines e. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NDAIDs) f. Skeletal muscle relaxants 12. Adjourn 13. Next meeting date: October 14, 2016 *Public comment will be taken on this agenda item. Additional Information Contact: Maribel Castoreno, 512/707-6112
Department of State Health Services
July 29, 2016 – 10:00 AM
Department of State Health Services, DSHS Central Office, Moreton Building, Conference Room M-204,, 1100 West 49th Street, Austin
Promotor(a) or community health worker (chw) training and certification advisory committee Please check in with Security – someone will escort you to the Conference Room. Members of the public may attend the meeting in person at the address above or access the meeting through conference call and webinar. Register for the webinar at: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions for joining the webinar. Welcome and introductions. Approval of minutes (May 20, 2016). *Action Item Public comment. CHW Spotlight: CHWs and the Impact of Technology. CHW Affinity Group. CHW Reimbursement: Summary – Medicaid Finance Research. CHW Evaluation Survey 2016: Mid-year Update. Advisory Committee Workgroups Updates. Process for Officer Nominations. Committee Business. *Action Item – Review and recommend to DSHS applications for certification of training institutions. Program Update. Committee Member Sharing: Think about a situation where someone in your community who didn't know about or have any experience with a CHW recently had the opportunity to work with CHWs. Share a bit about their experience. What did they learn from the CHW(s) What did the CHW(s) learn New business for consideration at next meeting. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Beverly MacCarty, 512/776-6663
Texas Medical Board
July 29, 2016 – 12:00 PM
333 Guadulupe, Tower 2, Suite 225, Austin
Texas Board of Respiratory Care Board Meeting 1.Full Board call to order and roll call. 2.Board Member Report. 3.Executive Director's Report Legislative update Budget update Outreach update Building badges Email Committees Election 4.Medical Director Report. 5.Consideration and possible action regarding pending litigation. 6.Workload report. 7.Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding renewals involving impaired licensees. 8.Review, discussion, and possible action regarding selected files and cases. 9.Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding Agreed Orders. 10.Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding proposed new rules to 22 T.A.C. Chapter 186. Respiratory Care Practitioners, '186.1 – 186.29. 11.Open forum for public comments. 12.Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Angel Johnson, 512/305-8099
Texas Health and Human Services Committee
August 5, 2016 – 08:00 AM
Brown Heatly Building, Room 5155 , 4900 N. Lamar Blvd., Austin
Proposed Medicaid Payment Rates for Small and Large, State-Operated Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability. Hearing.  Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will conduct a public hearing on Aug. 5, 2016, at 8 a.m. to receive public comment on the proposed interim per diem Medicaid reimbursement rates for small and large, state-operated Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability (ICF/IID) operated by the Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS). The hearing will be held in compliance with Texas Human Resources Code §32.0282 and Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Title 1, §355.105(g), which require that public hearings be held on proposed reimbursement rates before such rates are approved by HHSC. Proposal.  As the single state agency for the state Medicaid program, HHSC proposes the following interim per diem reimbursement rates for small and large, state-operated ICF/IIDs  operated by DADS, to be effective Sept. 1, 2016: Small State-Operated ICF/IID Facilities – Proposed interim daily rate:  $719.85; Large State-Operated ICF/IID Facilities – Medicaid Only clients – Proposed interim daily rate:  $850.69; Large State-Operated ICF/IID Facilities – Dual-eligible Medicaid/Medicare clients – Proposed interim daily rate:  $821.21. HHSC is proposing these interim rates so that adequate funds will be available to serve individuals residing in these facilities.  The proposed interim rates account for actual and projected increases in costs to operate these facilities. Methodology and Justification.  The proposed rates were determined in accordance with the rate setting methodologies codified as 1 TAC Chapter 355, Subchapter D, §355.456(e), relating to Reimbursement Methodology. Briefing Package.  A briefing package describing the proposed payment rates will be available on July 22, 2016.  Those interested may also obtain a copy of the briefing package before the hearing by contacting Rate Analysis by telephone at 512-730-7401; by fax at 512-730-7475; or by email at  The briefing package will also will be available at the public hearing.  Written Comments.  Written comments regarding the proposed payment rates may be submitted instead of, or in addition to, oral testimony until 5 p.m. the day of the hearing.  Written comments may be sent by U.S. mail, overnight mail, special delivery mail, hand delivery, fax, or email: U.S. Mail: Texas Health and Human Services Commission, Rate Analysis Department, Mail Code H-400, P.O. Box 149030, Austin, Texas 78714-9030. Overnight mail, special delivery mail or hand delivery: Texas Health and Human Services Commission, Rate Analysis Department, Mail Code H-400, 4900 North Lamar, Austin, Texas 78751-2316. Phone number for package delivery:  512-730-7401. Fax : Attention:   Rate Analysis at 512-730-7475. Email
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
August 11, 2016 – 01:30 PM
Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Room, 4900 North Lamar Blvd., Austin
Proposed Medicaid Payment Rates for the Medical Policy Review of Gynecological and Reproductive Health Services. Hearing.  The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will conduct a public hearing to receive public comment on proposed Medicaid payment rates for the Medical Policy Review of Gynecological and Reproductive Health Services.  The hearing will be held in compliance with Texas Human Resources Code §32.0282, which requires public notice of and hearings on proposed Medicaid reimbursements.  HHSC also will broadcast the public hearing; the broadcast can be accessed at  The broadcast will be archived and can be accessed on demand at the same website. Proposal.  The payment rates for the Medical Policy Review of Gynecological and Reproductive Health Services are proposed to be effective October 1, 2016. Methodology and Justification. The proposed payment rates were calculated in accordance with 1 TAC §355.8121, which addresses the reimbursement methodology for Ambulatory Surgical Centers. Briefing Package.  A briefing package describing the proposed payment rates will be available at on or after July 28, 2016.  Interested parties may obtain a copy of the briefing package before the hearing by contacting Rate Analysis by telephone at 512-730-7401; by fax at 512-730-7475; or by e-mail at  The briefing package will also be available at the public hearing. Written Comments.  Written comments regarding the proposed payment rates may be submitted instead of, or in addition to, oral testimony until 5 p.m. the day of the hearing. Written comments may be sent by U.S. mail, overnight mail, special delivery mail, hand delivery, fax, or e-mail: U.S. Mail: Texas Health and Human Services Commission, Attention: Rate Analysis, Mail Code H-400, P.O. Box 149030, Austin, Texas 78714-9030. Overnight mail, special delivery mail, or hand delivery: Texas Health and Human Services Commission, Attention: Rate Analysis, Mail Code H-400, Brown-Heatly Building, 4900 North Lamar, Austin, Texas 78751. Phone number for package delivery: 512-730-7401. Fax : Attention:  Rate Analysis at 512-730-7475. E-mail:
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
August 11, 2016 – 01:30 PM
Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Room, 4900 North Lamar Blvd., Austin
Proposed Medicaid Payment Rates for the Additional Benefit Review of Remote Cardiovascular Telemetry (93229). Hearing.  The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will conduct a public hearing to receive public comment on proposed Medicaid payment rates for the Special Review of Remote Cardiovascular Telemetry (93229).  The hearing will be held in compliance with Texas Human Resources Code §32.0282, which requires public notice of and hearings on proposed Medicaid reimbursements.  HHSC also will broadcast the public hearing; the broadcast can be accessed at The broadcast will be archived and can be accessed on demand at the same website. Proposal.  The payment rates for the Additional Benefit Review of Remote Cardiovascular Telemetry (93229) are proposed to be effective July 1, 2016.  Methodology and Justification. The proposed payment rates were calculated in accordance with 1 TAC: §355.7001, which addresses the reimbursement methodology for telemedicine, telehealth, and home telemonitoring services. §355.8085, which addresses the reimbursement methodology for physicians and other practitioners. §355.8441, which addresses the reimbursement methodology for Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) services (known in Texas as Texas Health Steps). Briefing Package.  A briefing package describing the proposed payment rates will be available at on or after July 28, 2016.  Interested parties may obtain a copy of the briefing package before the hearing by contacting Rate Analysis by telephone at 512-730-7401; by fax at 512-730-7475; or by e-mail at  The briefing package will also be available at the public hearing.  Written Comments.  Written comments regarding the proposed payment rates may be submitted instead of, or in addition to, oral testimony until 5 p.m. the day of the hearing. Written comments may be sent by U.S. mail, overnight mail, special delivery mail, hand delivery, fax, or e-mail: U.S. Mail: Texas Health and Human Services Commission, Attention: Rate Analysis, Mail Code H-400, P.O. Box 149030, Austin, Texas 78714-9030. Overnight mail, special delivery mail, or hand delivery: Texas Health and Human Services Commission, Attention: Rate Analysis, Mail Code H-400, Brown-Heatly Building, 4900 North Lamar, Austin, Texas 78751. Phone number for package delivery: 512-730-7401. Fax : Attention:  Rate Analysis at 512-730-7475. E-mail:
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
August 11, 2016 – 01:30 PM
Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Room, 4900 North Lamar Blvd., Austin
Proposed Medicaid Payment Rates for the Medicaid Biennial Calendar Fee Review. Hearing.  The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will conduct a public hearing to receive public comment on proposed Medicaid payment rates for the Medicaid Biennial Calendar Fee Review.  The hearing will be held in compliance with Texas Human Resources Code §32.0282, which requires public notice of and hearings on proposed Medicaid reimbursements.  HHSC also will broadcast the public hearing; the broadcast can be accessed at  The broadcast will be archived and can be accessed on demand at the same website. Proposal.  The payment rates for the Medicaid Biennial Calendar Fee Review are proposed to be effective October 1, 2016, for the following services: Female Genital System Surgery, General and Integumentary System Surgery, Orthotic Procedures and Devices, Physician Administered Drugs, Vaccines, and Toxoids, Physician Administered Oncology Drugs, Respiratory Therapists. Methodology and Justification. The proposed payment rates were calculated in accordance with 1 TAC:   §355.8021, which addresses the reimbursement methodology for home health services and durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies. §355.8085, which addresses the reimbursement methodology for physicians and other practitioners. §355.8441, which addresses the reimbursement methodology for Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) services (known in Texas as Texas Health Steps). §355.8641, which addresses the reimbursement methodology for Women's Health Program. Briefing Package.  A briefing package describing the proposed payment rates will be available at on or after July 28, 2016.  Interested parties may obtain a copy of the briefing package before the hearing by contacting Rate Analysis by telephone at 512-730-7401; by fax at 512-730-7475; or by e-mail at  The briefing package will also be available at the public hearing. Written Comments.  Written comments regarding the proposed payment rates may be submitted instead of, or in addition to, oral testimony until 5 p.m. the day of the hearing. Written comments may be sent by U.S. mail, overnight mail, special delivery mail, hand delivery, fax, or e-mail: U.S. mail, overnight mail, special delivery mail, hand delivery, fax, or e-mail: U.S. Mail: Texas Health and Human Services Commission, Attention: Rate Analysis, Mail Code H-400, P.O. Box 149030, Austin, Texas 78714-9030. Overnight mail, special delivery mail, or hand delivery: Texas Health and Human Services Commission, Attention: Rate Analysis, Mail Code H-400, Brown-Heatly Building, 4900 North Lamar, Austin, Texas 78751. Phone number for package delivery: 512-730-7401. Fax : Attention:  Rate Analysis at 512-730-7475. E-mail:
-End of Report-

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