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The folowing legislative and state agency hearings have been scheduled betwen June 21 and July 11.

Texas Health and Human Services Commission
June 23, 2014 – 01:00 PM
701 West 51st St., DADS, Winters Bldg, Public Hearing Rm, Austin
STAR+PLUS Quality Council 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Adoption of prior meeting minutes (vote required)* 4. Consideration and adoption of report recommendations (vote required)* 5. Other business: a. Relating to past meeting minutes b. Relating to the Council legislative charge c. Relating to STAR+PLUS quality d. Relating to future meetings 6. Adjournment *Public comment will be taken following each item, after a staff presentation, and/or before a vote on an action item. Additional Information Contact: Charles Bredwell, 512/462-6337

Senate Open Government Committee
June 23, 2014 – 01:00 PM
Capitol Building – Room 2E.20
The Senate Committee on Open Government will take up the following interim charge: Charge 2 – Review and make recommendations on improving the transparency of information available on state websites regarding state expenditures, reports, and contracts, including a comparison of how similar information is provided by other states. The Committee will hear invited and public testimony. Public testimony will be limited to 3 minutes. If submitting written testimony, please provide 10 copies with your name on each. Contact: Amber Weed – 512-463-7733

Texas Health and Human Services Commission
June 24, 2014 – 09:00 AM
Children's Medical Center , Ambulatory Pavilion, Independence Conference Room, First Floor, 2350 Stemmons Freeway, Dallas
STAR+PLUS Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Provider Training. Beginning September 1, 2014, certain individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) who are covered by Medicaid will receive their basic medical services, or acute care, through a STAR+PLUS managed care health plan.  The Texas Health and Human Services Commission is holding provider trainings across the state to educate providers who serve individuals with IDD on STAR+PLUS managed care and what changes to expect. Dallas service area managed care organizations will be present to answer questions. You can learn more about the expansion of managed care here: Agenda:1. STAR+PLUS Medicaid managed care program overview 2. Delivery of acute care services for the following people through STAR+PLUS: a. People who live in a community-based intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions (ICF-IID) b. People who receive services in a DADS IDD waiver, including: i. Home and Community-based Services (HCS) ii. Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS) iii. Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD) iv. Texas Home Living (TxHmL) 3. Coordination of acute care services through STAR+PLUS and long-term services and supports through the Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) 4. Questions and Answers 5. Adjourn Contact: Michelle Zook, Communications Specialist, Health and Human Services Commission, 512-730-7437,
Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners
June 24, 2014 – 09:00 AM
333 Guadalupe Street, Tower III, Room 100, Austin
Licensure and Education Committee Meeting agenda the Licensure and Education Committee of the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners will consider and act, if necessary, on matters within the jurisdiction of the Committee which are listed on this agenda. The Committee may meet from time-to-time in executive session during a meeting with respect to the agenda items below as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.071 of the Government Code, to receive legal advice. Licensure and Education Committee Business Kenya Woodruff, J.D. 1. Discussion and recommendation to Rules Committee concerning probationary CE – resolution of conflicting language between 73.2(a) and 73.5. 2. Discussion and recommendation to Rules Committee on modification of Rule 75.3 (regarding whether personal statement of applicant must be from that person) 3. Discussion and recommendation to Rules Committee concerning granting an exemption from requirements of Out-of-Facility practice rule for Designated Doctors 4. Discussion and recommendation to Rules Committee concerning a recommendation from Board staff to modify Rule 74.3 to require DCs/facility owners that are shutting down a business to notify the Board in writing within 30 days of closure and provide custodian of records contact information. 5. Discussion and recommendation to Rules Committee concerning a recommendation from Board staff to require licensees/facility owners under Rule 75.3 to notify Board upon receiving deferred adjudication. 6. Discussion and recommendation to Rules Committee concerning a clarification of Rule 75.8 to indicate that the licensee and facility owner are both responsible for posting the public information placard and current annual registration certificate. 7. Discussion and recommendation to Rules Committee concerning a recommendation from Board staff requiring facility owner under Rule 80.1 to notify the Board in writing within ten days of hiring a graduate and to provide indentifying information. 8. Discussion and recommendation to Rules Committee concerning additional clarity in whether new licensees are required/not required to take Medicare without regard to status as currently expressed in Rules 73.3 (b)(2)(A)(iii), 73.3 (d)(1)(4), and 73.4. (d). 9. Discussion and recommendation to Rules Committee concerning any other rule involving licensure and education that may require modification, change or deletion as contemplated by the comprehensive rule restructure process. Additional Information Contact: Mary Feys, 512/305-6901
Correctional Managed Health Care Committee
June 24, 2014 – 10:00 AM
200 River Pointe Dr., Suite 200, Training Room, Conroe
Correctional Managed Health Care Committee I.Call to Order II.Recognitions and Introductions III.Consent Items 1.Approval of Excused Absences 2.Approval of CMHCC Meeting Minutes, March 18, 2014 3.TDCJ Health Services Monitoring Reports Operational Review Summary Data Grievance and Patient Liaison Statistics Preventive Medicine Statistics Utilization Review Monitoring Capital Assets Monitoring Accreditation Activity Summary Active Biomedical Research Project Listing Administrative Segregation Mental Health Monitoring 4.University Medical Directors Reports The University of Texas Medical Branch Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center 5.Summary of CMHCC Joint Committee / Work Group Activities IV.Update on Financial Reports V.Summary of Critical Correctional Health Care Personnel Vacancies 1.Texas Department of Criminal Justice 2.Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center 3.The University of Texas Medical Branch VI.Medical Directors Updates 1.Texas Department of Criminal Justice Health Services Division FY 2014 First Quarter Report 2.Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center 3.The University of Texas Medical Branch VII.Correctional Dentistry Update Brian Tucker, DDS Dental Director, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center VIII.Public Comments IX. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Marsha Brumley, 936/437-3542
Sunset Advisory Commission
June 24, 2014 – 10:00 AM
1400 Congress Avenue, Senate Finance Committee, Room E1.036, Capitol Extension Building, Austin
1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Staff Presentation and Public Testimony – University Interscholastic League 4. Staff Presentation and Agency Response -Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services -Department of Family and Protective Services -Department of State Health Services -Department of Aging and Disability Services. Additional Information Contact: 512/463-5561
Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners
June 24, 2014 – 01:00 PM
333 Guadalupe Street, Tower II, Room 225, Austin
Rules Committee Meeting agenda the Rules Committee of the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners will consider and act, if necessary, on matters within the jurisdiction of the Committee which are listed on this agenda. The Committee may meet from time-to-time in executive session with respect to the agenda items as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Government Code. Rules Committee Business Larry Montgomery, D.C. 1. Discussion and recommendation for Board concerning a recommendation from Board staff on Rule 75.17(a)(3) to bring the rule into harmony with a court ruling. 2. Discussion and recommendation for Board concerning modification of Rule 75.9 to conform to statutory language under Tex. Occ. Code – 201.507. 3. Discussion and recommendation for Board concerning modification of Rule 80.1 as suggested by a representative of Parker University. 4. Discussion and review of recommendation from L&E Committee concerning probationary CE – resolution of conflicting language between 73.2(a) and 73.5. 5. Discussion and review of recommendation from L&E Committee concerning modification of Rule 75.3 (regarding whether personal statement of applicant must be from that person) 6. Discussion and review of recommendation from L&E Committee concerning granting an exemption from requirements of Out-of-Facility practice rule for Designated Doctors 7. Discussion and review of recommendation from L&E Committee concerning a recommendation from Board staff to modify Rule 74.3 to require DCs/facility owners that are shutting down a business to notify the Board in writing within 30 days of closure and provide custodian of records contact information. 8. Discussion and review of recommendation from L&E Committee concerning a recommendation from Board staff to require licensees/facility owners under Rule 75.3 to notify Board upon receiving deferred adjudication. 9. Discussion and review of recommendation from L&E Committee concerning a clarification of Rule 75.8 to indicate that the licensee and facility owner are both responsible for posting the public information placard and current annual registration certificate. 10. Discussion and review of recommendation from L&E Committee concerning a recommendation from Board staff requiring facility owner under Rule 80.1 to notify the Board in writing within ten days of hiring a graduate and to provide indentifying information. 11. Discussion and review of recommendation from L&E Committee concerning additional clarity in whether new licensees are required/not required to take Medicare without regard to status as currently expressed in Rules 73.3 (b)(2)(A)(iii), 73.3 (d)(1)(4), and 73.4. (d). 12. Discussion and recommendation for Board concerning the requirement for an inactive licensee to return to active status once every 5 years as currently provided in Rule 73.4. Review L&E Committee discussion concerning 20 year period for inactive license and requirement to retake Part IV of the jurisprudence examination prior to returning to active status. 13. Discussion and recommendation for Board concerning the four (4) required Board hours as presently required under Rule 73.7. 14. Discussion and recommendation for Board concerning modification of Rule 75.17(e)(2)(O) to clarify that the scope of practice includes the referral of care to health care providers with a scope of practice distinct from chiropractic. Additionally, discuss separation of scope of practice rule into scope of practice and scope of prohibitions as contemplated in the Draft Comprehensive Rule Restructure Proposal. 15. Discussion and recommendation for Board concerning modification of Rule 75.6(c) to clarify that the 15 days requirement for a doctor to respond includes the requirement to provide documents although a single extension of 30 days is to be liberally provided but further extensions are to be considered upon a showing of just cause and diligence in responding to the Board's request. 16. Discussion and recommendation for Board concerning harmonizing specialties as described under Rule 71.15 (including deletion of the rule) and Rules 77.2 concerning publicity and 77.5 concerning misleading terms with the Chiropractic Act. 17. Discussion and recommendation for Board concerning procedures and guidelines for handling patient records after the death of a chiropractor and/or facility owner. 18. Discussion and recommendation for Board concerning a recommendation from Board staff to modify Rule 75.13 to clarify that disciplinary aspects for written reprimands and adding language to clarify that administrative penalty is a disciplinary action 19. Discussion and review of recommendation from L&E Committee concerning any other rule involving licensure and education that may require modification, change or deletion as contemplated by the comprehensive rule restructure process. Additional Information Contact: Mary Feys, 512/305-6901
Sunset Advisory Commission
June 25, 2014 – 9:00 AM
Capitol Extension Bldg, Room E1.036, 1400 Congress Ave, Austin
1. Public Testimony – Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services -Department of Family and Protective Services -Department of State Health Services -Department of Aging and Disability Services 2. Other Business 3. Adjournment.
Additional Information Contact: 512/463-5561
Department of State Health Services
June 25, 2014 – 10:00 AM
Austin State Hospital Campus, West Auditorium, Building 582, 4110 Guadalupe Street, Austin
House Bill 3793 Advisory Panel The Advisory Panel will meet to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda: I. Call Meeting to Order II. Opening Remarks and Member Introduction III. Meeting Overview and Approval of Minutes from the May 28, 2014 Meeting IV. Discussion on Standards and Methodologies V. Lunch Break VI. Discussion on Standards and Methodologies, Continued VII. Public Comment VIII. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Tamra Boyd, 512/206-5056
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
June 25, 2014 – 11:00 AM
1200 East Anderson Lane, Room 1.170, Austin
Committee on Academic and Workforce Success Note: time of meeting will be 11:00 am or upon adjournment of the Committee on Affordability, Accountability and Planning Meeting whichever occurs later. Public Testimony: The presiding chair shall designate whether public testimony will be taken at the beginning of the meeting, at the time the related item is taken up by the Board after staff has presented the item, or any other time as determined by the presiding chair. For procedures on testifying please go to I. Welcome and Committee Chair's meeting overview II. Consideration of approval of the minutes from the March 26, 2014, Committee meeting III. Consideration of approval of the Consent Calendar IV. Public Testimony on Agenda Items V. Matters relating to the Committee on Academic and Workforce Success A. Report to the Committee from The University of Texas System on: (1) The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley's establishment of the new institution (2) The University of Texas at Austin's establishment of the new Dell Medical School B. Report to the Committee on Activities of the Norman Hackerman Advanced Research Program C. Report to the Committee on Activities of the Lower-Division Academic Course Guide Manual Advisory Committee D. Consideration of adopting the Undergraduate Education Advisory Committee's recommendation to the Committee relating to the implementation of the 60-SCH limit for associate degrees E. Consideration of adopting the ApplyTexas Advisory Committee's recommendation to the Committee relating to the Cost Effectiveness of a Common Application for Nursing F. Consideration of adopting the Family Practice Residency Advisory Committee's recommendation to the Committee relating to the distribution of funds trusteed to the Coordinating Board to support family practice residency programs for Fiscal Year 2015 and the report on trusteed funds distributed in Fiscal Year 2014 G. Consideration of adopting the Certification Advisory Council's recommendation to the Committee relating to the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) being recognized as an accrediting agency in Texas H. Consideration of adopting the staff recommendation to Committee relating to requests for a new degree program: Sam Houston State University (1) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree with a major in Forensic Science Texas A&M University (2) Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree with a major in Family Nurse Practitioner Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi (3) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree with a major in Geospatial Computing Sciences Texas Tech University (4) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree with a major in Educational Leadership via distance education Texas State University (5) Master of Science (MS) degree with a major in Engineering University of Houston (6) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree with a major in Hospitality Administration (7) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree with a major in Higher Education Leadership and Policy Studies (8) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree with a major in Curriculum and Instruction University of Houston – Clear Lake (9) Doctor of Education (EdD) degree with a major in Curriculum and Instruction I. Consideration of adopting the staff recommendation to the Committee relating to issuance of a Request for Applications and the awarding of grants for the Graduate Medical Education Planning Grants Program J. Consideration of adopting the staff recommendation to the Committee relating to issuance of a Request for Applications and the awarding of grants for the Graduate Medical Education Unfilled Positions Program and the New and Expanded Program Grants K. Consideration of adopting the staff recommendation to the Committee relating to issuance of a Request for Applications and the awarding of grants for the Graduate Medical Education Resident Physician Expansion Program L. Consideration of adopting the staff recommendation to the Committee relating to issuance of a Request for Applications and the awarding of grants for the Primary Care Innovation Program M. Consideration of adopting the staff recommendation to the Committee relating to issuance of a Request for Applications and the awarding of grants for the Nursing, Allied Health and Other Health-related Education Grant Program N. Consideration of adopting the staff recommendation to the Committee relating to the issuance of a cost extension for a grant awarded to the University of North Texas under the Minority Health Research and Education Grant Program O. Proposed Rules: (1) Consideration of adopting the Commissioner's recommendation to the Committee relating to the proposed amendments to Chapter 4, Rules Applying to All Public Institutions of Higher Education in Texas, Subchapter D, Dual Credit Partnerships between Secondary Schools and Texas Public Colleges, Sections 4.81 and 4.85 of Board rules concerning the dual credit eligibility requirements (H.B. 5, 83rd Texas Legislature, Regular Session) (2) Consideration of adopting the Commissioner's recommendation to the Committee relating to the proposed amendments to Chapter 4, Rules Applying to All Public Institutions of Higher Education in Texas, Subchapter G, Early College High Schools, Section 4.155 of Board rules concerning early college high school student eligibility requirements (3) Consideration of adopting the Commissioner's recommendation to the Committee relating to the proposed amendments to Chapter 9, Program Development in Two-Year Public Colleges, Subchapter A, Definitions, Section 9.1 of Board rules concerning the definitions (4) Consideration of adopting the Commissioner's recommendation to the Committee relating to the proposed amendments to Chapter 9, Program Development in Two-Year Public Colleges, Subchapter D, Transferable Academic Courses, Section 9.75 of Board rules concerning compensatory education courses (5) Consideration of adopting the Commissioner's recommendation to the Committee relating to the proposed amendments to Chapter 9, Program Development in Two-Year Public Colleges, Subchapter E, Certificate and Associate Degree Programs, Section 9.93 of Board rules concerning the approval of certificate and associate degree programs in the state of Texas (6) Consideration of adopting the Commissioner's recommendation to the Committee relating to the proposed amendments to Chapter 9, Program Development in Two-Year Public Colleges, Subchapter G, Contractual Agreements, Section 9.121, 9.123, 9.124, and 9.126 of Board rules concerning the accurate reference to an accrediting body (7) Consideration of adopting the Commissioner's recommendation to the Committee relating to the proposed amendments to Chapter 9, Program Development in Two-Year Public Colleges, Subchapter H, Partnerships between Secondary Schools and Public Two-Year Colleges, Sections 9.141, 9.142, 9.143, and 9.146 and new Section 9.147 of Board rules concerning partnerships between secondary schools and public two-year colleges (H.B. 5, 83rd Texas Legislature, Regular Session) (8) Consideration of adopting the Commissioner's recommendation to the Committee relating to the proposed amendments to Chapter 9, Program Development in Two-Year Public Colleges, Subchapter J, Academic Associate Degree and Certificate Programs, Sections 9.183 and 9.184 of Board rules concerning the accurate reference to an accrediting body P. Consideration of adopting the Commissioner's recommendation to the Committee relating to the appointment of members to Advisory Committees: (1) Lower-Division Academic Course Guide Manual (ACGM) (2) ApplyTexas (3) Certification Advisory Council (CAC) (4) Graduate Education Advisory Committee (GEAC) (5) Learning Technology Advisory Committee (LTAC) (6) Undergraduate Education Advisory Committee (UEAC) Q. Consideration of adopting the staff recommendation to the Committee relating to institutions' plans for closure and/or teach-outs pursuant to Chapter 7, Subchapter A, Section 7.7(5) R. Consideration of adopting the staff recommendation to the Committee relating to the Janua
ry 2014 Annual Compliance Reports for Institutions under a Certificate of Authorization (Names beginning with "A" through "O") S. Consideration of adopting the staff recommendation to the Committee relating to the issuance of a Request for Applications for a coordinator to develop and implement a statewide professional development program to support the dissemination of promising practices in serving students assessed at developmental education and basic academic skills education levels T. Consideration of adopting the staff recommendation to the Committee relating to the use of federal fiscal year 2014 Teacher Quality Grant funds to extend current grants and provide funding to support continuation activities U. Consideration of adopting the staff recommendation to the Committee relating to the approval to increase the federally funded Texas Workforce Commission grant award to one Accelerate Texas college V. Consideration of adopting the staff recommendation to the Committee relating to the allocation of Work-Study Mentorship Program funding to participating TransitionTX Project sites W. Consideration of adopting the staff recommendation to the Committee relating to the approval to enter into contracts with three (3) public institutions of higher education to continue the Advise TX college advising program, designed to increase the number of low-income, first generation college, and underrepresented students who enter and complete higher education VI. Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Dr. Rex Peebles, 512/427-6520
Texas Medical Board
June 26, 2014 – 08:30 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 2, Suite 225, Austin
Executive Committee 1. Call to order and roll call. 2. Discussion, Recommendation, and Possible Action on FY 14 Internal Audit. 3. Report on FY 13 Quality Assurance and Improvement Program for Internal Audit. 4. Report on Risk Management Program Review (RMPR) and Action Plan for State Office of Risk Management (SORM). 5. Update on Strategic Plan for FY 15 – FY 19. 6. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: S. Ramirez-Carbajal, 512/305-7051
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
June 26, 2014 – 09:00 AM
Tyler Junior College, Regional Training and Development Center, Room 104, 1530 S SW Loop 323, Tyler
STAR+PLUS Provider Training. On September 1, 2014, the STAR+PLUS Medicaid managed care program will expand statewide to the rural service areas of Texas (Central, Northeast, and West).  People who are age 65 or older or who have disabilities and are covered by Medicaid will receive begin receiving services through a STAR+PLUS managed care health plan.  The Texas Health and Human Services Commission is holding provider trainings across the three rural service areas to educate providers on STAR+PLUS managed care and what changes to expect. The Northeast rural service area managed care organizations will be present to answer questions. Following the 9 a.m. STAR+PLUS Provider Training, another training for providers who serve people with intellectual and developmental disabilities will be held in the same room. You can learn more about the expansion of managed care here: 1. STAR+PLUS Medicaid managed care program overview 2. Questions and Answers 3. Adjourn. Contact: Michelle Zook, Communications Specialist, Health and Human Services Commission, 512-730-7437,
Texas Medical Board
June 26, 2014 – 09:30 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 2, Suite 225, Austin
Finance Committee 1. Call to order and roll call. 2. Budget report. 3. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: S. Ramirez-Carbajal, 512/305-7051
Texas Medical Board
June 26, 2014 – 09:45 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 2, Suite 225, Austin
Electronic Records and Communication Ad Hoc Committee 1. Call to order and roll call. 2. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action relating to the process for addressing the inclusion of medical decision making information in medical records. 3. Adjourn.
Additional Information Contact: S. Ramirez-Carbajal, 512/305-7051
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
June 26, 2014 – 10:00 AM
Tyler Junior College, Regional Training and Development Center, Room 104, 1530 S SW Loop 323, Tyler
STAR+PLUS Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Provider Training. Beginning September 1, 2014, certain individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) who are covered by Medicaid will receive their basic medical services, or acute care, through a STAR+PLUS managed care health plan.  The Texas Health and Human Services Commission is holding provider trainings across the state to educate providers who serve individuals with IDD on STAR+PLUS managed care and what changes to expect. Northeast rural service area managed care organizations will be present to answer questions. You can learn more about the expansion of managed care here: Agenda:1. STAR+PLUS Medicaid managed care program overview 2. Delivery of acute care services for the following people through STAR+PLUS: a. People who live in a community-based intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions (ICF-IID) b. People who receive services in a DADS IDD waiver, including: i. Home and Community-based Services (HCS) ii. Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS) iii. Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD) iv. Texas Home Living (TxHmL) 3. Coordination of acute care services through STAR+PLUS and long-term services and supports through the Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) 4. Questions and Answers 5. Adjourn Contact: Michelle Zook, Communications Specialist, Health and Human Services Commission, 512-730-7437,
Texas Medical Board
June 26, 2014 – 10:15 AM
333 Guadalupe, Lobby Area, Room 100, Austin
Licensure Committee 1. Call to order and roll call. 2. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding applicants for licensure, permits, and certification. a. Applicants appearing concerning eligibility b. Proposed orders offered by the Executive Director c. Physician licensure applicants to be licensed d. Surgical assistant licensure applicants to be licensed e. Acudetox applicants to be certified 3. Report on physician licensure statistics. 4. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding Nonprofit Health Organizations. a. Applicants for initial certification b. Requests for biennial recertification c. Cancellation of organizations certified as Nonprofit Health Organizations 5. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding substantial equivalence list. 6. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding applicant packets. 7. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding Ten Year Rule. 8. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding electronic verification of Texas medical schools and training programs. 9. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding authorizing staff to allow applicants to withdraw and reapply following the discovery of discrepancies. 10. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding proposed amendments to board rules: a. 187.5 – NPDB Reporting b. 163.6(f) – Examinations Accepted for Licensure 11. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: S. Ramirez-Carbajal, 512/305-7051
Texas Medical Board
June 26, 2014 – 10:15 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 2, Suite 225, Austin
Disciplinary Process Review Committee 1. Call to order and roll call. 2. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding referrals and reports from the Texas Physician Health Program. 3. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding renewals involving impaired licensees. 4. Reports and discussion regarding the Investigation, Litigation and Compliance Departments. 5. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding Rule Review and proposed changes to the following chapters in Title 22 of the Texas Administrative Code: A. Chapter 182, Use of Experts, s182.8. Expert Physician Reviewers. B. Chapter 195, Pain Management Clinics, s195.2. Certification of Pain Management Clinics 6. Discussion and possible direction regarding waivers for PHP transfers who are on an Interim Agreement. 7. Consideration and possible direction over the evaluation of expert panelist applications. 8. Review, discussion, and possible action regarding review of probationers appearances. 9. Consideration and approval of membership of the Expert Physician Panel. 10. Reports and discussion regarding cases over one year old. 11. Review, discussion, and possible action regarding appeals of dismissed complaints 12. Discussion, recommendation, and possible action regarding routine follow-up on investigative files previously referred from DPRC for follow-up action 13. Review, discussion, and possible action regarding selected files and cases. 14. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: S. Ramirez-Carbajal, 512/305-7051
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
June 26, 2014 – 9:00 AM
South Texas College, Pecan Campus – Cooper Center, 3201 W. Pecan Blvd., McAllen
STAR+PLUS Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Provider Training. Beginning September 1, 2014, certain individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) who are covered by Medicaid will receive their basic medical services, or acute care, through a STAR+PLUS managed care health plan.  The Texas Health and Human Services Commission is holding provider trainings across the state to educate providers who serve individuals with IDD on STAR+PLUS managed care and what changes to expect. Hidalgo service area managed care organizations will be present to answer questions. You can learn more about the expansion of managed care here: Agenda:1. STAR+PLUS Medicaid managed care program overview 2. Delivery of acute care services for the following people through STAR+PLUS: a. People who live in a community-based intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions (ICF-IID) b. People who receive services in a DADS IDD waiver, including: i. Home and Community-based Services (HCS) ii. Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS) iii. Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD) iv. Texas Home Living (TxHmL) 3. Coordination of acute care services through STAR+PLUS and long-term services and supports through the Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) 4. Questions and Answers 5. Adjourn Contact: Michelle Zook, Communications Specialist, Health and Human Services Commission, 512-730-7437,
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
July 1, 2014 – 10:00 AM
2405 Robert Dedman Dr. (UT Thompson Conf. Ctr., Room 2.102), Austin
Institute of Health Care Quality and Efficiency Work Group Meeting (IHCQE) July 1, 2014 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Meeting Site: The University of Texas at Austin Thompson Conference Center Room 2.102 2405 Robert Dedman Dr. Austin, TX 78705 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Staff Update 3. Expanded Access to Care: a. Project Status Update b. Review of Suggested Stakeholder Feedback c. Board Discussion 4. Promoting Value Based Care: a. Review of Suggested Stakeholder Feedback b. Board Discussion 5. Lunch (Recess) 6. Serious and Persistent Mental Illness: a. Review of Suggested Stakeholder Feedback b. Board Discussion 7. Health Literacy: a. Review of Suggested Stakeholder Feedback b. Board Discussion 8. Administrative Simplification: a. Review of Suggested Stakeholder Feedback b. Board Discussion 9. Public Comment 10. Review of staff action items for follow-up prior to next meeting 11. Discuss potential dates for next meeting 12. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Jimmy Blanton, 512/380-4372
Texas State Board of Pharmacy
July 2, 2014 – 10:00 AM
333 Guadalupe Street, Hobby Building, Room 2-225, Austin
I. Call to Order and Welcome II. Overview and history of physician dispensing III. Discussion of possible new class of pharmacy located in physician’s office IV. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Becky Damon, 512/305-8026
Texas State Board of Pharmacy
July 2, 2014 – 01:30 PM
333 Guadalupe Street, Hobby Building, Room 2-225, Austin
I. Call to Order and Welcome II. Overview of issues concerning physician ownership of pharmacies III. Discussion of possible statutory or regulatory action needed for physician ownership of a pharmacy IV. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Becky Damon, 512/305-8026
Texas Board of Nursing
July 3, 2014 – 01:00 PM
333 Guadalupe Street, Room 100, Austin
The Texas Board of Nursing (Board) is holding a public hearing on Thursday, July 3, 2014, to receive public comments on proposed new Chapter 221, 221.1-221.15, relating to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses, as was published in the Texas Register on May 30, 2014 (39 TexReg 4101-4118). This hearing is designed to provide an opportunity for nurses and others to comment on the proposed new chapter. The hearing will take place on Thursday, July 3, 2014, from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM, or until all comments are received, if sooner, in Room 100, in the William P. Hobby Building, located at 333 Guadalupe, Austin, Texas 78701. Proposed new Chapter 221, 221.1-221.15, relating to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses, may be viewed in the May 30, 2014, edition of the Texas Register, located at: The Board appreciates all stakeholder participation and feedback on the proposed new rule. Feedback received is important to the Board and makes a difference in the regulation of nursing in the State of Texas. Because many participants may wish to provide public comments at this hearing, the following guidelines will be used: 1. Any person who wishes to appear before the Board during the hearing shall present himself/herself in person at the meeting and must fill out a registration form, which will be available at the meeting. Individuals not completing this form prior to the beginning of the hearing may not be allowed to speak, subject to the discretion of the President of the Board, or her designee. 2. Each speaker will be allowed no more than ten (10) minutes to present verbal comments. 3. Speakers are requested not to read prior written submissions. 4. Each organization with several representative members in attendance should have one representative speaker present the organization's comments. 5. The public hearing will be presided over by the Board's President, or her designee, who will reserve the right to modify time limits and order of presentation, should there be good cause to do so. Additional Information Contact: Rene McDonald, 512/305-6878
– End of Report –

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Health Care Hearings – March 24

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Health Care Hearings – March 4

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