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The following legislative and state agency hearings have been scheduled between June 28 and July 18.
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
June 30, 2014 – 10:00 AM
6330 Highway 290 East, Austin
Children's Policy Council 1. Welcome and Introduction 2. Legislative Recommendations Discussion a) All committees 3. Working Lunch 4. Legislative Recommendations Discussion continued 5. Approve Recommendations (vote required) 6. 2014 Legislative Report timelines/process 7. Public Comment* 8. Adjournment *Public comment will be taken following each item, after a staff presentation, and/or before a vote on an action item. Additional Information Contact: Sherry Broberg, 512/420-2856
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
July 1, 2014 – 9:00 AM
South Texas College, Pecan Campus – Cooper Center, 3201 W. Pecan Blvd., McAllen
STAR+PLUS Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Provider Training. Beginning September 1, 2014, certain individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) who are covered by Medicaid will receive their basic medical services, or acute care, through a STAR+PLUS managed care health plan.  The Texas Health and Human Services Commission is holding provider trainings across the state to educate providers who serve individuals with IDD on STAR+PLUS managed care and what changes to expect. Hidalgo service area managed care organizations will be present to answer questions. You can learn more about the expansion of managed care here: Agenda:1. STAR+PLUS Medicaid managed care program overview 2. Delivery of acute care services for the following people through STAR+PLUS: a. People who live in a community-based intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions (ICF-IID) b. People who receive services in a DADS IDD waiver, including: i. Home and Community-based Services (HCS) ii. Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS) iii. Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD) iv. Texas Home Living (TxHmL) 3. Coordination of acute care services through STAR+PLUS and long-term services and supports through the Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) 4. Questions and Answers 5. Adjourn Contact: Michelle Zook, Communications Specialist, Health and Human Services Commission, 512-730-7437,
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
July 1, 2014 – 10:00 AM
2405 Robert Dedman Dr. (UT Thompson Conf. Ctr., Room 2.102), Austin
Institute of Health Care Quality and Efficiency Work Group Meeting (IHCQE) 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Staff Update 3. Serious and Persistent Mental Illness: a. Project Status Update b. Review of Suggested Stakeholder Feedback c. Board Discussion 4. Health Literacy: a. Review of Suggested Stakeholder Feedback b. Board Discussion 5. Lunch (Recess) 6. Administrative Simplification: a. Review of Suggested Stakeholder Feedback b. Board Discussion 7. Promoting Value Based Care: a. Review of Suggested Stakeholder Feedback b. Board Discussion 8. Expanded Access to Care: a. Review of Suggested Stakeholder Feedback b. Board Discussion 9. Public Comment 10. Review of staff action items for follow-up prior to next meeting 11. Discuss potential dates for next meeting 12. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Jimmy Blanton, 512/380-4372
Texas State Board of Pharmacy
July 2, 2014 – 10:00 AM
333 Guadalupe Street, Hobby Building, Room 2-225, Austin
I. Call to Order and Welcome II. Overview and history of physician dispensing III. Discussion of possible new class of pharmacy located in physician’s office IV. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Becky Damon, 512/305-8026
Texas State Board of Pharmacy
July 2, 2014 – 01:30 PM
333 Guadalupe Street, Hobby Building, Room 2-225, Austin
I. Call to Order and Welcome II. Overview of issues concerning physician ownership of pharmacies III. Discussion of possible statutory or regulatory action needed for physician ownership of a pharmacy IV. Adjourn.  Additional Information Contact: Becky Damon, 512/305-8026
Texas Board of Nursing
July 3, 2014 – 01:00 PM
333 Guadalupe Street, Room 100, Austin
The Texas Board of Nursing (Board) is holding a public hearing on Thursday, July 3, 2014, to receive public comments on proposed new Chapter 221, 221.1-221.15, relating to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses, as was published in the Texas Register on May 30, 2014 (39 TexReg 4101-4118). This hearing is designed to provide an opportunity for nurses and others to comment on the proposed new chapter. The hearing will take place on Thursday, July 3, 2014, from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM, or until all comments are received, if sooner, in Room 100, in the William P. Hobby Building, located at 333 Guadalupe, Austin, Texas 78701. Proposed new Chapter 221, 221.1-221.15, relating to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses, may be viewed in the May 30, 2014, edition of the Texas Register, located at: The Board appreciates all stakeholder participation and feedback on the proposed new rule. Feedback received is important to the Board and makes a difference in the regulation of nursing in the State of Texas. Because many participants may wish to provide public comments at this hearing, the following guidelines will be used: 1. Any person who wishes to appear before the Board during the hearing shall present himself/herself in person at the meeting and must fill out a registration form, which will be available at the meeting. Individuals not completing this form prior to the beginning of the hearing may not be allowed to speak, subject to the discretion of the President of the Board, or her designee. 2. Each speaker will be allowed no more than ten (10) minutes to present verbal comments. 3. Speakers are requested not to read prior written submissions. 4. Each organization with several representative members in attendance should have one representative speaker present the organization's comments. 5. The public hearing will be presided over by the Board's President, or her designee, who will reserve the right to modify time limits and order of presentation, should there be good cause to do so. Additional Information Contact: Rene McDonald, 512/305-6878
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
July 9, 2014 – 03:00 PM
701 W. 51st St., DADS, John H. Winters Building, Room 560W, Austin
Employment First Task Force: Workgroup on Texas Workforce Commission Services 1. Call to Order 2. Discussion of Services to Persons with Disabilities by Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) 3. Review and Consideration of Employment First Task Force Recommendations 4. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: April Young, 512/424-6911
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
July 10, 2014 – 09:00 AM
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Meeting Room ACB 100, 3601 4th St., Lubbock
STAR+PLUS Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Provider Training. Beginning September 1, 2014, certain individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) who are covered by Medicaid will receive their basic medical services, or acute care, through a STAR+PLUS managed care health plan.  The Texas Health and Human Services Commission is holding provider trainings across the state to educate providers who serve individuals with IDD on STAR+PLUS managed care and what changes to expect. Lubbock service area managed care organizations will be present to answer questions. You can learn more about the expansion of managed care here: Agenda:1. STAR+PLUS Medicaid managed care program overview 2. Delivery of acute care services for the following people through STAR+PLUS: a. People who live in a community-based intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions (ICF-IID) b. People who receive services in a DADS IDD waiver, including: i. Home and Community-based Services (HCS) ii. Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS) iii. Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD) iv. Texas Home Living (TxHmL) 3. Coordination of acute care services through STAR+PLUS and long-term services and supports through the Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) 4. Questions and Answers 5. Adjourn Contact: Michelle Zook, Communications Specialist, Health and Human Services Commission, 512-730-7437,
House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Article I, IV and V & House Committee on Pensions
July 10, 2014 – 09:00 AM
Capitol Extension Bldg., Room E1.030, Austin
Subcommittee on Articles I, IV, & V The House Appropriations Subcommittee on Article I, IV, and V will convene a joint public hearing with the House Committee on Pensions to consider the following interim charge topics: Appropriations Charge 14: Examine the immediate and long-term fiscal impact of the Employees Retirement System (ERS) employee health care plan. (Joint charge with the House Committee on Pensions) The Subcommittee will hear invited testimony only. Additional Information Contact: Rep. Sylvester Turner, 512/463-0554
House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Article III & House Committee on Pensions
July 10, 2014 – 10:00 AM or upon adjournment
Capitol Extension Bldg., Room E1.030, Austin
Subcommittee on Article III The House Appropriations Subcommittee on Article III will convene a joint public hearing with the House Committee on Pensions to consider the following interim charge topics: Appropriations Charge 15: Study the affordability of health care for active public school employees. Examine how premiums and out -of-pocket costs have increased over time and how these increases have affected employees and school districts, and make appropriate recommendations. Appropriations Charge 16: Examine the immediate and long-term fiscal impact of the Teacher Retirement System (TRS) health care plan (TRS-Care). The Subcommittee will hear invited testimony only. Additional Information Contact: Rep. John Otto, 512/463-0570
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
July 11, 2014 – 08:30 AM
4900 N. Lamar Blvd., HHSC Brown-Heatly Bldg., Room 4530, Austin
Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Council (TBIAC) Legislative & Policy Committee 1. Welcome and introductions. 2. Discussion of Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Council Report to the Governor. 3. Review 2014 Action Plan. 4. Discuss Legislative & Policy Committee Report to TBIAC. 5. Public Comment.* 6. Adjourn. *Public comment will be taken following each item, after a staff presentation, and/or before a vote on an action item. Additional Information Contact: Amy Williams, 512/706-7136
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
July 11, 2014 – 10:15 AM
4900 N. Lamar Blvd., HHSC Brown-Heatly Bldg., Room 4530, Austin
Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Council (TBIAC) Education & Resources Committee 1. Welcome and introductions. 2. Review 2014 Action Plan.3. Review status of updated educational and informative materials.4. Discuss Education and Resources Committee Report to Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Council. 5. Public Comment.* 6. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Amy Williams, 512/706-7136
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
July 11, 2014 – 10:15 AM
4900 N. Lamar Blvd., HHSC Brown-Heatly Bldg., Room 4105, Austin
Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Council (TBIAC) Young Adult Outcomes Committee 1. Welcome and introductions. 2. Appoint new committee chair. 3. Review 2014 Action Plan. 4. Discuss Pediatric and Young Adult Outcomes Committee Report to Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Council. 5. Public Comment.* 6. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Amy Williams, 512/706-7136
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
July 11, 2014 – 11:45 AM
4900 N. Lamar Blvd. (HHSC Brown-Heatly Bldg., Room 4530), Austin
Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Council (TBIAC) Membership Committee 1. Welcome and introductions. 2. Discuss 2014 and 2015 Action Plans. 3. Officer and new member nominations. 4. Discuss Membership Committee Report to TBIAC. 5. Public Comment.* 6. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Amy Williams, 512/706-7136
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
July 11, 2014 – 12:30 PM
4900 N. Lamar Blvd., HHSC, Brown-Heatly Bldg, Rm 1410, 1420, Austin
Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Council (TBIAC) 1. Call to order and determination of quorum. 2. Welcome and introductions. 3. Approval of April 11, 2014 Minutes (vote required). 4. Report of the Chair. 5. Member activity reports and announcements. 6. Presentation: Health and Human Services, External Relations Division on legislative communications/advocacy. 7. Break (Recess). 8. Report of the Office of Acquired Brain Injury. 9. Review of TBIAC Bylaws. 10. Discussion of Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Council Report to the Governor. 11. Committee Reports and Assignments: Membership Committee: officer nominations and solicitation of new members Education and Resources Committee Long-Term Community Supports Committee Legislative Committee Pediatric and Young Adult Outcomes Committee Acceptance of Committee Reports (vote required) 12. Acceptance of Committee Reports (vote required). 13. Public Comment.* 14. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Amy Williams, 512/706-7136
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
July 14, 2014 – 01:30 PM
6400 Highway 290 East, DARS Regional Office, Suite 201, Austin
Employment First Task Force Workgroup on DARS Eligibility Criteria for Vocational Rehabilitation Services Agenda Employment First Task Force: Workgroup on Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) Eligibility Criteria for Vocational Rehabilitation Services July 14, 2014 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Meeting Site: DARS Regional Office Suite 201 6400 Highway 290 East Austin, TX 78723 1. Welcome 2. Review and Discussion of Recommendations to the Employment First Task Force 3. Finalize Recommendations to the Employment First Task Force 4. Adjourn Contact: Carline Geiger, Operations Director for Programs, Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services, 512-407-1320, or This meeting is open to the public. No reservations are required and there is no cost to attend this meeting. Additional Information Contact: Carline Geiger, 512/407-1320
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
July 15, 2014 – 02:00 PM
1200 East Anderson Lane, Board Room, Austin
Negotiated Rulemaking Committee on Capital Projects I. Opening Remarks II. Discussion and Consideration of Public Comments and Committee Responses related to Draft Rules Language on Statewide Standards for Capital Projects Note: Committee members will be participating via audio conference. Those wishing to listen to the audio conference may do so in the Board Room at the THECB offices. Additional Information Contact: Linda Battles, 512/427-6205
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
July 16, 2014 – 01:00 PM
4900 N. Lamar Blvd., HHSC Brown-Heatly Bldg., Room 5320, Austin
Employment First Task Force Workgroup on Employment Services in Medicaid Waivers Agenda 1. Call to Order 2. Discussion and Refinement of Recommendations for the Employment First Task Force report 3. Discussion of Other Medicaid Waiver Employment Services Issues 4. Adjourn.
Additional Information Contact: April Young, 512/424-6911
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
July 17, 2014 – 09:00 AM
John H. Winters Building, Public Hearing Room, 701 W. 51st St., Austin
STAR+PLUS Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Provider Training. Beginning September 1, 2014, certain individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) who are covered by Medicaid will receive their basic medical services, or acute care, through a STAR+PLUS managed care health plan.  The Texas Health and Human Services Commission is holding provider trainings across the state to educate providers who serve individuals with IDD on STAR+PLUS managed care and what changes to expect. Travis service area managed care organizations will be present to answer questions. You can learn more about the expansion of managed care here: Agenda:1. STAR+PLUS Medicaid managed care program overview 2. Delivery of acute care services for the following people through STAR+PLUS: a. People who live in a community-based intermediate care facility for individuals with an intellectual disability or related conditions (ICF-IID) b. People who receive services in a DADS IDD waiver, including: i. Home and Community-based Services (HCS) ii. Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS) iii. Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities (DBMD) iv. Texas Home Living (TxHmL) 3. Coordination of acute care services through STAR+PLUS and long-term services and supports through the Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) 4. Questions and Answers 5. Adjourn Contact: Michelle Zook, Communications Specialist, Health and Human Services Commission, 512-730-7437,
Texas Board of Nursing
July 17, 2014 – 09:00 AM
333 Guadalupe Street, Austin
Notice of public hearing for Consideration of a Proposal from LeTourneau University To Establish An Baccalaureate Degree Nursing Education Program in Longview, Texas Date and Time: July 17, 2014 at 9:00 AM Place: Hobby Building 333 Guadalupe Street Tower 2, Room 225 Austin, Texas The Board will hear testimony from individuals who wish to present information concerning the proposal. Written testimony will also be considered and should be received in the Board's office by July 3, 2014. Address written testimony to: Katherine Thomas, MN, RN, FAAN, Executive Director Texas Board of Nursing 333 Guadalupe Street, Suite 3-460 Austin, Texas 78701-3942. Additional Information Contact: Sandi Emerson, 512/463-4631
Texas Board of Nursing
July 17, 2014 – 09:20 AM
333 Guadalupe Street, Austin
Notice of public hearing for Consideration of a Proposal from National American University To Establish An Baccalaureate Degree Nursing Education Program in Austin, Texas Date and Time: July 17, 2014 at 9:20 AM Place: Hobby Building 333 Guadalupe Street Tower 2, Room 225 Austin, Texas The Board will hear testimony from individuals who wish to present information concerning the proposal. Written testimony will also be considered and should be received in the Board's office by July 3, 2014. Address written testimony to: Katherine Thomas, MN, RN, FAAN, Executive Director Texas Board of Nursing 333 Guadalupe Street, Suite 3-460 Austin, Texas 78701-3942. Additional Information Contact: Virginia Ayars, 512/305-7660
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
July 17, 2014 – 01:30 PM
Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Room, 4900 North Lamar Blvd., Austin
Proposed Medicaid Payment Rates for the Medical Transportation Program. Hearing.  Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will conduct a public hearing to receive public comment on proposed Medicaid payment rates for the Medical Transportation Program.  The hearing will be held in compliance with Human Resources Code §32.0282 and the Texas Administrative Code, Title 1 (1 TAC), §355.201, which require public notice of and hearings on proposed Medicaid reimbursements.   HHSC also will broadcast the public hearing; the broadcast can be accessed at The broadcast will be archived and can be accessed on demand at the same website. Proposal.  The payment rates for the Medical Transportation Program are proposed to be effective September 1, 2014. Methodology and Justification. The proposed payment rates were calculated in accordance with 1 TAC: §355.102, which addresses the general principles of allowable and unallowable costs; §355.201, which addresses the establishment and adjustment of reimbursement rates by HHSC; §355.8085, as effective on June 29, 2014, which addresses the reimbursement methodology for physicians and other practitioners, in addition to payments for laboratory and x-ray services, radiation therapy, physical therapists' services, physician services, podiatry services, chiropractic services, optometric services, ambulance services, dentists' services, psychologists' services, licensed psychological associates' services, maternity clinic services, and tuberculosis clinic services; and §355.8561, which addresses the reimbursement methodology for medical transportation. Briefing Package.  A briefing package describing the proposed payment rates will be available at on or after July 3, 2014.  Those interested may obtain a copy of the briefing package before the hearing by contacting Rate Analysis by telephone at 512-730-7401; by fax at 512-730-7475; or by email at  The briefing package will also be available at the public hearing.  Written Comments.  Written comments regarding the proposed payment rates may be submitted instead of, or in addition to, oral testimony until 5 p.m. the day of the hearing. Written comments may be sent by U.S. mail, overnight mail, special delivery mail, hand delivery, fax, or email: U.S. Mail: Health and Human Services Commission, Attention: Rate Analysis,, Mail Code H-400, P.O. Box 149030, Austin, Texas 78714-9030. Overnight mail, special delivery mail, or hand delivery: Health and Human Services Commission, Attention: Rate Analysis, Mail Code H-400, Brown-Heatly Building, 4900 North Lamar Blvd., Austin, Texas 78751. Phone number for package delivery: 512-730-7401. Fax  Attention:  Rate Analysis at 512-730-7475. Email
Texas Board of Nursing
July 17, 2014 – 02:00 PM
333 Guadalupe Street, Austin
Notice of public hearing for Consideration of a Proposal from South University To Establish An Baccalaureate Degree Nursing Education Program in Austin, Texas Date and Time: July 17, 2014 at 2:00 PM Place: Hobby Building 333 Guadalupe Street Tower 2, Room 225 Austin, Texas The Board will hear testimony from individuals who wish to present information concerning the proposal. Written testimony will also be considered and should be received in the Board's office by July 3, 2014. Address written testimony to: Katherine Thomas, MN, RN, FAAN, Executive Director Texas Board of Nursing 333 Guadalupe Street, Suite 3-460 Austin, Texas 78701-3942. Additional Information Contact: Janice Hooper, 512/305-6814
Texas Board of Nursing
July 17, 2014 – 02:20 PM
333 Guadalupe Street, Austin
Notice of public hearing for Consideration of a Proposal from The College of Health Care Professions To Establish An Associate Degree Nursing Education Program in Houston, Texas Date and Time: July 17, 2014 at 2:20 PM Place: Hobby Building 333 Guadalupe Street Tower 2, Room 225 Austin, Texas The Board will hear testimony from individuals who wish to present information concerning the proposal. Written testimony will also be considered and should be received in the Board's office by July 3, 2014. Address written testimony to: Katherine Thomas, MN, RN, FAAN, Executive Director Texas Board of Nursing 333 Guadalupe Street, Suite 3-460 Austin, Texas 78701-3942. Additional Information Contact: Janice Hooper, 512/305-6814
Department of State Health Services
July 18, 2014 – 09:00 AM
City of Austin Public Safety Training Center, Main Bldg, Classroom 2, 4800 Shaw Lane, Austin
Education Committee of the Governor's EMS and Trauma Advisory Council (GETAC) The Committee will meet to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda: Call to Order/Roll Call Discussion and possible action on the following items: 1. Consider the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) EMS Education competencies and standards for AEMT (Advanced Emergency Medical Technician) that were adopted in August 2012 for Texas EMT-Intermediate (EMT-I) training in 25 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) s157.32, and how it affects the practice of currently certified Texas EMT-Is who initially received the NHTSA 1985 or 1999 (I-85, I-99) curriculum for EMT-I training. 2. Define the additional or alternative training that is required for a Texas certified EMT-I (either I-85 or I-99) to transition to AEMT, as required by the National Registry of EMTs (NREMT). 3. Review the community health curriculum for Advanced Practice Paramedic/Advanced Community Paramedic and consider recommendations for its adoption in Texas. 4. Review the 2014 state EMS-Trauma strategic plan and consider recommendations for revision. General Public Comment (Comment time may be limited at Chair's discretion) Summary for the GETAC meeting Announcements Review and list agenda items for next meeting Next Meeting Date Adjournment. Additional Information Contact:
Department of State Health Services
July 18, 2014 – 10:00 AM
Department of State Health Services, Tower Building, Room T-607,1100 West 49th Street, Austin
The State Child Fatality Review Team Committee will meet to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda: Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum/Introductions Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes from the March 2, 2014 Meeting Report from the Chair Election of New Member: Public Health Professional Discussion of Operating Procedures Advocacy Discussion Update: Federal Hearing of National Commission to Eliminate Child Abuse and Neglect Fatalities DFPS Report on Project HIP and Protect Our Kids Task Force Debriefing about Prevent Child Abuse Texas Conference and Planning for 2015 Conference Annual Report and Position Statement Updates Next Steps Next Meeting: October 17, 10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m., DSHS, T-607 7. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Tammy Sajak, 512/776-2184
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
July 18, 2014 – 11:30 AM
Department of Rehabilitative Service, Division for Blind Services, Criss Cole Auditorium, 4800 N. Lamar Blvd., Austin
Employment First Task Force. 1. Call to order. 2. Introductions. 3. Public Comment.* 4. Review of June 17, 2014 Meeting Summary. 5. Chair and Staff Updates. 6. Discussion of Texas Workforce Commission Disability Services. 7. Discussion of Transition Services for Students with Disabilities. 8. Task Force Report and Policy Recommendations. 9. Next Steps and Future Meetings. 10. Other Related Discussion Items and Updates. 11. Adjourn. Contact: Laura Gold, Assistant Project Director, Promoting Independence, Department of Aging and Disability Services, 512-438-5986,
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
July 18, 2014 – 01:00 PM
4900 N Lamar Blvd, HHSC Brown-Heatly Bldg, Public Hearing Rm, Austin
State Medicaid Managed Care Advisory Committee 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Adoption of prior meeting minutes (vote required) 4. Coordination with other HHSC advisory committees 5. HHSC agency update a. Managed care expansion b. Senate Bill 1150 c. Dual demonstration project d. Community First Choice e. 1115 waiver 6. Report by HHSC Network Adequacy working group 7. Presentation by Maximus 8. Role of HHSC Ombudsman 9. Public Comment 10. Other business: a. Relating to the October 21 meeting b. Relating to Medicaid Managed Care 11. Adjournment.
Additional Information Contact: Charles Bredwell, 512/462-6337
– End of Report –

Archive - 2013 to 2018

New and Reappointed ERS Board Members

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffAugust 10, 2016
Archive - 86th Session

Spotlight on Upcoming Legislative Hearings

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffFebruary 14, 2020

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