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The following legislative and state agency health care hearings have been scheduled between May 28 and June 17.

House Committee on Insurance
June 1, 2016 – 10:00 AM
Capitol Extension, Room E2.036, Austin
The committee will meet to hear testimony on the following charge: Examine the effectiveness of previous legislative efforts to encourage transparency and adequacy of health care networks, and of legislation to protect consumers from the negative impacts of disputes over out-of-network services. Study whether enhancements in transparency or regulation are necessary. Contact: Jesse Sifuentez (512) 463-0788
House Select Committee on Mental Health
June 2, 2016 – 10:00 AM
Capitol Extension, Room E2.016, Austin
The Select Committee on Mental Health will meet to hear invited testimony related to mental/behavioral health care services in Texas. Subject matters for testimony include, but are not limited to, health insurance plans and law enforcement/criminal justice. Contact: Sandra Talton (512) 463-0470
State Board of Dental Examiners
June 2, 2016 – 02:30 PM
333 Guadalupe Street, Tower 2, Suite 225, Austin
Licensing Committee Agenda 1. Call to order. 2. Roll call. 3. Discussion and review of applicable laws and rules. 4. Discussion of staff's recommended application denials. 4.1. Application 2016Q3RDA1. 4.2. Application 2016Q3RDA2. 4.3. Application 2016Q3DEN1. 5. Discussion of staff's recommended application approvals with conditions. 5.1. Application 2016Q3RDA3. 5.2. Application 2016Q3RDA4. 5.3. Application 2016Q3DEN2. 6. Discussion of staff's recommended application approvals without conditions. 6.1. Application 2016Q3DEN3. 7. Discussion of staff's recommended renewals without action. 8. Discussion on applications for special consideration or exception to board rules. 8.1. Victor Silvio Firmani, DDS 10200. 9. Discussion of continuing education reporting and vendors. 9.1. CE Zoom. 9.2. eStrategy Solutions. 10. Discussion of future rulemaking topics. 10.1. Committee roles and responsibilities. 10.2. Continuing education requirements. 11. Public comments. 12. Announcements. 13. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: 512/463-6400
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
June 6, 2016 – 10:00 AM
1200 E. Anderson Lane Board Room, Austin
Uniform Pre-Nursing Curriculum Advisory Committee This meeting will be web-cast through the Coordinating Board's website at: Agenda I. Call to order II. Welcome and introductions III. Approval of Minutes from April 18, 2016 meeting IV. Discussion of decisions from April 18, 2016 meeting V. Discussion and consideration of recommendations for Uniform Pre-Nursing Curriculum VI. Discussion and consideration of course content for courses selected for Uniform Pre-Nursing Curriculum VII. Review of outline for report to Coordinating Board and Legislature VIII. Determine need for future meetings and schedule IX. Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Donna Carlin, 512/427-6241
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
June 6, 2016 – 01:00 PM
Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Room, 4900 North Lamar Blvd., Austin
Public forum to discuss ways to strengthen Medicaid managed care provider networks, including online provider directories, provider access standards and expedited credentialing. Call-in: 1-877-226-9790 Access Code:  9642628. The 2015 Texas Legislature adopted Senate Bill (SB) 760, which relates to access and assignment requirements for, support and information regarding, and investigations of certain providers of health care and long-term services. At this forum, the Health and Human Services Commission's (HHSC) representatives will take public comment on bill implementation as it relates to network adequacy initiatives in Medicaid managed care.  1. Welcome and introductions 2. Overview of SB 760. 3. HHSC presentation on network adequacy. 4. Texas Association of Health Plans presentation on provider networks. 5. Texas Medical Association presentation on provider networks. 6. Texas Dental Association presentation on provider networks. 7. Discussion on provider access standards. 8. Discussion on provider directories. 9. Discussion on expedited credentialing. 10. Public comment 11. Adjourn Written Comments: Written comments regarding SB 760 implementation may be submitted instead of, or in addition to, oral testimony if sent before the meeting. Send to: Contact: Questions regarding agenda items, content, or meeting arrangements should be directed to Joey Reed, Program Specialist, Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program Division, HHSC, 512-428-1912, or
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
June 13, 2016 – 01:00 PM
909 West 45th St. (Health and Human Services Commission, Building
II, Public Hearing Room 164 ), Austin
Employment First Task 1. Welcome and introductions 2. Review of May 17, 2016, meeting summary. 3. Chair report on Employment First activities and related topics. 4. Subcommittee updates a. Subcommittee on education and outreach. b. Subcommittee on report writing. c. Subcommittee on Senate Bill 1226 compliance. 5. Legislative initiatives discussion 6. Health and Human Services Commission update. 7. Public comment 8. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Marc Mullins, 512/438-3641
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
June 15, 2016 – 09:00 AM
4900 North Lamar Blvd. (Health and Human Services Commission,
Brown-Heatly Building,Public Hearing, Room), Austin
STAR Kids Managed Care Advisory Committee 1. Welcome and opening remarks a. Member introductions b. Adopt meeting minutes from March 2, 2016. 2. STAR Kids implementation updates–Brian Dees. 3. STAR Kids outreach and communication updates–Brian Dees, Marisa Luera, and Kellie Dees. 4. Discussion of STAR Kids rate-setting–Rachel Butler and Rich Stebbins. 5. Discussion of issues related to provider networks–Marisa Luera. 6. STAR Kids quality measures update–Denbigh Shelton. 7. Committee member discussion 8. Public comment 9. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Brian Dees, 512/462-6266
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
June 15, 2016 – 01:30 PM
Brown-Heatly Building, Room 3501, 4900 North Lamar Blvd., Austin
Intellectual and Developmental Disability System Redesign Advisory Committee Transition to Managed Care Subcommittee. 1. Welcome and introductions. 2. Review and accept April 25, 2016, Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD) System Redesign Advisory Committee Transition to Managed Care Subcommittee meeting minutes. 3. Discuss STAR Kids interest list process. 4. Finalize value-added services recommendations from the subcommittee. 5. Discuss prior authorization for 72-hour prescription drug refills and template instructions. 6. Discuss Legislative Appropriations Request recommendations and next steps. 7. Provide update on Service Coordination Workgroup. 8. Discuss draft Legislative Report. 9. Discuss future meeting dates, agenda, and action items. 10. Adjourn Contact: Questions regarding agenda items, content, or meeting arrangements should be directed to Amanda Woodall, IDD Specialist for Managed Care, Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program Division, Health and Human Services Commission, 512-424-6522, or
Senate Committee on Health and Human Services
June 16, 2016 – 09:00 AM
Texas Capitol, Senate Chamber, Austin
The committee will meet to consider the following interim charges: Study and make recommendations on establishing collaborative partnerships between state-owned mental health hospitals and university health science centers to improve inpatient state mental health services, maximize the state mental health workforce, and reduce healthcare costs; Study the impact of recent efforts by the legislature to divert individuals with serious mental illness from criminal justice settings and prevent recidivism. Study and make recommendations to address the state's ongoing need for inpatient forensic capacity, including the impact of expanding community inpatient psychiatric beds; Study and make recommendations on the appropriate use, scope and application of tele-monitoring and telemedicine services to improve management and outcomes for adults and children with complex medical needs and for persons confined in correctional facilities. Examine barriers to implementation of these services and any impact on access to health care services in rural areas of the state. Contact: Jordan Dixon (512) 463-0360
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
June 16, 2016 – 01:00 PM
Brown-Heatly Building, Room 3501, 4900 North Lamar Blvd., Austin
Intellectual and Developmental Disability System Redesign Advisory Committee Day Habilitation and Employment Subcommittee. 1. Welcome and introductions. 2. Review and accept April 17, 2016, Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD) System Redesign Advisory Committee Day Habilitation and Employment Services Subcommittee meeting minutes. 3. Provide Home and Community-Based Services settings updates. 4. Review categories outlined in Legislative Appropriations Request and draft subcommittee goals. 5. Discuss draft Legislative Report. 6. Discuss agenda items for next meeting and set date. 7. Adjourn. Contact: Questions regarding agenda items, content, or meeting arrangements should be directed to Amanda Woodall, IDD Specialist for Managed Care, Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program Division, Health and Human Services Commission, 512-424-6522, or
-End of Report-

Archive - 88th Interim

Legislative Appropriations Requests

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffDecember 12, 2024

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