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The following state agency health care hearings have been scheduled between November 21 and December 11.
Department of State Health Services
November 21, 2015 – 09:00 AM
Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center, 650 S Griffin St, Dallas
Disaster Emergency Preparedness Committee of the Governor's EMS and Trauma Advisory Council (GETAC) Call to Order/Roll Call Discussion and possible action on the following items: 1. Workgroup Reports: A. Texas Disaster Medical System (TDMS) – a. TDMS Mass Fatality Management report B. Emergency Medical Task Force (EMTF) report – a. Infectious Disease Response Unit (IDRU) – b. EMTF Memo of Agreement, version 2 – c. Texas EMS Conference 2015 activities 2. Regional Health and Medical Operations Centers (RHMOCs) 3. Identify 2015 priorities for the Disaster Emergency Preparedness Committee 4. Review the Hartford Consensus III Report as it relates to empowering the public to serve as first responders in intentional mass-casualty and active shooter events General Public Comment (Comment time may be limited at Chair's discretion) Summary for GETAC meeting report Announcements Review and list agenda items for next meeting Next Meeting Date Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Colin Crocker, 512/776-7111
Department of State Health Services
November 21, 2015 – 10:30 AM
Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center, 650 S Griffin St, Dallas
Pediatric Committee of the Governor's EMS and Trauma Advisory Council (GETAC) Call to Order/Roll Call Committee liaison reports: a. Air Medical b. Emergency Medical Services c. Education d. Injury Prevention e. Medical Directors f. Stroke g. Trauma Systems h. Regional Advisory Council chairs i. Disaster and Emergency Preparedness Discussion and possible action on the following items: 1. Update on Child Fatality Review Teams 2. Discussion of the Child Abuse Initiative in Ohio as a model for quality improvement collaboration in Texas and consideration of a future presentation by Drs. Marcy Donurama and/or Kelly Liker for February 2016 GETAC meeting 3. Update on the National Pediatric Readiness Project activities, including Emergency Nurses Association demonstration project meeting 4. Update on Pediatric Facility Recognition Program 5. EMS for Children State Partnership update 6. Review the current Department of State Health Services (DSHS) EMS and Trauma Systems rules, published in Title 25 of the Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 157, and suggest changes/additions to DSHS staff. (Dr. Charles Macias) 7. Update on Texas Consideration for Pediatric Consultation and Transfer Guideline update. Next steps and discussion on role of Regional Advisory Councils (RACs) and member hospitals. 8. Trauma registry update-revised pediatric report from the DSHS Injury Epidemiology & Surveillance Branch and discussion on reporting needs and frequency of reports 9. Review and discuss scope and best practices for pediatric paramedicine 10. Review the Hartford Consensus III Report as it relates to empowering the public to serve as first responders in intentional mass-casualty and active shooter events General Public Comment (Comment time may be limited at Chair's discretion) Summary for GETAC meeting report Announcements Review and list agenda items for next meeting Next Meeting Date Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Colin Crocker, 512/776-7111
Department of State Health Services
November 21, 2015 – 01:00 PM
Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center, 650 S Griffin St, Dallas
Injury Prevention Committee of the Governor's EMS and Trauma Advisory Council (GETAC) Call to Order/Roll Call Discussion and possible action on the following items: 1. Approval of August/October committee meeting minutes 2. Emergency Medical Services for Children Update 3. Evaluation of hospital-Based Injury Prevention Components document 4. Update on holiday specific trauma registry reports 5. Evidence-based texting and driving prevention 6. Potential injury prevention conference in Texas 7. The Hartford Consensus III Report as it relates to empowering the public to serve as first responders in intentional mass-casualty and active shooter events General Public Comment (Comment time may be limited at Chair's discretion) Summary for GETAC meeting report Announcements Review and list agenda items for next meeting Next Meeting Date Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Colin Crocker, 512/776-7111
Department of State Health Services
November 21, 2015 – 02:30 PM
Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center, 650 S Griffin St, Dallas
Stroke Committee of the Governor's EMS and Trauma Advisory Council (GETAC) Call to Order/Roll Call Discussion and possible action on the following items: 1. Report/update on Texas Council on Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke (TCCVDS) / Regional Advisory Councils (RACs) stroke data collection and Stroke/ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) data collection as funded by the Appropriations Act, Rider 97 of the 83rd Texas Legislature, 2013 2. Report on the Stroke Education Program Workgroup activities 3. Report and suggestions of the Transport Bypass Workgroup regarding severity adjusted triage criteria for hospital bypass of ambulance patients 4. Review and suggest Stroke Data Elements for TCCVDS General Public Comment (Comment time may be limited at Chair's discretion) Summary for GETAC meeting report Announcements Review and list agenda items for next meeting Next Meeting Date Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Colin Crocker, 512/776-7111
Department of State Health Services
November 21, 2015 – 04:00 PM
Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center, 650 S Griffin St, Dallas
Air Medical Committee of the Governor's EMS and Trauma Advisory Council (GETAC) Call to Order/Roll Call Discussion and possible action on the following items: 1. Input on the revisions to Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Emergency Medical Services (EMS) rules in Title 25 of the Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Chapter 157. 2. Review and consider endorsement of the GETAC Pediatric Committee's Pediatric Transfer and Transport Guidelines draft document presented at the May 13, 2015 meeting 3. Review the GETAC Air Medical Committee's workgroup recommendations of Pediatric Recognition Program and consider combining workgroup recommendations for Advanced Life Support/Basic Life Support into one list 4. Discuss concerns raised at the August GETAC meetings regarding problems with Air Medical subscriptions, cost, and service provision 5. Review the Hartford Consensus III Report as it relates to empowering the public to serve as first responders in intentional mass-casualty and active shooter events General Public Comment (Comment time may be limited at Chair's discretion) Summary for GETAC meeting report Announcements Review and list agenda items for next meeting Next Meeting Date Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Colin Crocker, 512/776-7111
Department of State Health Services
November 22, 2015 – 09:00 AM
Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center, 650 S Griffin St, Dallas
Education Committee of the Governor's EMS and Trauma Advisory Council (GETAC) Call to Order/Roll Call Discussion and possible action on the following items: 1. Development of the Advanced Practice Paramedic/Community Health Paramedic curriculum 2. Review and update the DSHS Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Education Training Manual 3. Discuss functional job description for EMS personnel as it relates to the Americans with Disabilities Act 4. Review the Hartford Consensus III Report as it relates to empowering the public to serve as first responders in intentional mass-casualty and active shooter events General Public Comment (Comment time may be limited at Chair's discretion) Summary for GETAC meeting report Announcements Review and list agenda items for next meeting Next Meeting Date Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Colin Crocker, 512/776-7111
Department of State Health Services
November 22, 2015 – 10:30 AM
Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center, 650 S Griffin St, Dallas
Emergency Medical Services Committee of the Governor's EMS and Trauma Advisory Council (GETAC) Call to Order/Roll Call Discussion and possible action on the following items: 1. Report on EMS Committee Meetings to gather stakeholder input on EMS and Trauma System rules in 25 TAC, Chapter 157 2. Update on status of revisions to the EMS and Trauma System rules in 25 TAC, Chapter 157 3. EMS for Children Update 4. Discussion on mandated and non-mandated reporting requirements of EMS Providers as contained in 25 TAC, Chapter 157 5. Update from EMS and Trauma Registry 6. Review of EMS rule at 25 TAC s157.11(m)(9) to address the various requirements for an EMS provider's delivery of its patient care reports to medical facilities at the time and location of its patient drop off at the medical facility and how to improve the sharing of the medical facility's outcome data of that patient with the EMS provider. 7. Presentation and discussion with staff from Texas Emergency Communications Board regarding proposed telemedicine project developed in accordance with House Bill 2004 of the 84th Texas Legislature, 2015-2016. 8. Report on Air Medical Issues from across the State 9. Discuss upcoming Rural EMS National Conference in Texas 10. Review the Hartford Consensus III Report as it relates to empowering the public to serve as first responders in intentional mass-casualty and active shooter events General Public Comment (Comment time may be limited at Chair's discretion) Summary for GETAC meeting report Announcements Review and list agenda items for next meeting Next Meeting Date Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Colin Crocker, 512/776-7111
Department of State Health Services
November 22, 2015 – 01:00 PM
Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center, 650 S Griffin St, Dallas
Medical Directors Committee of the Governor's EMS and Trauma Advisory Council (GETAC) Call to Order/Roll Call Discussion and possible action on the following items: 1. Report from the Trauma Systems Committee Registry Workgroup 2. Transport and care of patients with behavioral disorders 3. Community Paramedic Taskforce 4. Gaps and/or differences between the Texas Medical Practice Act in the Texas Occupations Code and the Texas Medical Board rules in Title 22 of the Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Chapter 197, entitled: Emergency Medical Service', and the Texas Department of State Health Services Emergency Medical Services rules in 25 TAC 157 5. Cardiac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival (CARES) 6. The Hartford Consensus III Report as it relates to empowering the public to serve as first responders in intentional mass-casualty and active shooter events General Public Comment (Comment time may be limited at Chair's discretion) Summary for GETAC meeting report Announcements Review and list agenda items for next meeting Next Meeting Date Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Colin Crocker, 512/776-7111
Department of State Health Services
November 22, 2015 – 02:30 PM
Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center, 650 S Griffin St, Dallas
Trauma Systems Committee of the Governor's EMS and Trauma Advisory Council (GETAC) Call to Order/Roll Call Recognition of members Discussion and possible action on the following items: 1. Review of current DSHS EMS and Trauma System Rules in Title 25 of the Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Chapter 157, including the process for applying for trauma facility designation 2. Texas EMS & Trauma Registry update 3. Trauma System Strategic Plan update 4. Trauma Systems Committee Registry Workgroup report 5. Trauma Systems Committee Trauma Medical Director Workgroup report 6. Trauma systems Committee Advanced Practice Provider Workgroup report 7. Trauma Registrars Workgroup report 8. Texas Trauma Quality Improvement Program (TQIP) Collaborative Initiative update 9. Texas TQIP Level III pilot report 10. Texas TQIP Pediatric Trauma Facilities report 11. Stand-Alone Emergency Departments in the Texas Trauma System 12. Pediatric Inter-facility Transfer Guidelines 13. Review the Hartford Consensus III Report as it relates to empowering the public to serve as first responders in intentional mass-casualty and active shooter events 14. Reports from committee member participation in the following groups/associations/facilities a. GETAC Council b. Region VI American College of Surgeons/Council on Trauma c. Texas Trauma Coordinators Forum d. Emergency Nurses Association e. Texas College of Emergency Physicians f. Level IV Trauma Facilities g. Level III Trauma Facilities h. Level II Trauma Facilities i. Level I Trauma Facilities j. Pediatric Trauma Centers k. Texas Hospital Association General Public Comment (Comment time may be limited at Chair's discretion) Summary for GETAC meeting report Announcements Review and list agenda items for next meeting Next Meeting Date Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Colin Crocker, 512/776-7111
Department of State Health Services
November 22, 2015 – 04:00 PM
Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center, 650 S Griffin St, Dallas
Cardiac Care Committee of the Governor's EMS and Trauma Advisory Council (GETAC) Call to Order/Roll Call Discussion and possible action on the following items: 1. Recognition of Committee Members finishing their term of service 2. Progress in improving pre-hospital ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) data collection and potential impact on improving STEMI care 3. Report on implementation of a pre-transport fibrinolysis system in rural Texas 4. Progress in Achieving Greater interaction of the GETAC Cardiac Care Committee and the DSHS Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke Council: Implications for improved STEMI care in Texas 5. Goals for the GETAC Cardiac Care Committee in 2015 General Public Comment (Comment time may be limited at Chair's discretion) Summary for GETAC meeting report Announcements Review and list agenda items for next meeting Next Meeting Date Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Colin Crocker, 512/776-7111
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
November 23, 2015 – 8:45 AM
Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Room, 4900 North Lamar Blvd., Austin
Proposed Medicaid Fee-For-Service Payment Rates for Pharmaceutical Providers. Entry is through security at the main entrance of the building facing North Lamar Boulevard. Hearing. Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will conduct a public hearing on Monday, November 23, 2015, at 8:45 a.m. to receive comment on proposed Medicaid fee-for-service (FFS) payment rates for pharmaceutical providers. The public hearing will be held in the HHSC Public Hearing Room at the Brown-Heatly Building, located at 4900 North Lamar Boulevard, Austin, Texas 78751. Entry is through security at the main entrance of the building, which faces the North Lamar Boulevard. The hearing will be held in compliance with §32.0282 of the Texas Human Resources Code, and §355.201 of Title 1 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) which require a public hearing and notice for adjustments of Medicaid fees, rates, and charges. Proposal. HHSC is proposing a new FFS pharmacy reimbursement methodology with ingredient costs that differ by pharmacy type, and a dispensing fee formula that includes a variable component. The new methodology will utilize either the National Average Drug Acquisition Cost (NADAC)—the new benchmark of retail pharmacy acquisition costs developed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services,—or the Wholesale Acquisition Cost (WAC) when no NADAC pricing is available. Under the new methodology, some ingredient costs are increasing while others are decreasing; yet, in the aggregate, the new methodology will lower ingredient costs. On the other hand, the new dispensing fee methodology will increase the dispensing fee reimbursement. The new payment rates for FFS pharmaceutical providers are proposed to be effective March 1, 2016. Methodology and Justification. HHSC is concurrently amending rules in the TAC to implement the new proposed methodology. The rule amendments are proposed to effective March 1, 2016. The proposed payment rates were calculated in accordance with the following sections of Title 1 of the TAC: Proposed §355.8541, which addresses the drug ingredient cost reimbursement methodology for pharmaceutical providers; and; Proposed §355.8551, which addresses the drug dispensing fee reimbursement methodology for pharmaceutical providers. Briefing Package. Since there are thousands of National Drug Codes (NDCs), and both NADAC and the WAC are frequently changing, including specific rates under the new methodology in this notice is not appropriate. Yet, a package describing the proposed payment methodology is available online. Those interested may obtain a copy of the briefing package before the hearing by contacting the Vendor Drug Program at 512-707-6148 or at The briefing package will also be available at the public hearing. Written Comments. Written comments may be sent by U.S. mail, overnight mail, special delivery mail, hand delivery, fax, or email: U.S. Mail: Texas Health and Human Services Commission, Attention: Stacey Johnston, Vendor Drug Program, Mail Code 2250, P.O. Box 85200, Austin, Texas 78708-5200. Overnight mail, special delivery mail, or hand delivery: Texas Health and Human Services Commission, Attention: Stacey Johnston, Vendor Drug Program, Mail Code 2250 Brown-Heatly Building, 4900 North Lamar, Austin, Texas 78751. Phone number for package delivery: 512-707-6148. Fax: 512730-7483 Attention:  Stacey Johnston . Email:
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
November 23, 2015 – 10:00 AM
Brown-Heatly Building , Public Hearing Room , 4900 North Lamar Blvd., Austin
Proposed New Rules and Amendments Related to Vendor Drug Program Reimbursement, Prescription of Drugs During Disasters, Audit Appeals, and the Drug Utilization Review Board. Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will conduct a public hearing to receive comments on proposed new rules and amendments to different sections within Title 1, Part 15, Chapters 353 and 354 of the Texas Administrative Code: 1. For rules related to Medicaid fee-for-service and prescription drugs during a disaster: Chapter 354, Subchapter F, §354.1835, Prescriber Identification Numbers; §354.1851, Substitution of One Drug for Another in a Prescription; §354.1863, Prescription Requirements; §354.1901, Pharmacy Claims; §354.1921, Addition of Drugs to the Texas Drug Code Index; §354.1923, Review and Evaluation; and §354.1927, Retention and Deletion of Drugs. HHSC also proposes new Title 1, Part 15, Chapter 354, Subchapter F, Division 4, §354.1868, Exceptions in Disasters. See 40 Tex. Reg. 7505. 2. For rules related to audit appeals: Chapter 354, Subchapter F, Division 5, §354.1891, concerning Vendor Drug Providers Subject to Audit. See 40 Tex. Reg. 7754 3. For rules related to the Drug Utilization Review Board: Chapter 354, Subchapter F, §354.1832, concerning Prior Authorization Procedures; and §354.1924, concerning Preferred Drug List. HHSC proposes to repeal §354.1928, concerning Pharmaceutical and Therapeutics Committee, and §354.1941, concerning Conflict of Interest Policy. HHSC proposes as new §354.1941, concerning Drug Utilization Review Board; and §354.1942, concerning Conflict of Interest Policy. See 40 Tex. Reg. 7750 4. For rules related to clinical prior authorization and the Drug Utilization Review Board: Chapter 353, Subchapter J, §353.903, concerning Definitions; and §353.907, concerning Prior Authorization Requirements. See 40 Tex. Reg. 7749 The aforementioned proposals are too lengthy and complex to discuss in this public hearing notice. Yet, the proposals were published in two separate issues of the Texas Register and the reader can explore in detail each proposal in said publications. For the reader’s convenience, the Texas Register publications associated with each proposed new rule and amendment are hyperlinked in the above-listed citations. Written Comments.  Written comments on the proposed new rule and amendments may be submitted at the public hearing or to Stacey Johnston at: Vendor Drug Program, Mail Code 2250, P.O. Box 85200, Austin, Texas 78708-5200; by fax at 512-730-7483; or by email to within 30 days of publication of this proposal in the Texas Register.
Department of State Health Services
November 23, 2015 – 04:00 PM
Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center, 650 S Griffin St, Dallas
Governor's EMS and Trauma Advisory Council (GETAC) Call to Order Chair Approval of Minutes Members Chair Report and Discussion Assistant Commissioner Report, Division for Regulatory Services Kathryn C. Perkins, Assistant Commissioner, Division for Regulatory Services State EMS Trauma System Report, Office of EMS/Trauma Systems Coordination Jane G. Guerrero, Director, Office of EMS/Trauma Systems Coordination Assistant Commissioner Report, Environmental Epidemiology and Disease Registries Section John F. Villanacci, Director, Environmental Epidemiology and Disease Registries Section Assistant Commissioner Report, Division for Regional and Local Health Services Dave Gruber, Assistant Commissioner, Division for Regional and Local Health Services GETAC Committee Summary Reports: Air Medical Committee – Shirley Scholz, RN, CCRN, EMT-P, Chair Cardiac Care Committee – Richard Smalling, MD, Chair Disaster/Emergency Preparedness Committee – Eric Epley, CEM, NREMT-P, Chair Education Committee – Jodie Harbert, LP, Chair EMS Committee – Dudley Wait, EMT-P, BBA, Chair Injury Prevention Committee – Shelli Stephens-Stidham, MPA, Chair Medical Directors Committee – Jeff Beeson, DO, Chair Pediatric Committee – Charles Macias, MD, Chair Stroke Committee – J. Neal Rutledge, MD, Chair Trauma Systems Committee – Jorie Klein, RN, BSN, Chair GETAC Liaison Summary Reports: Texas EMS, Trauma, and Acute Care Foundation (TETAF) EMS for Children State Partnership update Discussion, public comment, and possible action on the following items: (Public comment time may be limited at Chair's discretion) 1. Update on DSHS Travel Office and Public Information Access policies as they pertain to GETAC council and committee members 2. Report on the Cardiac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival (CARES) (Jeff Beeson, MD) 3. Review GETAC Cardiovascular and Stroke Committee suggestions regarding which stroke data elements Regional Advisory Councils should consider collecting from Texas hospitals 4. Information sharing for high-consequence infectious disease 5. Position statement on the transport and care of patients with behavioral disorders 6. Report from task force on freestanding emergency departments and other facilities providing emergency care and the potential categorization or designation of such entities 7. How to improve the sharing of a medical facility's patient outcome data with Emergency Medical Services providers 8. Review the final edited version of the Pediatric Committee's report titled Pediatric Transfer and Transport Guidelines and accompanying plan of action 9. Child abuse and child fatality quality improvement issue (Charles Macias, MD, MPH) 10. Gaps and/or differences between the Texas Medical Practice Act in the Texas Occupations Code and the Texas Medical Board rules in Title 22 of the Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Chapter 197, entitled: Emergency Medical Service, and the Texas Department of State Health Services Emergency Medical Services rules in 25 TAC 157 11. Report on stroke transport bypass position paper Recommendations for Texas Emergency Medical Systems Stroke Triage and Transport 12. Discussion and possible approval of revisions to the GETAC Operational Strategic Plan and GETAC Procedural Rules 13. Discuss and confirm date for January 2016 special called meeting of GETAC to review proposed revisions to DSHS Emergency Medical Care rules in 25 TAC 157. General Public Comment (Comment time may be limited at Chair's discretion) Review and list agenda Items for next meeting Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Colin Crocker, 512/776-7111
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
November 30, 2015 – 09:00 AM
701 West 51st St. (Department of Aging and Disability Services, John H. Winters Building, Public, Hearing Room), Austin
Public Forum to discuss the implementation of legislative provisions regarding reporting, access standards, primary care provider assignments, provider directories and expedited credentialing. Call-in: 1-877-226-9790 Access Code: 1101316 The 2015 Texas Legislature adopted Senate Bill 760, which relates to access and assignment requirements for, support and information regarding, and investigations of certain providers of health care and long-term services. The enrolled bill can be found at pdf#navpanes=0. At this hearing, the Health and Human Services Commission's representatives will take public testimony on bill implementation as it relates to network adequacy initiatives in Medicaid managed care. More information is located at: ation.shtml. 1. Overview of legislation 2. Public Comments 3. Adjourn Written Comments: Written comments regarding SB 760 implementation may be submitted in lieu of, or in addition to, oral testimony if sent prior to the meeting. Send to: Contact: Questions regarding agenda items, content, or meeting arrangements should be emailed to This meeting is open to the public. No reservations are required, and there is no cost to attend this meeting. Additional Information Contact: Charles Bredwell, 512/462-6337
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
December 1, 2015 – 01:00 PM
4900 North Lamar Blvd. (Health and Human Services Commission, Brown-Heatly Building,Room 2301), Austin
The Intellectual and Developmental Disability System Redesign Advisory Committee Transition to Managed Care Subcommittee Meeting 1. Welcome and introductions 2. Review and accept September 23, 2015, Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD) System Redesign Advisory Committee Transition to Managed Care Subcommittee meeting minutes. 3. Value-added services discussion and recommendations from the subcommittee. 4. Network Access Improvement Project overview and discussion of a draft letter. 5. Discussion of future meeting dates and agenda items. 6. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Kathi Montalbano, 512/730-7409
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
December 1, 2015 – 02:00 PM
Brown-Heatly Building , Public Hearing Room , 4900 North Lamar Blvd., Austin
Proposed amendment to Personal Care Services Provider Participation Requirements. Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will conduct a public hearing to receive comments on the proposed amendment to Title 1, Part 15, Chapter 363, Subchapter F, §363.603, concerning Provider Participation Requirements in the Personal Care Services (PCS) program. The proposed rule amendment was published in the November 6, 2015, issue of the Texas Register. See 40 TexReg 7756. Written Comments.  Written comments on the proposed amendments to the rules may be submitted at the public hearing or to Ross Keenon, Rate Analyst, Acute Care Rate Analysis, HHSC, at P.O. Box 149030, Austin, Texas 78714-9030; by fax to 512-730-7475; or by email to within 30 days of publication of this proposal in the Texas Register.
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
December 2, 2015 – 10:00 AM
1200 East Anderson Lane, Board Room, First Floor, 1.170, Austin
Health-Related Institutions Formula Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda I. Call to order II. Consideration and approval of the minutes from November 4, 2015, meeting III. Discussion, review, and consideration of the Committee's report to the Commissioner IV. Planning for subsequent meetings, if needed V. Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: David Young, 512/427-6139

Texas Health and Human Services Commission
December 2, 2015 – 1:30 p.m.
Brown-Heatly Building Public Hearing Room, Austin
HHS Transformation Stakeholder Comment Hearing. Health and Human Services (HHS) transformation presents an opportunity to restructure the Texas HHS system to make it more functional, efficient, effective and responsive. As this two-year transformation process unfolds, HHS agencies will be asking for input from stakeholders: the people who use health and human services, benefits and programs; people and organizations that provide services, and people and organizations that support those who use services and benefits. HHS agencies, working together, have created staff workgroups based on core functions called for in the legislation that created the opportunity for the HHS transformation. The core functions are: Medical and social services, Regulatory services, Public health, Protective services, and State-operated facilities. The workgroups will use internal program data, staff expertise and stakeholder input to develop recommendations on how a transformed HHS system should be restructured within those core functions. Phase one of this process focuses on the structure of the HHS system, while future efforts will include a more in-depth focus on program operations within the transformed structure. 


Texas Medical Board
December 10, 2015 – 08:30 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 3, Room 780, Austin
Disciplinary Panel 1. Call to order. 2. Roll call. 3. Consideration of the Cease and Desist hearing of J. Antonio Aldrete pursuant to Texas Occupations Code, s165.052(a). 4. Adjourn.
Additional Information Contact: Laura Fleharty, 512/305-7174

-End of Report-

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