The following legislative and state agency health care hearings have been scheduled between October 22 and November 11.
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
October 24, 2016 – 10:00 AM
1200 E. Anderson Lane Board Room, Austin
Rehabilitative Services Programs of Study Subcommittee This meeting will be web-cast through the Coordinating Board's website at: A G E N D A I. Welcome and call to order II. Review of minutes from the June 21, 2016 Health Sciences Programs of Study Advisory Committee meeting III. Discussion of Committee charge IV. Public testimony on agenda items V. Election of Chair and election of Recorder for Subcommittee VI. Discussion and consideration of the Rehabilitative Services Programs of Study a. Review of list of OTHA and PTHA courses for consideration b. Selection of recommended Core Courses c. Preparation of draft Programs of Study d. Other items for including in the draft Programs of Study VII. Discussion of future agenda items and resources required for next meeting VIII. Discussion of timeline and future meeting date(s) IX. Adjournment *A working lunch will be incorporated into schedule. Additional Information Contact: Duane Hiller, 512/427-6440
Department of State Health Services
October 24, 2016 – 10:30 AM
Department of State Health Services (DSHS), Moreton Bldg, Room M-100, 1100 West 49th Street, Austin
Centers of Excellence for Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy Sub-Committee Call to Order/Roll Call – Dr. Frank Cho, Chair Discussion and possible action to approve the September 6, 2016 Meeting Minutes – Dr. Frank Cho, Chair Discussion and possible action on the following items: – Sub-Committee Members 1. Centers of Excellence for Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy Sub-Committee Literature Workgroup Report 2. Framework for developing rules for Centers of Excellence for Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy, specifically regarding the criteria necessary for a health care entity or program in this state to receive a designation under Chapter 32, Subchapter D of the Texas Health and Safety Code. 3. Creation of and assignment of members to work group(s) for consideration by the sub-committee General Public Comment (Comment time may be limited at Chair's discretion) Review and list agenda items for next meeting – Dr. Frank Cho, Chair Set date and time for future meetings – Dr. Frank Cho, Chair Adjournment – Dr. Frank Cho, Chair. Additional Information Contact: Indra Hernandez, 512/834-6669
State Board of Dental Examiners
October 25, 2016 – 10:00 AM
333 Guadalupe, Austin
Texas State Board of Dental Examiners Blue Ribbon Panel conclusion 333 Guadalupe St, Tower 3, Room 102 Austin, TX 78701 Agenda 1. Call to order. 2. Roll call. 3. Call for nominations for blue ribbon panel chairperson. 4. Election of blue ribbon panel chairperson. 5. Public comment. 6. Review and discussion: A. Master Spreadsheet of De-Identified Data. B. Direction to Staff Regarding Collection of De-Identified Data. 7. Announcements. 8. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact:
Department of State Health Services
October 25, 2016 – 10:00 AM
Seton Medical Center Williamson, Learning Center 1-4, 201 Seton Parkway, Round Rock
Governor's EMS and Trauma Advisory Council (GETAC) Call to Order Discussion, public comment, and possible action on the following items: Advisory Council Members (Public comment time may be limited at Chair's discretion.) 1. GETAC strategic planning session in accordance with Health and Safety Code, Chapter 773, Section 773.012(l). General Public Comment (Comment time may be limited at Chair's discretion) Review and list agenda items for next meeting Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Colin Crocker, 512/458-7111
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
October 25, 2016 – 10:00 AM
1200 E. Anderson Lane Tejas Room 1.163, Austin
Nursing Innovation Grant Program NIGP Grantees' Meeting Agenda 1. Introductions 2. Presentations of Project Outcomes 3. Lunch 4. Review of Grant Requirements and Project Implementation 5. Adjournment. Texas Penal Code Section 46.035(c) states: A license holder commits an offense if the license holder intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carries a handgun under the authority of Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code, regardless of whether the handgun is concealed or carried in a shoulder or belt holster, in the room or rooms where a meeting of a governmental entity is held and if the meeting is an open meeting subject to Chapter 551, Government Code, and the entity provided notice as required by that chapter." Thus, no person can carry a handgun and enter the room or rooms where a meeting of the THECB is held if the meeting is an open meeting subject to Chapter 551, Government Code. Please Note that this governmental meeting is, in the opinion of counsel representing THECB, an open meeting subject to Chapter 551, Government Code and THECB is providing notice of this meeting as required by Chapter 551. In addition, please note that the written communication required by Texas Penal Code Sections 30.06 and 30.07, prohibiting both concealed and open carry of handguns by Government Code Chapter 411 licensees, will be posted at the entrances to this governmental meeting. Additional Information Contact: Fu-An Lin, 512/427-6211
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
October 25, 2016 – 10:30 AM
4900 North Lamar Blvd., Health and Human Services Commission, Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Room, Austin
Perinatal Advisory Council 1. Call to order 2. Roll call 3. Approval of the minutes (Meeting on September 20, 2016) 4. Updates from Subcommittee on Center of Excellence for Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy* 5. Updates from Department of State Health Services* 6. Updates from Perinatal Advisory Council Chair* 7. Discussion on Maternal Levels of Care* 8. Lunch 9. Continue discussion on Maternal Levels of Care* 10. Public comment 11. Announce dates, times, and locations of upcoming meetings in 2016 12. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: David Williams, 512/380-4374
Department of State Health Services
October 26, 2016 – 09:00 AM
Austin State Hospital Campus, Building 552, Room 125, 909 West 45th Street, Austin
Joint Committee on Access and Forensic Services Teleconference Access: 1-877-820-7831 Passcode: 834918# The Committee will meet to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda: 1. Opening remarks and introductions. 2. Approval of minutes for the August 31, and September 21, 2016 face-to-face meetings, and the October 13, 2016 teleconference meeting. 3. Public comment. 4.Discussion and possible action regarding the committee's annual report to the HHSC Executive Commissioner and the Legislature.* 5. Discussion and possible action regarding a letter of advice from the committee regarding the crisis in inpatient capacity and the backlog for forensic hospital admissions.* 6. Discussion and possible action regarding the agency's legislative report regarding the allocation methodology, utilization review protocol, and other recommendations.* 7. System spotlight presentation.* 8. Presentation on the Hospital Services Section structure and financing.* 9. Update on individuals waiting for inpatient services.* 10. DSHS committee updates.* 11. Future meetings and logistics. 12. Adjourn. *Public comment will be taken on this agenda item. This meeting is open to the public. No reservations are required and there is no cost to attend this meeting. Additional Information Contact: Tamra Boyd, 512/776-7111
Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities
October 26, 2016 – 01:00 PM
Crowne Plaza Hotel, 8686 Kirby Drive, Houston
Texas Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities Meeting Agenda. **This meeting will be held over two days; same location** Day 1 – Wednesday, October 26, 2016 I. Call to Order / Roll Call / Introductions – Aaron Bangor, Chair II. Approval of August 2016 Meeting Minutes (Discussion/Possible Action) III. Presentation: LFEA Award Ceremony Host – Raul Tello, TWC Workforce Solutions Office, Houston (Discussion/Possible Action) IV. Executive Director's Report – Ron Lucey (Discussion/Possible Action) V. Activities and Accomplishments, July – September, 2016 VI. Reports from Invited Exofficio Agency Representatives (Discussion and Possible Action) Department of Aging and Disability Services Department of Family and Protective Services Department of State Health Services Health and Human Services Commission Texas Education Agency Texas Dept. of Licensing and Regulation, Architectural Barriers Division Texas Workforce Commission Committee Exofficio Report in Desired Format (Discussion and Possible Action) VII. Subcommittee Formation (Discussion and Possible Action) VIII. Member Reports on Community Outreach (Discussion/Possible Action) IX. Public Comment (Limited to 3 minutes per presentation) Recess (approx. 5:30 p.m.) **The meeting will reconvene on Thursday, October 27, 2016** Notice of Assistance at Public Meetings. Additional Information Contact: Nancy Van Loan, 512/463-5739
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
October 26, 2016 – 01:00 PM
4900 North Lamar Blvd., Health and Human Services Commission, Brown-Heatly Building, Room 3501, Austin
Intellectual and Developmental Disability System Redesign Advisory Committee Housing Subcommittee Meeting 1. Welcome and introductions 2. Review and accept July 27, 2016, Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD) System Redesign Advisory Committee Housing Subcommittee meeting minutes 3. Presentation on residential services 4. Presentation on Hope House 5. Update on Legislative Appropriations Request 6. Discuss agenda and action items for next meeting and set date 7. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Sallie Allen, 512/424-6969
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
October 26, 2016 – 02:00 PM
Department of Aging and Disability Services John H. Winters Building Public Hearing Room, 701 West 51st St., Austin
Proposed Medicaid Payment Rates for Hospice Services. Hearing. Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will conduct a public hearing to receive public comment on proposed Medicaid payment rates for hospice routine home care, continuous home care, inpatient respite care, general inpatient care, dual routine home care and the service intensity add-on. The hearing will be held in compliance with Texas Human Resources Code §32.0282, which requires public notice and hearings on proposed Medicaid reimbursements. Proposal. HHSC proposes to increase the payment rates for hospice routine home care, continuous home care, inpatient respite care, general inpatient care, dual routine home care and the service intensity add-on. The payment rates are proposed to be effective Oct. 1, 2016, in accordance with the final Medicare hospice rule published in the Federal Register on Aug. 5, 2016 (CMS-1652-F). Methodology and Justification. The proposed payment rates were calculated in accordance with the hospice reimbursement methodology located at the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 42, Part 418, Subpart G. Briefing Package. A briefing package (link is external) describing the proposed payment rates will be available on or after Oct. 14, 2016. Those interested may also obtain a copy of the briefing package before the hearing by contacting Tesa Delemater by telephone at 512-730 7401; by fax at 512-730 7475; or by email at The briefing package will also be available at the public hearing. Written Comments. Written comments regarding the proposed payment rates may be submitted instead of, or in addition to, oral testimony until 5 p.m. the day of the hearing. Written comments may be sent by U.S. mail, overnight mail, special delivery mail, hand delivery, fax, or email: U.S. Mail: Health and Human Services Commission, Rate Analysis Department, Mail Code H-400, P.O. Box 149030, Austin, Texas 78714-9030. Overnight mail, special delivery mail or hand delivery: Health and Human Services Commission, Rate Analysis Department, Mail Code H-400, Brown Heatly Building, 4900 North Lamar Blvd., Austin, Texas 78751-2316. Phone number for package delivery: 512-730-7401. Fax: Attention: Rate Analysis at 512-730-7475. Email:
Texas Diabetes Council
October 26, 2016 – 07:00 PM
Hyatt Place North Central, 7522 North IH-35, Meeting Room 2, Austin
Advocacy and Outreach Committee 1. Call to Order 2. Introductions 3. Approval of July 27, 2016, Meeting Minutes (Action item) 4. Health and Human Commission Rider 84: HHSC/TDC Joint Diabetes Workgroup 5. Employee Retirement System Rider 14: Diabetes Prevention Program for ERS Participants 6. National Association of Chronic Disease Directors State Engagement Meeting: Strategic Planning for the National Diabetes Prevention Program 7. Proposed 1115 Waiver Learning Collaborative for Academic Medical Centers Addressing Diabetes 8. American Diabetes Association Advocacy Update 9. Diabetes Research Updates 10. Statewide Professional Diabetes Education Updates 11. Coordinating Calendar Items (Information about upcoming conferences, events etc.) 12. Next Meeting Date – January 25, 2017 13. Public Comments 14. Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Richard Kropp, no number given
Texas Diabetes Council
October 26, 2016 – 08:00 PM
Hyatt Place North Central, 7522 North IH-35, Meeting Room 1, Austin
Medical Professionals Advisory Subcommittee 1. Call to Order; and Welcome 2. Designate Recorder, Roll Call, and Mission Statement (Action Item) 3. Review and Approve July 27, 2016 Minutes (Action Item) 4. Algorithm Review, Discussion and Updates (Action Items) a. Insulin Therapy for Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Teaching Document (Action Item) b. Transition Insulin Algorithm c. Exercise Algorithm for Type 2 Diabetes Prevention and Therapy (Action Item) d. Glycemic Control Algorithm (Action Item) e. Review the Pediatric Immunization Table: Minimum Standards of Care for Children and Adolescents (Not an Action Item, approved by TDC July 28, 2016) f. Review the Minimum Standards of Care for Adults (Not an Action Item, approved by TDC July 28, 2016) 5. Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Luby Garza-Abijaoude, no info
Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities
October 27, 2016 – 08:00 AM
Crowne Plaza Hotel, 8686 Kirby Drive, Houston
Texas Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities Meeting Agenda **This is the second day of a two-day meeting** Day 2 – Thursday, October 27, 2016 Crowne Plaza Hotel 8686 Kirby Drive Houston, Texas 77054 8:00 a.m. I. Reconvene/Call to Order, Committee Chair Aaron Bangor II. Presentation: Recommendation on ASL Interpretation – David Myers III. Policy Development for 2017'2018 Biennium based on the Committee's ten issue areas of Access, Communications, Education, Emergency Preparedness, Health, Housing, Recreation, Transportation, Veterans and Workforce (Discussion/Possible Action) IV. Future Meetings (Discussion/Possible Action) V. Adjournment (approx. 10:30 a.m.) Additional Information Contact: Nancy Van Loan, 512/463-5739
Texas Board of Nursing
October 27, 2016 – 08:30 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower II, Room 225, Austin
Texas Board of Nursing Regular Meeting. See the full agenda here. Additional Information Contact: P. Vianes-Cabrera, 512/305-6811
Texas Diabetes Council
October 27, 2016 – 08:30 AM
Texas Department of State Health Services, 1100 West 49th St, Moreton Building, Room M-618, Austin
Outcomes Advisory Subcommittee 1. Call to Order, Welcome, and Introductions 2. Review and Approve July 28, 2016, Minutes (Action Item) 3. Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations Data (OSER) 4. Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Recognition Program (Action Item) 5. Data and Case Studies from Harris Health FQHC (IRIS) 6. Proposed 1115 Waiver Learning Collaborative for Academic Medical Centers Addressing Diabetes 7. Health and Human Commission Rider 84: HHSC/TDC Joint Diabetes Workgroup (Action Item) 8. Outcomes Research/Recent Articles 9. Public Comments 10. Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Jimi Ripley-Black, no info given
Texas Diabetes Council
October 27, 2016 – 09:00 AM
Texas Department of State Health Services, 1100 West 49th Street, Tower Building, 6th Floor, Room 607, Austin
Medical Professionals Advisory Subcommittee 1. Call to Order; and Welcome 2. Designate Recorder, Roll Call, and Mission Statement 3. Review and Approve July 28, 2016 Minutes 4. Algorithm Review, Discussion and Updates a. Insulin Therapy for Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Teaching Document (Action Items) b. Transition Insulin Algorithm c. Exercise Algorithm (Action Items) d. Glycemic Algorithm (Action Items) e. Review Pediatric Immunization Table: Minimum Standards of Care for Children and Adolescents, (Not an Action Item, Approved by TDC 7/28/16) f. Review the Minimum Standards of Care for Adults (Not an Action Item, Approved by TDC July 28, 2016) 5. Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Luby Garza-Abijaoude, no info
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
October 27, 2016 – 10:00 AM
4900 North Lamar Blvd., Health and Human Services Commission, Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Rooms, Austin
Intellectual and Developmental Disability System Redesign Advisory Committee 1. Introductions and Chair report 2. Review and adoption of July 28, 2016, meeting minutes (Vote required) 3. Health and Human Services Transformation update 4. Legislative Appropriations Request update 5. Home and Community-based settings requirements update 6. STAR Kids update 7. Update to issues related to declined assessments and transportation 8. Public comment 9. Lunch 10. Presentation on Texas Achieving a Better Life Experience rules 11. Preview of legislative session 12. Subcommittee updates* a. Day Habilitation and Employment Services b. Housing c. Quality d. Transition to Managed Care 13. Discuss next steps and agenda items for January 26, 2017, meeting 14. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Sallie Allen, 512/424-6969
Texas Diabetes Council
October 27, 2016 – 11:00 AM
Texas Department of State Health Services, 1100 West 49th Street, Tower Building, 4th Floor, Room 607, Austin
Health Care Professionals Advisory Committee 1. Call to Order, Welcome, Introductions 2. Designate Recorder and Roll Call (Action Item) 3. Mission Statement 4. Review and Approve July 28, 2016, Minutes (Action Item) 5. Medical Professionals Advisory Subcommittee Report (Action Item) 6. Outcomes Advisory Subcommittee Report (Action Item) 7. Public Comments 8. Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Luby Garza-Abijaoude, no info
Texas Diabetes Council
October 27, 2016 – 01:00 PM
Texas Department of State Health Services, 1100 West 49th Street, M-100, Austin
1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Action on Absences 4. Approval of July 28, 2016 Meeting Minutes (Action Item) 5. Chair's Address and Report 6. Presentations Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) Rider 84: HHS/TDC Joint Diabetes Workgroup Diabetes Self-Management in Texas: Marketing Research & Evaluation Study Texas Potentially Preventable Hospitalization Data 7. DSHS Diabetes Prevention and Control Program Manager's Report 8. Health Care Professionals Advisory Committee a. Medical Professionals Advisory Subcommittee – 1. Algorithm Review, Discussion and Updates — a. Insulin Therapy for Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Teaching Document (Action Item) — b. Transition Insulin Algorithm (Action Item) — c. Exercise Algorithm for Type 2 Diabetes Prevention and Therapy (Action Item) — d. Glycemic Control Algorithm (Action Item) — e. Review the Pediatric Immunization Table: Minimum Standards of Care for Children and Adolescents (Action Item) — f. Review the Minimum Standards of Care for Adults b. Outcomes Advisory Subcommittee – 1. Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations Data (OSER) – 2. Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Recognition Program (Action Item) – 3. Data and Case Studies from Harris Health FQHC (IRIS) – 4. Outcomes Research/Recent Activities 9. Advocacy and Outreach Committee a. Health and Human Commission Rider 84: Texas Medicaid and Texas Diabetes Council Coordination and Report (Action Item) b. Employees Retirement System Rider 14: Diabetes Prevention Program for ERS Participants c. National Association of Chronic Disease Directors State Engagement Meeting: Strategic Planning for the National Diabetes Prevention Program d. Proposed 1115 Waiver Learning Collaborative for Academic Medical Centers Addressing Diabetes e. American Diabetes Association Advocacy Update f. Diabetes Research Update g. Statewide Professional Education Updates h. Coordinating Calendar Items i. Adoption of Meeting Recommendations (Action Item) 10. Program Reports a. Public Information and Education b. Community Diabetes Projects 11. Agency Reports a. Department of Assistive & Rehabilitative Services b. Department of State Health Services c. Department of Aging and Disability Services d. Health and Human Services Commission/Texas Medicaid 12. Member Announcements 13. Public Comment (No Action Required) 14. Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Richard Kropp, no info given
Texas Board of Nursing
October 27, 2016 – 02:00 PM
333 Guadalupe Street, Austin
Notice of Public Hearing for Consideration of a Proposal from Galen College of Nursing To Establish A Baccalaureate Degree Nursing Education Program in San Antonio, Texas Date and Time: October 27, 2016 at 2:00 PM Place: Hobby Building 333 Guadalupe Street Tower 2, Room 225 Austin, Texas The Board will hear testimony from individuals who wish to present information concerning the proposal. Written testimony will also be considered and should be received in the Board's office by October 21, 2016. Address written testimony to: Katherine A. Thomas, MN, RN, FAAN, Executive Director Texas Board of Nursing 333 Guadalupe Street, Suite 3-460 Austin, Texas 78701-3942 Additional Information Contact: Virginia Ayars, 512/305-7660
Texas Board of Nursing
October 27, 2016 – 02:20 PM
333 Guadalupe Street, Austin
Notice of Public Hearing for Consideration of a Proposal from Texas A&M University-Commerce To Establish A Master of Science in Nursing Family Nurse Practitioner Program in Commerce, Texas Date and Time: October 27, 2016 at 2:20 PM Place: Hobby Building 333 Guadalupe Street Tower 2, Room 225 Austin, Texas The Board will hear testimony from individuals who wish to present information concerning the proposal. Written testimony will also be considered and should be received in the Board's office by October 21, 2016. Address written testimony to: Katherine A. Thomas, MN, RN, FAAN, Executive Director Texas Board of Nursing 333 Guadalupe Street, Suite 3-460 Austin, Texas 78701-3942. Additional Information Contact: Virginia Ayars, 512/305-7660
Texas Board of Nursing
October 28, 2016 – 08:30 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower II, Room 225, Austin
Texas Board of Nursing Regular Meeting. See the full agenda here. Additional Information Contact: P. Vianes-Cabrera, 512/305-6811
Texas Medical Board
October 28, 2016 – 09:30 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 3, Suite 610, Austin
Disciplinary Panel 1.Call to order. 2.Roll call. 3.Consideration of the Cease and Desist hearing of Marvin Sams, pursuant to Texas Occupations Code, s165.052(a). 4.Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Angel Johnson, 512/305-8099
Department of State Health Services
October 28, 2016 – 10:00 AM
Austin State Hospital Campus, 4110 Guadalupe, Building 626, Nifty-Fifty Conference Room, Austin
Stock Epinephrine Advisory Committee The Advisory Committee will meet to discuss and possibly act on the following agenda: 1. Call meeting to order and introduction of members, guests, and staff. 2. Overview of background and rationale for Stock Epinephrine Advisory Committee (SEAC) as outlined in Senate Bill 66 (Acts 2015, 84th Leg., R.S., Ch. 180), codified as subchapter E of Chapter 38 of the Education Code. 3. Discussion regarding SEAC committee members' roles and responsibilities, including the open government requirements. 4. Discussion and possible action regarding the election of the presiding officer for the SEAC. 5. Review of current DSHS Guidelines for the Care of Students with Food Allergies At-Risk for Anaphylaxis. 6. Discussion about development and possible action of committee recommendations required by statute related to: a. The storage and maintenance of epinephrine auto-injectors on school campuses; b. The training of school personnel and school volunteers in the administration of an auto-injector; and c. A plan for one or more school personnel members or school volunteers trained in the administration of an epinephrine auto-injector to be on each school campus. 7. Discussion and possible action regarding the next SEAC meeting date, including future agenda items. 8. Public comment. 9. Adjournment. Agenda items may be taken in any order at the discretion of the Presiding Officer. An individual who wishes to speak on an issue that falls under the Committee's jurisdiction shall be heard during the Public Comment agenda item. The Presiding Chair may establish and announce limitations on speakers, including time limits and when speakers may address the Committee. The limitations, if any, may vary from meeting to meeting. Additional Information Contact: Anita Wheeler, 512/776-7279
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
October 31, 2016 – 09:00 AM
John H. Winters Building Public Hearing Room, 701 West 51st St., Austin
Proposed Medicaid Payment Rates for Anesthesia Services. Hearing. Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will conduct a public hearing to receive comment on proposed Medicaid payment rates for Anesthesia Services. The hearing will be held in compliance with Texas Human Resources Code §32.0282, which requires public notice of and hearings on proposed Medicaid reimbursements. Proposal. The payment rates for Anesthesia Services are proposed to be effective Jan. 1, 2017. Methodology and Justification. The proposed payment rates were calculated in accordance with Title 1 of the Texas Administrative Code §355.8085, which addresses the reimbursement methodology for physicians and other practitioners. Briefing Package. A briefing package (link is external) describing the proposed payment rates will be available at on or after Oct. 17, 2016. Those interested may obtain a copy of the briefing package before the hearing by contacting HHSC Rate Analysis by telephone at 512-730-7401; by fax at 512-730-7475; or by email at The briefing package will also be available at the public hearing. Written Comments. Written comments regarding the proposed payment rates may be submitted instead of, or in addition to, oral testimony until 5 p.m. the day of the hearing. Written comments may be sent by U.S. mail, overnight mail, special delivery mail, hand delivery, fax, or email: U.S. Mail: Health and Human Services Commission, Attention: Rate Analysis,, Mail Code H-400, P.O. Box 149030, Austin, TX 78714-9030. Overnight mail, special delivery mail, or hand delivery: Health and Human Services Commission, Attention: Rate Analysis, Mail Code H-400, Brown-Heatly Building, 4900 North Lamar Blvd., Austin, TX 78751. Phone number for package delivery: 512-730-7401. Fax: Attention: Rate Analysis at 512-730-7475. Email:
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
November 1, 2016 – 10:00 AM
1200 E. Anderson Lane Board Room, Austin
Emergency Medical Services Programs of Study Subcommittee This meeting will be web-cast through the Coordinating Board's website at: A G E N D A I. Welcome and call to order II. Review of minutes from the June 21, 2016 Health Sciences Programs of Study Advisory Committee meeting III. Discussion of Committee charge IV. Public testimony on agenda items V. Election of Chair and election of Recorder for Subcommittee VI. Discussion and consideration of the Emergency Medical Services Programs of Study a. Review of list of EMSP courses for consideration b. Selection of recommended Core Courses c. Preparation of draft Programs of Study d. Other items for including in the draft Programs of Study VII. Discussion of future agenda items and resources required for next meeting VIII. Discussion of timeline and future meeting date(s) IX. Adjournment *A working lunch will be incorporated into schedule. Additional Information Contact: Duane Hiller, 512/427-6440
Department of Family and Protective Services
November 1, 2016 – 06:00 PM
701 West 51st Street, John H. Winters Building, Rm 103 West, Austin
Advisory Committee to Promote Adoption for Minority Children Agenda: Call to order Roll call Approval of minutes from last meeting Open Issues a) Year End Report b) San Antonio Forum Update c) 90/90 Initiative Report d) Care Portal Report New Business a) Elections- Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary b) Members Roles and Responsibilities c) New Member Nominations d) Disproportionality Data Review e) Select Forum locations for 2017 Fiscal year f) Review current bylaws, and develop new bylaws g) 2017 Work Plan Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Aaron C. Blake, 325/260-4166
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
November 3, 2016 – 10:00 AM
1200 E. Anderson Lane Board Room, Austin
Nursing Field of Study Advisory Committee This meeting will be web-cast through the Coordinating Board's website at: A G E N D A I. Call to order II. Welcome and introductions III. Discussion and consideration of election of committee co-chairs and recording secretary IV. Discussion and consideration of establishing staggered term lengths for members V. Discussion of Committee charge VI. Public testimony on agenda items VII. Review and discuss proposed Field of Study VIII. Discussion of Uniform Pre-Nursing Curriculum Advisory Committee Legislative Report and implications for the Field of Study IX. Discussion of timeline and future meeting date(s) X. Adjournment *A working lunch will be incorporated into schedule. Additional Information Contact: Donna Carlin, 512/427-6241
Texas State Board of Pharmacy
November 7, 2016 – 09:00 AM
333 Guadalupe Street, Room 2-225, Austin
Task Force on Pharmacy Technician Qualifications and Duties Agenda I. Call to Order and Welcome (9:00 a.m.) II. Announcements Restrooms Lunch III. Review of Board's Responsibilities and Task Force Charge IV. Introductions V. Discussion VI. Adjourn (no later than 3:00 p.m.) The Task Force is charged with: (1) reviewing the current laws and rules relating to pharmacy technicians in Texas; (2) reviewing literature and studies regarding the changing roles and duties of pharmacists and how these changes may impact the role of pharmacy technicians; and (3) making recommendations to the Board for any changes to the current pharmacy technician laws and rules to allow pharmacy technicians to assist pharmacists in providing safe and quality pharmaceutical care to the citizens of Texas. Additional Information Contact: Allison Benz, 512/305-8037
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
November 7, 2016 – 10:00 AM
1100 West 49th St., Department of State Health Services, MoretonBuilding, Room 100, Austin
Value Based Payment Quality Improvement Advisory Committee 1. Welcome 2. Extended introductions from members 3. Background presentations a. Rules, bylaws, and deliverables b. Work of previous health quality advisory committees c. Major Health and Human Services Commission health quality initiatives 4. Appointment terms 5. Election of presiding officer and assistant presiding officer (vote will be taken)* 6. Council discussion on initial priorities and work plan 7. Action items for staff or member follow-up 8. Public Comment 9. Adjourn * Public comment will be taken on this agenda item. Additional Information Contact: Jimmy Blanton, 512/487-3313
-End of Report-
Health Care Hearings – October 21