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The following legislative and state agency health care hearings have been scheduled between October 25 and November 14.
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
October 27, 2014 – 01:00 PM
1530 SSW Loop 323 (Tyler Junior College West Campus, Rm 104), Tyler
Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program Regional Advisory Committee 1. Welcome and Introductions. 2. Approval of minutes of the May 19, 2014, Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Regional Advisory Committee Meeting. (vote required) 3. Update on the Affordable Care Act. a. Hospital-based Presumptive Eligibility b. Changes to the HHSC Renewal Process 4. Update on the Dual Demonstration Project. 5. Update on the Managed Care Expansion Initiatives. a. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities b. STAR+PLUS Expansion c. Nursing Facility d. Behavioral Health 6. Update on the Home and Community Based Services Rules. 7. Update on the Medicaid and CHIP Quality Efficiency Improvement Efforts. 8. Update on the Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Waiver. 9. Update on the Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Centers. 10. Information Presentations. a. Medical Transportation Program b. c. Mobile App d. Community Partner Program 11. Public Comment. 12. Discussion on Schedule Information for Next Meeting. 13. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Stephanie Raymer, 903/581-9231
House Committee on County Affairs
October 27, 2014 – 01:30 PM
University of Texas – Pan American, Community Engagement and Student Success Building Room 1.300, 1407 E. Freddy Gonzalez Rd., Edinburg
The committee will hear testimony on the following topics that fall under the committees jurisdiction: Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program 1115 Waiver; Mental Health Diversion Tools; Issues affecting the local jail; and Indigent Care. Conduct legislative oversight and monitoring of the agencies and programs under the committee’s jurisdiction and the implementation of relevant legislation passed by the 83rd Legislature. In conducting this oversight, the committee should: a. consider any reforms to state agencies to make them more responsive to Texas taxpayers and citizens; b. identify issues regarding the agency or its governance that may be appropriate to investigate, improve, remedy, or eliminate; c. determine whether an agency is operating in a transparent and efficient manner; and d. identify opportunities to streamline programs and services while maintaining the mission of the agency and its programs. Contact: Katy Reagan (512) 463-0760
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
October 28, 2014 – 09:00 AM
11670 Chito Samaniego Dr. (Education Service Center Region 19 Head Start, Multipurpose Center), El Paso
Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program Regional Advisory Committee 1. Welcome and Introductions. 2. Approval of minutes of the May 22, 2014, Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Regional Advisory Committee Meeting. (vote required) 3. Update on the Affordable Care Act. a. Hospital-based Presumptive Eligibility b. Changes to the HHSC Renewal Process 4. Update on the Dual Demonstration Project. 5. Update on the Managed Care Expansion Initiatives. a. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities b. STAR+PLUS Expansion c. Nursing Facility d. Behavioral Health 6. Update on the Home and Community Based Services Rules. 7. Update on the Medicaid and CHIP Quality Efficiency Improvement Efforts. 8. Update on the Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Waiver. 9. Update on the Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Centers. 10. Information Presentations. a. Medical Transportation Program b. c. Mobile App d. Community Partner Program 11. Public Comment. 12. Discussion on Schedule Information for Next Meeting. 13. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Lilia Estrada, 915/834-7751
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
October 28, 2014 – 10:00 AM
4900 N. Lamar St. (HHSC, Brown-Heatly Bldg., Room 1410), Austin
Texas System of Care Consortium 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. A Family System of Care Experience 3. Health and Human Services Mental Health Coordination 4. Legislative Appropriation Requests (LAR) relevant to Children's Mental Health 5. Policy Opportunities related to children and youth with serious mental health challenges and their families 6. Approval of July 29 meeting minutes (Action) 7. Public Comment 8. Texas System of Care (SOC) Consortium Business a. Legislative Report: Next Steps b. Youth Representative Consortium Nomination (Action) 9. (Recess) 10. Texas 2-1-1 Information and Referral Overview 11. SOC Implementation Expansion Implementation Updates a. Anti-stigma Project b. Community Update c. Youth Update d. Family Update e. Cultural and Linguistic Competency Update f. Wraparound Update 12. Updates: Medicaid 1915c waiver, known as Youth Empowerment Services (YES) 13. Announcements 14. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Sherri Hammack, 512/954-8563
Senate Committee on Criminal Justice
October 28, 2014 – 10:00 AM
Capitol Extension Building, Room E1.012, Austin
The Senate Committee on Criminal Justice will meet to hear invited and public testimony on interim charge 2: Study the operations of the Texas prison system with respect to the medical and mental health care treatment. Study potential cost savings associated with identifying offenders with dual diagnoses and routing these individuals into appropriate services before, during, and after involvement with the criminal justice system. Study the way in which geriatric parole cases are currently evaluated and identify opportunities for reducing costs associated with the geriatric inmate population without compromising public safety. Contact Kathryn Hendrix (512) 463-0345
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
October 29, 2014 – 10:00 AM
3555 Stagg Dr. (Baptist Hospitals of Southeast Texas, Cancer Center Auditorium), Beaumont
Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program Regional Advisory Committee 1. Welcome and Introductions. 2. Approval of minutes of the May 21, 2014, Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Regional Advisory Committee Meeting. (vote required) 3. Update on the Affordable Care Act. a. Hospital-based Presumptive Eligibility b. Changes to the HHSC Renewal Process 4. Update on the Dual Demonstration Project. 5. Update on the Managed Care Expansion Initiatives. a. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities b. STAR+PLUS Expansion c. Nursing Facility d. Behavioral Health 6. Update on the Home and Community Based Services Rules. 7. Update on the Medicaid and CHIP Quality Efficiency Improvement Efforts. 8. Update on the Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Waiver. 9. Update on the Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Centers. 10. Information Presentations. a. Medical Transportation Program b. c. Mobile App d. Community Partner Program 11. Public Comment. 12. Discussion on Schedule Information for Next Meeting. 13. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Amy Haden, 409/730-4023
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
October 30, 2014 – 10:00 AM
7033 Southwest Freeway (Southwest Mental Health Mental Retardation Authority of Harris County, Meeting, Center), Houston
Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program Regional Advisory Committee 1. Welcome and Introductions. 2. Approval of minutes of the May 22, 2014, Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Regional Advisory Committee Meeting. (vote required) 3. Update on the Affordable Care Act. a. Hospital-based Presumptive Eligibility b. Changes to the HHSC Renewal Process 4. Update on the Dual Demonstration Project. 5. Update on the Managed Care Expansion Initiatives. a. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities b. STAR+PLUS Expansion c. Nursing Facility d. Behavioral Health 6. Update on the Home and Community Based Services Rules. 7. Update on the Medicaid and CHIP Quality Efficiency Improvement Efforts. 8. Update on the Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Waiver. 9. Update on the Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Centers. 10. Information Presentations. a. Medical Transportation Program b. c. Mobile App d. Community Partner Program 11. Public Comment. 12. Discussion on Schedule Information for Next Meeting. 13. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Dr. David Arlen, 713/767-3214
Texas Medical Board
October 31, 2014 – 09:00 AM
333 Guadalupe, Tower 2, Austin
Texas Physician Health Program Agenda item numbers are assigned for ease of reference only and do not necessarily reflect the order of their consideration by the Board. Call to Order; Roll Call; Welcome Agenda Item 1 Discussion, recommendations, and possible action regarding August 15, 2014 Board meeting minutes. Agenda Item 2 Discussion, recommendations, and possible action regarding case advisory panels, case reviews, proposed agreement terminations and modifications. Agenda Item 3 Discussion, recommendations and possible action regarding the safety of practicing medicine while taking medications with potentially impairing cognitive effects. Agenda Item 4 Discussion, recommendations, and possible action regarding program operations. a) Status of program enrollment to date and related information b) Budget update c) Legal Update Agenda Item 5 Discussion, recommendations, and possible action regarding TXPHP Sunset Review. Agenda Item 6 Discussion, recommendations, and possible action regarding TXPHP guidelines for agreements with health and rehabilitation centers and sending out data questionnaires and making site visits. Agenda Item 7 Update, discussion, recommendations, and possible action regarding TMB Stakeholders Licensure Application and Questionnaire questions 38-42. New Licensure application questions.pdf Physician Licensure Renewal Questions -New draft.pdf Agenda Item 8 Discussion, recommendations, and possible action regarding medical student participation in the TXPHP. Agenda Item 9 Discussion, recommendations, and possible action regarding TXPHP outreach activities. Agenda Item 10 Discussion, recommendations, and possible action regarding upcoming Board meetings, member rotation, welcoming new board member, Ms. Waters, P.A., and possible agenda topics. Agenda Item 11 Open forum for public comments. Executive Session The Board may close the meeting to the public and continue in executive session for the following reasons: a. Private consultation and advice of legal counsel concerning pending or contemplated litigation, settlement offers, and/or legal matters subject to the attorney-client privilege under the authority of the Open Meetings Act Section 551.071, Government Code. b. Deliberations concerning the appointment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee under the authority of the Open Meetings Act Section 551.074, Government Code. While in executive session, the Board will not take any action, make any decision, or vote with regard to any matter that may be considered or discussed. A certified agenda of any executive session will be made. Additional Information Contact:
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
October 31, 2014 – 10:00 AM
500 Rio Concho Dr. (City of San Angelo McNeese Convention Center, South Meeting Room), San Angelo
Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program Regional Advisory Committee1. Welcome and Introductions. 2. Approval of minutes of the May 23, 2014, Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Regional Advisory Committee Meeting. (vote required) 3. Update on the Affordable Care Act. a. Hospital-based Presumptive Eligibility b. Changes to the HHSC Renewal Process 4. Update on the Dual Demonstration Project. 5. Update on the Managed Care Expansion Initiatives. a. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities b. STAR+PLUS Expansion c. Nursing Facility d. Behavioral Health 6. Update on the Home and Community Based Services Rules. 7. Update on the Medicaid and CHIP Quality Efficiency Improvement Efforts. 8. Update on the Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Waiver. 9. Update on the Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Centers. 10. Information Presentations. a. Medical Transportation Program b. c. Mobile App d. Community Partner Program 11. Public Comment. 12. Discussion on Schedule Information for Next Meeting. 13. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Becky Ruff, 325/659-7856
Texas Medical Board
October 31, 2014 – 10:00 AM
333 Guadalupe, Lobby Area Room 100, Austin
Telemedicine Stakeholder Group 1. Introduction. 2. TMB Statement of Purpose. 3. Rule Review: Chapter 174 – Telemedicine 4. Adjourn.  Additional Information Contact: Laura Fleharty, 512/305-7174
Texas State Board of Pharmacy
November 4, 2014 – 09:00 AM
333 Guadalupe Street, Suite 2-225, Austin
Agenda A. Announcements Meeting Procedures Board Members Staff Continuing Education B. Discussion and Approval of Minutes (Tab 01) TSBP Board Business Meeting Held August 5, 2014 Temporary Suspension Hearings C. Discussion of and Possible Action Regarding Rules C.1 Final Adoption of Rules C.1.1 Amendment to 291.31 and 291.33 Concerning Patient Counseling (Tab 02) C.1.2 Amendments to s291.34 Concerning Transfer of Prescriptions (Tab 03) C.1.3 Amendments to 291.52, 291.53 and 291.54 Concerning Nuclear Pharmacy (Tab 04) C.1.4 Amendments to s291.72 Concerning Electronic Supervision of Pharmacy Technicians in a Class C Pharmacy in a Facility with 101 Beds or More (Tab 05) C.1.5 Amendments to s291.121 Concerning Automated Emergency Medication Kits (Tab 06) C.1.6 Amendments to s291.133 Concerning Nuclear Pharmacies Compounding Sterile Preparations (Tab 07) C.2 Proposal of Rules C.2.1 Amendments to s281.8 Concerning Grounds for Discipline for a Pharmacy License (Tab 08) C.2.2 Amendments to s291.1 Concerning Pharmacy License Application (Tab 09) C.2.3 Amendments to s291.3 Concerning Notifications (Tab 10) C.2.4 Amendments to 291.76 and 291.151 Concerning Recording the Removal of Drugs From the Pharmacy (Tab 11) C.2.5 Amendments to s291.133 Concerning Pharmacies Compounding Sterile Preparations (Tab 12) C.2.6 New Rule s291.157 Concerning a New Class of Pharmacy Located in a Physician's Office with Limited Dispensing (Tab 13) C.2.7 Amendments to 295.1 and 297.9 Concerning Change of Name for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians (Tab 14) C.2.8 Amendments to 303.1 and 303.2 Concerning Drug Destruction (Tab 15) C.3 Rule Reviews in Accordance with Government Code, Section s2001.039 (Tab 16) C.3.1 For Proposal C.3.1.1 Chapter 291 Concerning Pharmacies (All Classes of Pharmacies) (291.1-291.3, 291.5-291.11, 291.14-291.19, 291.22-291.24, 291.27-291.29) (Tab 17) C.3.1.2 Chapter 291 Concerning Pharmacies (Clinic Pharmacy (Class D)) (291.91-291.94 )(Tab 18) D. Discussion of and Possible Action Concerning the Following Reports and Discussions D.1 Financial Update D.1.1 Review of FY2014 Expenditures (Tab 19) D.1.2 Review of Board Member Travel Budget (Tab 20) D.1.3 Update on Legislative Appropriations Request for FY2016-2017 (Tab 21) D.2 Update Concerning Program to Aid Impaired Pharmacists and Pharmacy Students D.2.1 Update on Number of Participating Individuals (Tab 22) D.2.2 Professional Recovery Network (PRN) D.2.2.1 Presentation and Discussion Concerning PRN Expenditures and Activities by PRN Director Courtney Hulbert (Tab 23) D.2.2.2 Review and Approval of Professional Recovery Network Program Audit (Tab 24) D.3 Discussion Concerning Pharmacists Who are Serving as the Pharmacist-in-Charge of Both a Class A (Community) Pharmacy and a Class C (Institutional) Pharmacy in a Facility with101 Beds or More (Tab 25) D.4 Presentation Regarding Electronic Viewing and Computerized Workflow Supervision Systems for Sterile Compounding Pharmacies. Presented by Eric Ho, Pharm.D., Corporate Pharmacy Compliance, Paragon Healthcare Inc. (Tab 26) D.5 Presentation Concerning Iowa Pilot Program Concerning Tech Check Tech. Presented by Alex Adams, Vice President, Pharmacy Programs, National Association of Chain Drug Stores (Tab 27) D.6 Discussion of s291.131(e)(2) Relating to Records for Non-Sterile Compounding for Patient Specific Prescriptions and Batch Compounding (Tab 28) D.7 Report on Appeals from State Office of Administrative Hearings Cases and Other Court Actions (Tab 29) D.8 Report on Continuing Education Initiative (Tab 30) D.9 Discussion Concerning Inspections When a Pharmacy Changes Location (Tab 31) D.10 Update on Legislation Filed During the 83rd Texas Legislative Session that has an Impact on TSBP and/or the Practice of Pharmacy (Tab 32) D.11 Discussion of Possible Statutory Changes for Consideration During the 84th Session of the Texas Legislature (Tab 33) E. Disciplinary Orders E.1 Consideration of Proposals for Decision E.1.1 In the Matter of A & I Pharmacy, LLC, Pharmacy License #28645 (Tab 34) E.1.1.1 Executive Session Concerning the Proposal for Decision in the Matter of A & I Pharmacy, LLC, Pharmacy License #28645 E.1.2 In the Matter of Carol M. Johnson, Pharmacist License #16435 (Tab 35) E.1.2.1 Executive Session Concerning the Proposal For Decision in the Matter of Carol M. Johnson, Pharmacist License #16435 E.1.3 In the Matter of Rana Okasha, Pharmacist License #51285 (Tab 36) E.1.3.1 Executive Session Concerning the Proposal For Decision in the Matter of Rana Okasha, Pharmacist License #51285 E.2 Report on Agreed Board Orders Entered by Executive Director (Tab 37) E.3 Discussion of and Action on Proposed Agreed Board Orders and Default Orders (Tab 38) E.4 Discussion of and Action on Proposed Remedial Plans (Tab 39) E.5 Executive Session to Consider Confidential Agreed Board Orders (Tab 40) F. Consideration of and Possible Action Concerning the Following Enforcement Reports F.1 Report on Complaints Closed and Dismissed During the Previous Quarter (Tab 41) F.2 Report on Status of Active/Pending Complaints (Tab 42) G. Miscellaneous G.1 Items to be Placed on Agenda for February 2015 Board Meeting (Tab 43) G.2 Discussion of and Possible Action on Recent Conferences and Events National Association of Boards of Pharmacy/American District VI, VII, and VIII Annual Meeting, Whitefish, MT September 21-24, 2014 National Community Pharmacist Association (NCPA) Annual Convention, Austin, TX October 18-22, 2014 Maltagon Annual Conference, St. Petersburg, FL October 26-29, 201 G.3 Discussion of and Possible Action on Upcoming Conferences and Events American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP) Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL November 5-7, 2014 Technician Informal Conference, Austin, November 12, 2014 (Tipton) Informal Conference, Austin, December 2-4, 2014 (Wiesner) American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Mid-Year Clinical Meeting, Anaheim, CA December 7-11, 2014 Informal Conference, Austin, January 13-15, 2015 (Tipton) Technician Informal Conference, Austin, January 22, 2015 (Wetherbee) TSBP Board Business Meeting, Austin February 3-4, 2015 G.4 Election of Vice President and Treasure (Tab 44). Additional Information Contact: Becky Damon, 512/305-8026
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
November 4, 2014 – 02:00 PM
1702 Horne Rd. (Corpus Christi-Nueces County Public Health District, Auditorium), Corpus Christi
Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program Regional Advisory Committee 1. Welcome and Introductions. 2. Approval of minutes of the May 27, 2014, Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Regional Advisory Committee Meeting. (vote required) 3. Update on the Affordable Care Act. a. Hospital-based Presumptive Eligibility b. Changes to the HHSC Renewal Process 4. Update on the Dual Demonstration Project. 5. Update on the Managed Care Expansion Initiatives. a. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities b. STAR+PLUS Expansion c. Nursing Facility d. Behavioral Health 6. Update on the Home and Community Based Services Rules. 7. Update on the Medicaid and CHIP Quality Efficiency Improvement Efforts. 8. Update on the Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Waiver. 9. Update on the Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Centers. 10. Information Presentations. a. Medical Transportation Program b. c. Mobile App d. Community Partner Program 11. Public Comment. 12. Discussion on Schedule Information for Next Meeting. 13. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Arnold Gomez, 361/878-3432
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
November 5, 2014 – 10:00 AM
320 Iwo Jima Blvd. (Marine Military Academy, Cadet Activity Center), Harlingen
Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program Regional Advisory Committee 1. Welcome and Introductions. 2. Approval of minutes of the May 28, 2014, Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Regional Advisory Committee Meeting. (vote required) 3. Update on the Affordable Care Act. a. Hospital-based Presumptive Eligibility b. Changes to the HHSC Renewal Process 4. Update on the Dual Demonstration Project. 5. Update on the Managed Care Expansion Initiatives. a. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities b. STAR+PLUS Expansion c. Nursing Facility d. Behavioral Health 6. Update on the Home and Community Based Services Rules. 7. Update on the Medicaid and CHIP Quality Efficiency Improvement Efforts. 8. Update on the Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Waiver. 9. Update on the Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Centers. 10. Information Presentations. a. Medical Transportation Program b. c. Mobile App d. Community Partner Program 11. Public Comment. 12. Discussion on Schedule Information for Next Meeting. 13. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Belinda Senteno, 956/421-5576
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
November 5, 2014 – 01:00 PM
Capitol Extension Building, Room E2.002A, Austin
Promoting Independence Advisory Committee Community First Choice Work Session. 1. Welcome and Introductions. 2. Community First Choice. a. Assessment Review and Input* 3. Public Comment. 4. Adjourn. *Public comment will be taken on this agenda item. Contact:  April Young, Policy Analyst, Health and Human Services Commission, 512-424-6911,
Texas Board of Occupational Therapy Examiners
November 6, 2014 – 02:00 PM
16090 City Walk, Sugar Land Marriott Town Square, Veranda Rm, Sugar Land
Rules Committee 1. Call to Order 2. Public Comment 3. Approval of Minutes of June 12, 2014 4. Report on attendance at the NBCOT Annual Regulatory Conference on October 24-25, 2014 by DeLana Honaker, OTR, PhD, FAOTA and Lea Weiss 5. Discussion and possible action on proposing a new rule s372.2, Provision of Services, to add a section on Telehealth 6. Discussion and possible action on proposing rule amendments, including amendments regarding Telehealth, to the following rules: A. s362.1, Definitions B. s363.1, Consumer/Licensee Information C. s364.1, Requirements for Licensure, and s364.4, Licensure by Endorsement D. s369.1, Display of Licenses E. s372.1, Provision of Services F. s373.1, Supervision of Non-Licensed Personnel; s373.2, Supervision of a Temporary Licensee; and s373.3, Supervision of an Occupational Therapy Assistant G. s376.1, Facility Definitions; s376.4, Requirements for Registered Facilities; and s376.5, Exemptions to Registration 7. Discussion and possible action on future meeting dates and agenda items 8. Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Lea Weiss, 512/305-6900
Texas Board of Occupational Therapy Examiners
November 7, 2014 – 09:00 AM
16090 City Walk, Sugar Land Marriott Town Square, Veranda Rm, Sugar Land
Education Committee 1. Call to Order 2. Public Comment 3. Approval of Minutes of June 12, 2014 4. Discussion and possible action on proposing changes to Chapter 367 to include categories of education, the continuing education approval process, and other continuing education issues 5. Discussion and possible action on a request for consideration for continuing education credit from Susan L. Garber, OTR, MA, FAOTA, FACRM 6. Discussion and possible action on a request for consideration for continuing education credit from DeLana Honaker, OTR, PhD, FAOTA 7. Discussion and possible action on future meeting dates and agenda items 8. Adjournment. Additional Information Contact: Lea Weiss, 512/305-6900
Texas Board of Occupational Therapy Examiners
November 7, 2014 – 10:00 AM
16090 City Walk, Sugar Land Marriott Town Square, Veranda Rm, Sugar Land
1. Call to Order 2. Public comment 3. Approval of Minutes of September 5, 2014 4. Discussion and possible action on Executive Director's Report concerning fiscal and budgetary matters, performance measures, ongoing projects, agency personnel matters, upcoming legislative session, and other agency business 5. Investigation Committee Report A. Review and possible action on Agreed Orders for case numbers: 13-039; 14-161; 14-162; 14-163; 14-164 and 14-165 B. Discussion and possible action on the Investigation Committee meeting of October 14, 2014 C. Discussion and possible action on investigative activities to date 6. Executive Session pursuant to s551.074 of the Texas Government Code, regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of the Executive Director of the Executive Council of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Examiners 7. Discussion and possible action on request from Janie Oyakawa regarding Chapter 364, Requirements for Licensure, and licensure requirements for applicants with only an expired license in another state and whose passing NBCOT scores are older than two years 8. Rules Committee Report Discussion and possible action on recommendations from the Rules Committee on the following items: A. Discussion and possible action on proposing a new rule s372.2, Provision of Services, to add a section on Telehealth B. Discussion and possible action on proposing rule amendments, including amendments regarding Telehealth, to the following rules: 1. s362.1, Definitions 2. s363.1, Consumer/Licensee Information 3. s364.1, Requirements for Licensure, and s364.4, Licensure by Endorsement 4. s369.1, Display of Licenses 5. s372.1, Provision of Services 6. s373.1, Supervision of Non-Licensed Personnel; s373.2, Supervision of a Temporary Licensee; and s373.3, Supervision of an Occupational Therapy Assistant 7. s376.1, Facility Definitions; s376.4, Requirements for Registered Facilities; and s376.5, Exemptions to Registration 9. Education Committee Report Discussion and possible action on recommendations from the Education Committee on proposing changes to Chapter 367 to include categories of education, the continuing education approval process, and other continuing education issues 10. Discussion and possible action on the OT Coordinator's Report. The Coordinator's Report may concern any items listed on the agenda and events that have occurred between this meeting and the Board's last meeting. 11. Discussion and possible action on the Presiding Officer's Report. The Presiding Officer's report may concern any item listed on the agenda and events that have occurred between this meeting and the Board's last meeting. 12. Discussion and possible action on scheduling future board meeting dates and agenda items for future consideration 13. Adjournment The Board may meet in closed session on any item listed above if authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. Additional Information Contact: Lea Weiss, 512/305-6900
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
November 7, 2014 – 01:00 PM
4900 N Lamar Blvd. (HHSC, Brown-Heatly Building, Room 1420), Austin
Interagency Task Force for Children with Special Needs This meeting will be webcast. To access the webcast, on the day and time of the meeting, go to 1. Welcome and Introduction. 2. Approval of August Meeting Minutes. 3. Legislative Report update. 4. Project Status, Priority I: Informed and Empowered Parents. a. Update, presentation, and discussion of marketing scope: Trademark Media 5. Project Discussion, Priority II: Crisis Prevention/Intervention. a. Discussion of opportunities to partner with Texas Education Agency/ESC region 4 Positive Behavior Support project for community and school based outreach and training 6. Public Comment. 7. Discuss Next Potential Action Items and Meeting Dates. 8. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact:

Texas Health and Human Services Commission
November 12, 2014 – 09:00 AM
2405 Robert Dedman Dr. (UT Thompson Conf. Ctr., Room 2.102), Austin
Institute of Health Care Quality and Efficiency (IHCQE)Board of Directors Meeting 1. Welcome and Introductions. 2. Opening Statements. 3. Old Business: a. Review and approval of meeting minutes of August 14, September 15 and October 20, 2014 (Vote Required) b. 2014 IHCQE Recommendations Report (Vote Required) i. Value-Based Care ii. Expanded Access iii. Serious and Persistent Mental Illness 4. Background Presentations. a. Dr. Ken Shine (Code Red Report) b. Dr. Charles Macias (Children's Hospital Association of Texas) 5. Public Comment . 6. Review of items requiring staff action prior to the next meeting. 7. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Jimmy Blanton, 512/380-4372
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
November 12, 2014 – 01:30 PM
Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Room, 4900 North Lamar Blvd., Austin
Proposed Medicaid Payment Rates for Gynecological and Reproductive Health Services. Hearing.  Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will conduct a public hearing to receive public comment on proposed Medicaid payment rates for Gynecological and Reproductive Health Services.  The hearing will be held in compliance with Human Resources Code §32.0282 and the Texas Administrative Code, Title 1 (1 TAC), §355.201, which require public notice of and hearings on proposed Medicaid reimbursements.   HHSC also will broadcast the public hearing; the broadcast can be accessed at The broadcast will be archived and can be accessed on demand at the same website. Proposal.  The payment rates for Gynecological and Reproductive Health Services are proposed to be effective January 1, 2015. Methodology and Justification. The proposed payment rates were calculated in accordance with 1 TAC: §355.8085, which addresses the reimbursement methodology for physicians and other practitioners; and §355.8441, which addresses the reimbursement methodology for Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment services (known in Texas as Texas Health Steps). Briefing Package.  A briefing package describing the proposed payment rates will be available at on or after October 28, 2014.  Those interested may obtain a copy of the briefing package before the hearing by contacting Rate Analysis by telephone at 512-730-7401; by fax at 512-730-7475; or by email at  The briefing package will also be available at the public hearing.  Written Comments.  Written comments regarding the proposed payment rates may be submitted instead of, or in addition to, oral testimony until 5 p.m. the day of the hearing. Written comments may be sent by U.S. mail, overnight mail, special delivery mail, hand delivery, fax, or email: U.S. Mail Health and Human Services Commission, Attention: Rate Analysis, Mail Code H-400, P.O. Box 149030, Austin, Texas 78714-9030. Overnight mail, special delivery mail, or hand delivery Health and Human Services Commission, Attention: Rate Analysis, Mail Code H-400, Brown-Heatly Building, 4900 North Lamar, Austin, Texas 78751, Phone number for package delivery: 512-730-7401 Fax  Attention:  Rate Analysis at 512-730-7475 Email
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
November 12, 2014 – 01:30 PM
Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Room, 4900 North Lamar Blvd., Austin
Proposed Medicaid Payment Rates for the Medicaid Biennial Calendar Fee Review. Hearing.  Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will conduct a public hearing to receive public comment on proposed Medicaid payment rates for the Medicaid Biennial Calendar Fee Review.  The hearing will be held in compliance with Human Resources Code §32.0282 and the Texas Administrative Code, Title 1 (1 TAC), §355.201, which require public notice of and hearings on proposed Medicaid reimbursements.   HHSC also will broadcast the public hearing; the broadcast can be accessed at The broadcast will be archived and can be accessed on demand at the same website. Proposal.  The payment rates for the Medicaid Biennial Calendar Fee Review are proposed to be effective January 1, 2015, for the following services: (1) Combination Type of Service 1-2-I-T (Medical Services, Surgery, and Interpretation and Technical components) (2) Medical and Surgical Supplies (3) Medical Nutrition Therapy (4) Durable Medical Equipment – E Codes Methodology and Justification. The proposed payment rates were calculated in accordance with 1 TAC: §355.8021, which addresses the reimbursement methodology for home health services and durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies; §355.8085, which addresses the reimbursement methodology for physicians and other practitioners; and §355.8441, which addresses the reimbursement methodology for Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment services (known in Texas as Texas Health Steps). Briefing Package.  A briefing package describing the proposed payment rates will be available at on or after October 28, 2014.  Those interested may obtain a copy of the briefing package before the hearing by contacting Rate Analysis by telephone at 512-730-7401; by fax at 512-730-7475; or by email at  The briefing package will also be available at the public hearing.  Written Comments.  Written comments regarding the proposed payment rates may be submitted instead of, or in addition to, oral testimony until 5 p.m. the day of the hearing. Written comments may be sent by U.S. mail, overnight mail, special delivery mail, hand delivery, fax, or email: U.S. Mail Health and Human Services Commission, Attention: Rate Analysis, Mail Code H-400, P.O. Box 149030, Austin, Texas 78714-9030 Overnight mail, special delivery mail, or hand delivery Health and Human Services Commission, Attention: Rate Analysis, Mail Code H-400, Brown-Heatly Building, 4900 North Lamar, Austin, Texas 78751 Phone number for package delivery: 512-730-7401 Fax  Attention:  Rate Analysis at 512-730-7475 Email
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
November 12, 2014 – 01:30 PM
Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Room, 4900 North Lamar Blvd., Austin
Proposed Medicaid Payment Rate for Indian Health Services. Hearing.  Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will conduct a public hearing to receive public comment on the proposed Medicaid payment rate for Indian Health Services.  The hearing will be held in compliance with Human Resources Code §32.0282 and the Texas Administrative Code, Title 1 (1 TAC), §355.201, which require public notice of and hearings on proposed Medicaid reimbursements.   HHSC also will broadcast the public hearing; the broadcast can be accessed at The broadcast will be archived and can be accessed on demand at the same website. Proposal.  The payment rate for Indian Health Services is proposed to be effective January 1, 2014. Methodology and Justification. The proposed payment rates were calculated in accordance with the rate specified in the April 8, 2014, issue of the Federal Register (79 Fed. Reg. 19345) and in accordance with 1 TAC §355.8620, which addresses the reimbursement methodology for Services Provided in Indian Health Service and Tribal Facilities. Briefing Package.  A briefing package describing the proposed payment rates will be available at on or after October 28, 2014.  Those interested may obtain a copy of the briefing package before the hearing by contacting Rate Analysis by telephone at 512-730-7401; by fax at 512-730-7475; or by email at  The briefing package will also be available at the public hearing.  Written Comments.  Written comments regarding the proposed payment rates may be submitted instead of, or in addition to, oral testimony until 5 p.m. the day of the hearing. Written comments may be sent by U.S. mail, overnight mail, special delivery mail, hand delivery, fax, or email: U.S. Mail Health and Human Services Commission Attention: Rate Analysis, Mail Code H-400 P.O. Box 149030 Austin, Texas 78714-9030 Overnight mail, special delivery mail, or hand delivery Health and Human Services Commission Attention: Rate Analysis, Mail Code H-400 Brown-Heatly Building 4900 North Lamar Austin, Texas 78751 Phone number for package delivery: 512-730-7401 Fax  Attention:  Rate Analysis at 512-730-7475 Email
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
November 12, 2014 – 01:30 PM
Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Room, 4900 North Lamar Blvd., Austin
Proposed Medicaid Payment Rates for Prognostic Breast and Gynecological Cancer Studies. Hearing.  Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will conduct a public hearing to receive public comment on proposed Medicaid payment rates for Prognostic Breast and Gynecological Cancer Studies.  The hearing will be held in compliance with Human Resources Code §32.0282 and the Texas Administrative Code, Title 1 (1 TAC), §355.201, which require public notice of and hearings on proposed Medicaid reimbursements.   HHSC also will broadcast the public hearing; the broadcast can be accessed at The broadcast will be archived and can be accessed on demand at the same website. Proposal.  The payment rates for Prognostic Breast and Gynecological Cancer Studies are proposed to be effective January 1, 2015. Methodology and Justification. The proposed payment rates were calculated in accordance with 1 TAC: §355.8085, which addresses the reimbursement methodology for physicians and other practitioners; and §355.8441, which addresses the reimbursement methodology for Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment services (known in Texas as Texas Health Steps). Briefing Package.  A briefing package describing the proposed payment rates will be available at on or after October 28, 2014.  Those interested may obtain a copy of the briefing package before the hearing by contacting Rate Analysis by telephone at 512-730-7401; by fax at 512-730-7475; or by email at  The briefing package will also be available at the public hearing. Written Comments.  Written comments regarding the proposed payment rates may be submitted instead of, or in addition to, oral testimony until 5 p.m. the day of the hearing. Written comments may be sent by U.S. mail, overnight mail, special delivery mail, hand delivery, fax, or email: U.S. Mail Health and Human Services Commission Attention: Rate Analysis, Mail Code H-400 P.O. Box 149030 Austin, Texas 78714-9030 Overnight mail, special delivery mail, or hand delivery Health and Human Services Commission Attention: Rate Analysis, Mail Code H-400 Brown-Heatly Building 4900 North Lamar Austin, Texas 78751 Phone number for package delivery: 512-730-7401 Fax  Attention:  Rate Analysis at 512-730-7475 Email
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
November 12, 2014 – 01:30 PM
Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Room, 4900 North Lamar Blvd., Austin
Proposed Medicaid Payment Rate for the Blind Children’s Vocational Discovery and Development Program. Hearing.  Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will conduct a public hearing to receive public comment on the proposed Medicaid Payment Rate for the Blind Children’s Vocational Discovery and Development Program.  The hearing will be held in compliance with Texas Human Resources Code §32.0282 and the Texas Administrative Code, Title 1 (1 TAC), §355.201, which require public notice of and hearings on proposed Medicaid reimbursements.   HHSC also will broadcast the public hearing; the broadcast can be accessed at The broadcast will be archived and can be accessed on demand at the same website. Proposal.  The payment rate for the Blind Children’s Vocational Discovery and Development Program is proposed to be effective September 1, 2014. Methodology and Justification. The proposed payment rate was calculated in accordance with the program’s state plan, which addresses the reimbursement methodology for case management services for children who are blind and visually impaired. Briefing Package.  A briefing package describing the proposed payment rate will be available at on or after October 28, 2014.  Those interetsed may obtain a copy of the briefing package before the hearing by contacting Rate Analysis by telephone at 512-730-7401; by fax at 512-730-7475; or by email at  The briefing package will also be available at the public hearing.  Written Comments.  Written comments regarding the proposed payment rate may be submitted instead of, or in addition to, oral testimony until 5 p.m. the day of the hearing. Written comments may be sent by U.S. mail, overnight mail, special delivery mail, hand delivery, fax, or email: U.S. Mail Health and Human Services Commission Attention: Rate Analysis, Mail Code H-400 P.O. Box 149030 Austin, Texas 78714-9030 Overnight mail, special delivery mail, or hand delivery Health and Human Services Commission Attention: Rate Analysis, Mail Code H-400 Brown-Heatly Building 4900 North Lamar Austin, Texas 78751 Phone number for package delivery: 512-730-7401 Fax Attention:  Rate Analysis at 512-730-7475 Email
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
November 12, 2014 – 01:30 PM
Brown-Heatly Building, Public Hearing Room, 4900 North Lamar Blvd., Austin
Proposed Medicaid Payment Rates for Third Quarter 2014 Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System Updates. Hearing.  Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) will conduct a public hearing to receive public comment on proposed Medicaid payment rates for the third Quarter 2014 Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Updates.  The hearing will be held in compliance with Human Resources Code §32.0282 and the Texas Administrative Code, Title 1 (1 TAC), §355.201, which require public notice of and hearings on proposed Medicaid reimbursements.   HHSC also will broadcast the public hearing; the broadcast can be accessed at The broadcast will be archived and can be accessed on demand at the same website. Proposal.  The payment rates for the third Quarter 2014 HCPCS Updates are proposed to be effective January 1, 2015. Methodology and Justification. The proposed payment rates were calculated in accordance with 1 TAC: §355.8085, which addresses the reimbursement methodology for physicians and other practitioners; and §355.8441, which addresses the reimbursement methodology for Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment services (known in Texas as Texas Health Steps). Briefing Package.  A briefing package describing the proposed payment rates will be available at on or after October 28, 2014.  Those interested may obtain a copy of the briefing package before the hearing by contacting Rate Analysis by telephone at 512-730-7401; by fax at 512-730-7475; or by email at  The briefing package will also be available at the public hearing.  Written Comments.  Written comments regarding the proposed payment rates may be submitted instead of, or in addition to, oral testimony until 5 p.m. the day of the hearing. Written comments may be sent by U.S. mail, overnight mail, special delivery mail, hand delivery, fax, or email: U.S. Mail Health and Human Services Commission Attention: Rate Analysis, Mail Code H-400 P.O. Box 149030 Austin, Texas 78714-9030 Overnight mail, special delivery mail, or hand delivery Health and Human Services Commission Attention: Rate Analysis, Mail Code H-400 Brown-Heatly Building 4900 North Lamar Austin, Texas 78751 Phone number for package delivery: 512-730-7401 Fax Attention:  Rate Analysis at 512-730-7475 Email
Texas Health and Human Services Commission
November 14, 2014 – 10:00 AM
1100 Congress Ave. (Texas Capitol Extension, Room E2.020), Austin
Texas Office for Prevention of Developmental Disabilities Executive Committee Meeting (TOPDD) 1. Call to Order: Roll call of Members/Establish Quorum. 2. Greetings and Introductions: Richard Garnett, Ph.D. 3. Approval of Minutes from August 22, 2014 Meeting. 4. Sunset Recommendation. 5. Child Safety and Injury Prevention: Ashley Givens. 6. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Collaborative: Mary Tijerina, Ph.D., MSSW. 7. Executive Director Report: Janet Sharkis. 8. Scheduling of Next Meeting: Richard Garnett, Ph.D. 9. Public Comment. 10. Adjourn. Additional Information Contact: Angela Morales, 512/206-4544

Archive - 87th Session

Spotlight on Committee Hearings

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffAugust 8, 2021
Archive - 2013 to 2018

Railroad Commission To Hire Seismologist

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffJanuary 7, 2014
Archive - 2013 to 2018

Special Education Strategic Plan Posted

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffApril 26, 2018

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