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HB 1, the house budget bill, and HB 2, the supplemental bill, were taken up today and both voted out of House where the budget discussion will now move over to the Senate side. 

After a marathon debate lasting into early this morning the House budget bill was finally passed out of the House, when they reconvened this afternoon, with 141 ayes and 5 nays. Rep. John Otto, R- Dayton, said before the vote that he was pleased with the budget they will be taking to conference. The budget debate will now move over to the Senate side. After the Senate votes out their budget bill, the House and Senate versions will go to conference where the differences will be worked out. 

The House also took up the Supplemental Appropriations bill today and after adopting 4 amendments, they promptly voted the bill out of the House Chamber with 148 ayes and 0 nays.

This bill will also go to conference where the Senate, once they pass their version, and House will work out their differences.

To view the amendments  for HB 2, please paste the following link in your browser:

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