On February 26, the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC) held a workshop for stakeholders to provide input on staff’s plan for proposed changes to applicable substantive and procedural rules as well as forms to prepare for the transfer of the water rate and CCN programs from the TCEQ to the PUC that will occur on September 1, 2014. A formal proposal for publication is expected at some point in March. Comments on current proposal will be accepted until March 5, 2014.
Specifically the February 26 workshop covered: Project Nos. 42190, Migration of Rules Related to Water Utilities from the TCEQ (Chapter 291) to the PUC (New Chapter 24), Project No. 42191, Amendments to P.U.C. Procedural Rules Related to the Migration of Water Utilities from TCEQ to the PUC, and Project No. 42192, Migration of Forms Related to Water Utilities from the TCEQ to the PUC.
To view the Feb. 26 workshop archive: http://www.texasadmin.com/puct.shtml
The transfer of water rate and CCN programs from TCEQ to the PUCT will occur in two phases:
- Phase I (July 10, 2013-August 31, 2014) will include transferring the water rate and CCN programs as they operate today, over to the PUCT. The PUCT will operate the water rate and CCN programs as they exist today beginning on September 1, 2014.
- Phase II (September 1, 2014-August 31, 2014) will include review of existing water rate and CCN substantive rules and PUCT procedural rules to determine changes to enhance the efficiency of these programs. Phase II will also include the adoption of new rules and forms to implement the new water rate classification system that will go into effect on September 1, 2015. Prior to the Feb. 26 workshop, it was pointed out that issues related to Phase II of the transfer process will be considered beyond the scope of the workshop.