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Texas House Speaker Joe Straus appointed three legislators to fill openings on the Legislative Budget Board (LBB).

Speaker Straus named Reps. Drew Darby of San Angelo, John Otto of Dayton and John Zerwas of Simonton to serve on the LBB until the next Legislature convenes. They will replace Reps. Dan Branch of Dallas, Harvey Hilderbran of Kerrville and Jim Pitts of Waxahachie, who are not returning for the next legislative session.

The LBB develops budget recommendations for the appropriations process, provides fiscal analysis for proposed legislation and evaluates the efficiency and performance of state government. The Board is co-chaired by the Speaker of the House and the Lieutenant Governor and also includes four Members of the House and four Members of the Senate. In addition to the Speaker and the three new House appointees, Rep. Sylvester Turner of Houston continues to serve on the LBB.

In the months ahead, members of the LBB will provide important guidance in the development of the 2016-17 biennial budget that will be introduced soon after the 84th Legislature convenes in January.

Archive - 2013 to 2018

House Conferees for Budget Bill Appointed

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffApril 20, 2017

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