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HB 1 pre-filed floor amendments have been published. HB 1 (Gonzales) relating to avoiding the abolishment of certain agencies subject to the Texas Sunset Act on September 1, 2017 has been set on the House Calendar for Monday, July 24.
The House will reconvene at 2:00 p.m. on Monday.
Video Broadcasts: House
The Senate has come back from recess and is now taking up the bills they voted out of committee over the weekend.
Video Broadcasts: Senate
Senate committees met on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and voted out the following bills:
SB 2 (Taylor, Larry/ Bettencourt/ Campbell/ Huffines/ Nelson/ et al.) Relating to public school finance, including the establishment of a tax credit scholarship and educational expense assistance program. –Voted out of Education with 9 ayes and 2 nays on Friday, 7/21/17.
SB 3 (Kolkhorst) Relating to the regulation of certain facilities and activities of political subdivisions, including public school districts, and open-enrollment charter schools. –Voted out of State Affairs with 8 ayes and 1 nay on Friday, 7/21/17.
SB 4 (Schwertner/ Bettencourt/ Birdwell/ Buckingham/ Burton/ et al.)
Relating to prohibiting certain transactions between a governmental entity and an abortion provider or affiliate of the provider. – Voted out of Health & Human Services with 6 ayes and 3 nays on Friday, 7/21/17.
SB 10 (Campbell/ Creighton/ Huffines/ Hughes/ Perry/ et al.) Relating to reporting requirements by certain physicians and health care facilities for abortion complications; authorizing a civil penalty. Voted out of Health & Human Services with 6 ayes and 3 nays on Friday, 7/21/17.
SB 11 (Perry/ et al.) Relating to general procedures and requirements for do-not-resuscitate orders. – Voted out of Health & Human Services with 6 ayes and 3 nays on Friday, 7/21/17.
SB 16 (Taylor, Larry/ Bettencourt/ Burton/ Campbell/ Garcia/ et al.) Relating to the creation of a commission to recommend improvements to the public school finance system. –Voted out of Education unanimously on Friday, 7/21/17.
SB 17 (Kolkhorst/ Huffman/ Nelson/ et al.) Relating to maternal health and safety, pregnancy-related deaths, and maternal morbidity, including postpartum depression. – Voted out of Health and Human Services unanimously on Friday, 7/21/17.
SB 73 (Hughes/ Bettencourt/ Birdwell/ Buckingham/ Burton/ et al.) Relating to reporting and certification requirements by certain physicians regarding certain abortions. – Voted out of Health & Human Services with 6 ayes and 3 nays on Friday, 7/21/17.
SB 1 (Bettencourt/ Creighton/ Hancock/ Taylor, Van) Relating to ad valorem taxation. – Voted out of Government Reform with 5 ayes and 2 nays on Saturday, 7/22/17.
SB 8 (Creighton/ Bettencourt/ Birdwell/ Buckingham/ Burton/ et al.) Relating to health plan and health benefit plan coverage for elective abortion. –Voted out of Business and Commerce with 7 ayes and 2 nays on Saturday, 7/22/17.
SB 9 (Hancock/ Bettencourt/ Birdwell/ Buckingham/ Burton/ et al.) Relating to the constitutional limit on the rate of growth of appropriations. –Voted out of Finance with 10 ayes and 5 nays on Saturday, 7/22/17.
SB 19 (Nelson/ Campbell/ Estes/ Huffman/ Hughes/ et al.) Relating to bonuses and salaries for public school classroom teachers and state assistance for the Texas Public School Employees Group Insurance Program. –Voted out of Finance with 10 ayes, 3 nays, and 2 present not voting on Saturday, 7/22/17.
SB 18 (Estes/ Campbell/ Huffines/ Hughes/ Schwertner) Relating to a limit on local government expenditures. -Voted out of Government Reform with 5 ayes and 2 nays on Saturday, 7/22/17.
SB 5 (Hancock/ Bettencourt/ Buckingham/ Burton/ Estes/ et al.) Relating to the prevention of fraud in the conduct of an election; creating a criminal offense; increasing criminal penalties. – Voted out of State Affairs unanimously on Sunday, 7/23/17.
SB 6 (Campbell/ Buckingham/ Schwertner/ et al.) Relating to municipal annexation. –Voted out of State Affairs with 7 ayes and 2 nays on Sunday, 7/23/17.
SB 7 (Hughes/ Bettencourt/ Birdwell/ Burton/ Campbell/ et al.) Relating to payroll deductions for state and local government employee organizations. –Voted out of Business & Commerce with 6 ayes and 3 nays on Sunday, 7/23/17.
As authors laid out their bill language in committees, many noted the language of the bill would be worked on as the bill progressed to the floor. HillCo will continue to monitor bills as they pass out of the Senate and move over to the House for further deliberations.  
Committee Hearings This Week
For the latest updates, visit "Legislative News from Texas" frequently to confirm hearings since dates and times can and do change. Standing committee hearings, live and archived, can be listened to at the following links: House | Senate. Please note that formal hearings may not be broadcast.

Archive - 2013 to 2018

Four New Legislators Sworn In

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffMarch 5, 2015

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