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Below is a spotlight on legislative interim hearings posted to date for the month of August – the link will provide more detail on the charges, location and time of the hearing. Hearings can be cancelled, times changed or more hearings added to the calendar. For up-to-date details on legislative interim hearings visit the HillCo Legislative News page.  

To view a live or archive broadcast of a hearing, if available, visit: House | Senate

Monday, August 15
Senate Intergovernmental Relations will meet to discuss 4 interim charges including: examine ways to improve government accountability in elections regarding the issuance of public debt; examine the process used by home rule municipalities to adopt ordinances, rules, and regulations; review statute and rules that govern TDHCA, and study the means by which the Texas Legislature reviews the creation of municipal management districts (MMDs).

House State Affairs will meet to examine procedures regarding contract monitoring, compliance, performance evaluation and notification requirements for state contracting procedures; evaluate the administrative process used to determine utility rates; and examine how Public Utility Commission and providers can ensure consumer protection regarding metering devices for water, gas, and electricity service.

Tuesday, August 16 & Wednesday, August 17
Senate Education will meet on August 16 to examine current school board governance policies and practices; monitor implementation of legislation specifically the initiatives to build a high-quality pre-kindergarten grant program; and legislation to raise standards of teacher preparation programs and establish a more consistent, high-quality accountability system.

House Select Committee on Mental Health will meet to hear invited testimony (16th) and public testimony (17th) related to mental health / behavioral health care services in Texas.

Thursday, August 18
Joint Committee Advertising Public Notices will hear testimony examining issues related to the use of technology in the posting and advertising to the public of legally required notices.

Monday, August 22
House Land & Resource Management will examine the rate of erosion along Texas's coast and the effects of coastal erosion and study state preparedness and response to natural disasters.

Tuesday, August 23
Senate Higher Education will conduct a review of all tuition and fee waivers and exemptions as well as examine current financial aid programs.

Senate Criminal Justice will conduct a study of civil asset forfeiture laws in Texas and compare them to similar laws in other states. They will also discuss strategies to combat the pervasive bullying in Texas schools with a special emphasis on cyber bullying in the digital age.

House Licensing & Administrative Procedures will identify all occupations licensed by the state to determine if they are necessary for public safety and health; identify regulatory functions across all agencies and departments; explore the increasing incidence of powdered alcohol. The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation and the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission may also provide testimony.

House Special Purpose Districts will study best practices in the creation, management, and expansion of Municipal Management Districts (MMD) and/or Improvement Districts in the state as well as conduct legislative oversight and monitoring of special purpose districts under the committee’s jurisdiction.
Wednesday, August 24
House Defense & Veterans' Affairs will hear invited and public testimony on Maintaining Military Value of Defense Installations and Communities with an emphasis on relationship between military installations and wind energy development. Interim charges 1-2 and 4-5 related to the topic will also be discussed.

House Criminal Jurisprudence  will examine the feasibility of utilizing GPS monitoring in protective orders as a tool to help reduce family violence; study programs and identify best practices focused on the intervention and prevention of family violence and consider statutory changes needed to further deter the offense of family violence and domestic abuse.

Thursday, August 25
Joint Committee Cruise Industry Development will meet to discuss the development and potential economic impact of a cruise industry on the Texas coast between Calhoun and Cameron counties.

Tuesday, August 30
House Transportation will meet to hear invited testimony from the TxDOT Rail Division, Rural Transit Division, General Aviation Division and a presentation on TTI on Transportation Network Companies. They will also hear an update on HB 2612 and utility relocation.

House Select Committee on Transportation Planning will hear an update from TxDOT working group on project selection criteria, rules and policies for project prioritization and selection, and funding categories.

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