Below is a spotlight on legislative interim hearings posted to date for the month of June. For up-to-date hearing postings, visit the HillCo Legislative News page
Tuesday, July 12
The House Human Services Committee will be meeting to discuss policies and procedures within the Department of Family and Protective Services. The committee will examine the foster care and adoption systems in Texas as well.
The House General Investigating & Ethics Committee will hold a hearing to examine the use of emergency leave and settlement payments as a method of providing supplemental compensation at state agencies.
Wednesday, July 13
The State Water Implementation Fund for Texas (SWIFT) Advisory Committee will meet to review the operation, function and structure of the SWIFT and consider other water related matters.
The House Public Health Committee and the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Article II will hold a joint hearing to study the trauma system in Texas. The committees will consider financing, planning, coordination and other aspects of the trauma system.
The House Appropriations Subcommittee on Article II will be meeting to review hospital reimbursement methodologies including supplemental payments and add-on payments for safety-net and trauma facilities implemented last session. The committee will also consider the extension of the 1115 waiver.
Monday, July 18
The House Appropriations Subcommittee on Articles VI, VII & VIII will hold a hearing to study methods of finance for the state’s transportation network and the budget structure for the Department of Transportation as it relates to transportation funding categories.
Tuesday, July 19
The House Appropriations Committee will meet to examine the Department of Public Safety’s use of additional funds for border security operations. The committee will consider data reporting on border security metrics as well.
The House Appropriations Subcommittee on Articles I, IV & V will be meeting to study deferred maintenance, ongoing maintenance needs and appropriate funding mechanisms of state buildings and assets.
Monday, July 25
The Senate Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs Committee will hold a hearing to study surface water and groundwater issues, the State Water Plan, brackish groundwater zones and implementation of legislation passed last session.
Spotlight on July Legislative Hearings