The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) will hold a Board meeting, with two sessions, to discuss innovative water solutions for Texas and financial assistance for water projects across the state.
The meeting will be held in Austin at the William B. Travis Building, 1701 N. Congress Avenue, Room 1-111, on January 29, 2015, at 9:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.
The morning session will include presentations and discussions on innovative water solutions to conserve and manage existing water supplies in Texas, as well as ideas on developing new water supplies for Texas.
The afternoon session will include consideration of financial assistance for multiple communities around the state, as well as briefings and discussions on the TWDB's Quarterly Investment Report, the TWDB's financial policies, and drought conditions in Texas.
The public and interested stakeholders are encouraged to attend and provide public comment at both meetings.