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House Update on Budget and School Finance
The Supplemental Appropriations bill (HB 2 – Zerwas) was filed today and taps $1.4 billion from the Rainy Day Fund (RDF), also known to some as the Economic Stabilization Fund (ESF). 

House Appropriations began considering budget recommendations from subcommittees on Friday. They heard recommendations for Articles IV – Judiciary, V – Public Safety & Criminal Justice, VI – Natural Resources & VIII – Regulatory. They will continue hearing recommendations from the remaining articles next week. The LBB has posted Decision Documents for the committee to refer to during the hearing as they take up recommendations from the subcommittees.
The House Committee on Public Education began its work on addressing the school finance system this week (see more details below) and will continue their efforts next week when they meet again to discuss specific legislation.
Committee Spotlight
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School finance was the focus of invited testimony in the House Committee on Public Education on February 28.

House Ways and Means heard testimony regarding various taxes in Texas including their budgetary impacts on March 1. 
The state of the economy and workforce in Texas was taken up in several hearings including House Economic & Small Business Development (March 2) and House Business and Industry (February 27).
Health care topics including the practice of abortion, licensing and regulation of hospitals was taken up in Senate Health & Human Services (March 1).
Several bills were taken and up and left pending relating to the Public Information Act and Open Meetings Act in Senate Business and Commerce (February 28).
Franchise tax legislation was taken up in Senate Finance on February 28.
The Railroad Commission Sunset discussions were in both House Energy Resources (February 27) and Senate Natural (March 2). 
Spotlight – Bills on the Move:
The “Property Taxpayer Empowerment Act” (HB 15 – Bonnen) – was filed on Friday, March 3.
The “Texas Privacy Act” (SB 6 – Kolkhorst) will be heard in Senate State Affairs on March 7.
SB 200 (Campbell) relating to public access to boundary, financial, and tax rate information of certain political subdivisions will be heard in Senate Finance on March 6.
HB 1818 (Gonzales) Sunset legislation for the Railroad Commission will be heard in House Energy Resources on March 6.  
The House and Senate both took up child welfare bills this week, HB 4 (Burkett) & HB 5 (Frank) and SB 11 (Schwetner), in each of their respective chambers. HB 4 & 5 was passed out of the House and has now been sent over to the Senate for further consideration. SB 11 was passed out of the Senate and has now been sent over the House for further consideration.
SB 26 (Estes) relating to the Texas Emissions Reduction Plan and other related programs and measures to reduce emissions was voted favorably from committee.  
SB 17 (Nelson) which relates to the decrease of the rates of the franchise tax under certain circumstances and the expiration of that tax was voted favorably from committee as substituted in Senate Finance.
House and Senate Committee hearing will continue next week, the latest information can be found by visiting HillCo’s “Legislative News from Texas.” Please note that dates and times are subject to change and additional hearings dates may also be added at any time so you will want to re-visit the page frequently to confirm hearings.
The standing committee hearings as well as floor discussions, live and archived, can be listened to at the following links:  House | Senate. Please note that formal hearings may not be broadcast.

March 10th (60th day) – Deadline for the unrestricted filing of bills and joint resolutions other than local bills, emergency appropriations, and bills that have been declared an emergency by the governor
The House has adjourned until Monday, March 6 at 2pm. House Calendar
The Senate has adjourned until Monday, March 6 at 2pm. Senate Calendar
Video Broadcasts:   House | Senate

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