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House: Adjourned until Fri, Apr 29, 2011 10:00 am

Senate: Adjourned until Fri, Apr 29, 2011 9:00 am

May 9 is the last day for house committees to report House Bills and House Joint Resolutions. For a complete list of deadlines, please visit: A calendar of the deadlines can also be downloaded at:

Spotlight on Bills on the Move

SB 18 – Estes – Relates to the use of eminent domain authority. Conferees announced in House.

House Conferees appointed 4/28 Reps.: Charlie Geren (Chair), Allan Ritter, Ralph Sheffield, Rick Hardcastle and Rene Oliveira.

Senate Conferees appointed 4/19 Sens.: Craig Estes (Chair), Robert Duncan, John Whitmire, Eddie Lucio and Chris Harris

SJR 4 – Hinojosa – Proposing a Constitutional Amendment providing for the issuance of additional general obligation bonds by the Texas Water Development Board was passed out of the Senate on April 28 unanimously.     

SJR 52 – Ogden –Proposes a Constitutional Amendment clarifying that a tax imposed on certain business entities is not subject to Section 24, Article VIII, Texas Constitution, and imposing certain limitations on the computation of a tax imposed on a business entity. The bill substitute was heard in Senate Finance this morning, April 28, and left pending. It is reported the bill will be voted out of committee on Monday.

SB 646 – Nichols/Cook – Relates to the continuation and functions of the Texas Forest Service. The bill, with one amendment, was passed out of the House with 140 ayes and 0 nays on April 27.

HB 273 – Zerwas – Relates to creation of a study committee for the Interstate Health Care Compact. The bill was passed out of the House with 133 ayes and 15 nays on April 27.

HB 2675 – Harper-Brown – Relates to the continuation and functions of the Texas Department of Transportation. The bill is on the House Calendar for Friday, April 29.

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