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HB 1 Conferees – Adopt Article III & Article 9

Today, the Conferees on HB 1, the 2012-13 General Appropriations Bill, met and voted in favor of Article III (Education) as amended and Article IX as amended. The bill will now head to the printers. The Conferees will meet again on Thursday, May 26 to approve the conference committee report.

SB 1581 – Education Fiscal Matters Bill

Labeled as one of the most important bills this session by Rep. Sylvester Turner, SB 1581 has been postponed on the House calendar until tonight at 8 p.m. Lawmakers are trying to reach some consensus on school finance formulas before bringing the bill to the floor.


Below is a spreadsheet with an update on the various fiscal matters and appropriations bills.



Last Action

Fiscal Impact

Fiscal Impact


HB 1

General Appropriations Bill.

Conference committee has adopted all Articles; vote on final budget report is scheduled for Thursday, May 26

Senate cmte report made $11 billion in cuts

House engrossed made $23 billion in cuts

Conference budget deal reached is said to make approximately $15 billion in cuts.

HB 4

Relating to making supplemental appropriations and giving direction and adjustment authority regarding appropriations.

Placed on Senate intent calendar; it is reported the bill will be on Senate Floor Wednesday, May 25

Senate cmte report: positive impact $405,377,695

House engrossed: positive impact $683,847,775


HB 275

Relating to making an appropriation of money from the economic stabilization fund for expenditure during the current state fiscal biennium.

House conferees have been appointed

Senate cmte report: appropriates $3,973,557,000

House engrossed: appropriates $3,117,661,120


SB 23

Relating to the administration of and efficiency, cost-saving, fraud prevention, and funding measures for certain health and human services and health benefits programs, including the medical assistance and child health plan programs.

Passed the House as amended

Senate engrossed (5/6) positive impact $467,805,251

PRE-AMENDMENTS: House cmte report (5/15) positive impact $426,241,957

SB 1811

Relating to certain state fiscal matters; providing penalties.

Senate conferees have been appointed

Senate engrossed (5/2): positive impact $4 billion

PRE-AMENDMENTS: House cmte report (5/2): positive impact $2.6 billion depending enactment dates of certain provisions- (does not include any accelerated tax payments.)

After amendments to the house cmte report amounts of fiscal impact vary – some reports of positive fiscal impact could be $400 million or other reports of a possible negative amount. Conference committee decisions will give more certainty to fiscal impact.

SB 1581

Relating to state fiscal matters, and certain administrative and business matters, related to public and higher education.

Postponed on House Major State Calendar until 8:00 PM 05/23/2011

Senate engrossed (5/20): positive impact $4,030,034,567

House cmte report (5/21): positive impact $4,030,034,567


Archive - 2013 to 2018

Senate Intent Calendar

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffMarch 4, 2015
Archive - 2013 to 2018

TWDB Solicits Public Comment on Water Loss

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffJanuary 6, 2014

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