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The Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) awarded over $6.8 million to fund twelve new cancer prevention programs through local clinics, health districts, community-based organizations, and academic institutions across the state of Texas. This is the very first round of prevention grants awarded in CPRIT’s 10-year, $3 billion mission.


With an emphasis on targeting populations and areas disproportionately affected by cancer, the twelve cancer prevention grants cover a broad spectrum of preventative services and programs such as screening for breast, cervical and colorectal cancers; health promotion and education programs aimed at increasing screening and vaccination rates, and improving the quality of follow-up care for pediatric cancer survivors. The twelve awards were selected from 56 prevention applications submitted to CPRIT.


“I am very pleased with the quality of these twelve awards. CPRIT’s prevention efforts are encouraging unique and innovative partnerships among service providers, academic institutions, and community organizations that will put Texas on the map for advancing cancer prevention and control, and will improve the health of many Texans,” stated CPRIT Chief Prevention Officer Dr. Rebecca Garcia.


CPRIT accepts applications and awards grants for a wide variety of cancer-related research and for the delivery of cancer prevention programs and services by public and private entities located in Texas. More information about CPRIT and the funded awards is available at its website,

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