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Two bills addressing diabetes issued were passed out of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee on March 1.

SB 796 – By Nelson, relating to reporting on the prevention and treatment of diabetes in the state, was voted out favorably as substituted.

Sen. Nelson laid out the bill noting the prevalence of diabetes in Texas would quadruple by 2040 if we continue on the current trajectory. The bill is intended to ensure Texas has an accurate picture of the impact of diabetes on the citizens, budget and the health care system.

SB 510 – By Van de Putte, relating to a voluntary statewide diabetes mellitus registry. The bill is targeting a pilot program in Bexar County that will expire in September 2011 and was voted out favorably as substituted.

Sen. Van de Putte laid out the bill noting there was a committee substitute that made the following changes:

  • Patient participation is voluntary and they can opt-out.
  • The substitute brackets the bill to Bexar County.
  • There is no fiscal note.

Veronica De La Garza of the American Diabetes Association (ADA), testified in support of Senate Bill 510. De La Garza said there is a need for quality and availability of data relating to the prevalence of diabetes throughout the area. She noted that SB 510 addressed two key ADA concerns which was privacy of data which is ensured with the confidentiality section of the bill and the ability for patients to opt-out allowing patients to decide if they want to be a part of the registry. It was noted this registry could become a model for the rest of the state. 

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Federal Deficit

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffJanuary 28, 2011

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