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Yesterday, before the U.S. Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson testified on the President’s Fiscal Year 2013 budget for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). EPA’s budget request was for $8.344 billion.

Jackson stated that 40% of the funding request was directed to the State and Tribal Assistance Grants appropriation to support their efforts towards implementing environmental laws like the Clean Water Act, and the Clean Air Act.
Specifically, this budget proposes that $1.2 billion – nearly 15 percent of EPA’s overall request – be allocated back to the States and tribes through categorical grants. This includes funding for State and Local Air Quality Management grants, Pollution Control grants and the tribal general assistance program.
The budget also proposes that a combined $2 billion – another 25 percent of EPA’s budget request – go directly to the States for the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds. This funding will help support efficient system wide investments and development of water infrastructure in communities.

Part of the funding request also includes funding increases to key areas that include green infrastructure and hydraulic fracturing – specifically, $14 million in total to work collaboratively with the United States Geological Survey, the Department of Energy and other partners to assess questions regarding hydraulic fracturing.

More details on the hearing:

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