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EPA issued the following statement and background information in response to a study released on December 20, 2010 by the Environmental Working Group:

“EPA absolutely has a drinking water standard for total chromium, which includes chromium-6 (also known as Hexavalent Chromium), and we require water systems to test for it. This standard is based on the best available science and is enforceable by law. Ensuring safe drinking water for all Americans is a top priority for EPA. The agency regularly re-evaluates drinking water standards and, based on new science on chromium-6, had already begun a rigorous and comprehensive review of its health effects. In September, we released a draft of that scientific review for public comment. When this human health assessment is finalized in 2011, EPA will carefully review the conclusions and consider all relevant information, including the Environmental Working Group’s study, to determine if a new standard needs to be set.”


Currently, the total chromium standard is 0.1 mg/L (100 parts per billion).

EPA latest data shows no U.S. utilities are in violation of the standard.

More information on chromium: 

To track the status of the ongoing risk assessment:

Archive - 88th Session

SAO Legislative Workforce Summaries

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffJanuary 26, 2023

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