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The U.S. House Energy Committee’s Subcommittee on Energy and Power held a field hearing in Houston on March 24, focusing on regulatory obstacles for Texas plants in general entitled, “EPA’s Greenhouse Gas and Clean Air Act Regulations:  A Focus on Texas’ Economy, Energy Prices and Jobs.” 

Texas officials testified in regards to the impacts EPA decisions have and will have on Texas. Gina McCarthy with the EPA argued, “Unlike all other states, [the] Texas state government is refusing to cooperate with EPA to address greenhouse gas emissions in its permit process.” McCarthy called on Texas officials to work with the EPA to come to a compromise.

Bryan Shaw, chair of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), said he is “committed” to working with the EPA on a “path forward,” he acknowledged that compromise could be difficult.

In addition to Texas’ lawsuit currently in the courts challenging the EPA’s regulation of GHG; Texas Republican Congressmen Ted Poe, Joe Barton and John Carter last month backed an amendment in the U.S. House (Amendment No. 466 to H.R. 1) that would strip funding from the EPA, therefore limiting the agency’s power to regulate greenhouse gases.

There have been other bills filed limiting the agency’s power to regulate greenhouse gases and it is expected the debate will make it on the US Congress floor within the next few weeks.

Testimony and statements are below from the hearing –

Background Memo

Opening Statement

Opening statement from Energy and Power Subcommittee Chairman Ed Whitfield

Panel 1

The Honorable Greg Abbott
Attorney General
State of Texas
Written Testimony (Truth in Testimony Form)

The Honorable Bryan W. Shaw
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Written Testimony (Truth in Testimony Form)

The Honorable Todd Staples
Texas Department of Agriculture
Written Testimony (Truth in Testimony Form)

Panel 2

Ms. Kathleen Harnett White
Director, Armstrong Center
Texas Public Policy Foundation
Written Testimony (Truth in Testimony Form)

Mr. James Griffin
Plant Manager
Dianal America
Written Testimony (Truth in Testimony Form)

Mr. James Marston
Environmental Defense Fund
Written Testimony (Truth in Testimony Form)

Panel 3

The Honorable Gina McCarthy
Assistant Administrator
Office of Air and Radiation
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Written Testimony (Truth in Testimony Form)

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