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As published in the HillCo Client News Advisory v119, on November 18th an informational session was held on SB 184 which was passed during the 81st Regular Session. 


SB 184 is also referred to as the “no regrets” greenhouse gas legislation. The legislation requires, among other things a report. The “No Regrets Report” requires the Texas Comptroller, by December 31, 2010, to prepare and deliver to each member of the legislature a report that includes a list of “no regrets” greenhouse gas emissions reduction strategies for Texas.


The report must list strategies for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases that result in net savings for consumers or businesses in the state; that can be achieved without financial cost to consumers or businesses in the state; or help businesses in the state maintain global competitiveness. The comptroller is also required under the bill to appoint one or more advisory committees to assist in identifying and evaluating greenhouse gas emission reduction strategies.


During the information session, David Schanbacher, in the Natural Resources Policy Division in the Texas Comptroller’s office, stated there will only be one advisory committee. He further noted that the meetings of the committee will be open to the public and information on the meetings will be posted on the website. In addition, it is Schanbacher intention to post all the questions and answers from the informational session on the website as well as the presentation that was given.


Furthermore, in order to prevent duplication of suggestions Schanbacher hopes to have them posted on the website. In regards to questions on if the applications will be ranked or if an application would be considered that only cost the state but not businesses or consumers, his response was non-committal. He stated he will have to look at the details of the applications and what comes in before making some of the decisions.


The Advisory group will be comprised of members from the following agencies:

·         the Railroad Commission of Texas

·         the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

·         the Texas Department of Agriculture

·         the General Land Office, and

·         the University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology


Those agencies are not precluded from submitting their own strategies. 


For more information:

For a copy of the presentation given during the information session:

Archive - 2013 to 2018

SBOE Full Board Meeting Today

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffApril 6, 2016

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