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On Wednesday, November 18, 2009, an informational session on SB 184, passed during the 81st Regular Session, will be held at the Capitol in Room E1.016 at 2:00pm.


SB 184, Watson/Chisum, requires the comptroller to report to the Legislature on greenhouse gas reduction measures this legislation was also referred to as the “no regrets” greenhouse gas emissions legislation. The report shall be delivered to the legislature no later than December 31, 2010 and must list strategies for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases that result in net savings for consumers or businesses in the state; that can be achieved without financial cost to consumers or businesses in the state; or help businesses in the state maintain global competitiveness.  It requires the comptroller to consider the strategies for reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases that have been implemented in other states or nations.  In determining whether an emission reduction strategy may result in a financial cost, the comptroller must consider the total net costs that may occur over the life of the strategy.  The report must include for each identified strategy:  initial, short-term capital costs that may result from the implementation of the strategy delineated by the cost to business and the cost to consumers; and lifetime costs and savings that may result from the implementation of the strategy delineated by the costs and savings to business and consumers.  The comptroller is also required under the bill to appoint one or more advisory committees to assist in identifying and evaluating greenhouse gas emission reduction strategies and the bill further provides who should be appointed to the committees. 


The live broadcast of the informational session can be found at:

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Health Care Hearings – April 11

HillCo Policy Research StaffHillCo Policy Research StaffApril 11, 2014

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