Last month the Legislative Budget Board (LBB) released a report on the top 100 federal sources in the Texas State Budget. Appropriated Federal Funds for the 2010–11 biennium total $65.5 billion, a 19 percent increase from the 2008–09 total of $55.1 billion, according to the report. Comparing Texas’ federal tax collections to total federal spending in fiscal year 2008, indicates that for every $1.00 in federal tax collections from Texas, $0.89 in federal spending came back to the state. Texas ranked 37th among the states in securing a return on federal taxes. The top 20 Federal Funding Sources listed in the report are identified below in the table. All 100 federal funding sources and additional details can be found by visiting:
Top 20 Federal Funding Sources |
Program Name |
1 Medicaid (Title XIX) |
$18,955.40 |
2 Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies |
1,339.00 |
3 Transportation Equity Bonus |
1,133.00 |
4 National School Lunch Program |
1,204.00 |
5 Special Education Basic State Grants |
975.7 |
6 Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) |
867.4 |
7 Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) |
649.8 |
8 Surface Transportation Program |
596.7 |
9 National Highway System |
562 |
10 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) |
539 |
11 Interstate Maintenance |
445.8 |
12 School Breakfast Program |
392.7 |
13 Child and Adult Care Food Program |
251.4 |
14 Improving Teacher Quality |
248 |
15 Vocational Rehabilitation Grants |
232.5 |
16 Child Care and Development Block Grant |
227.3 |
17 Child Care Mandatory and Matching Funds |
211 |
18 Low-Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP) |
210.5 |
19 Foster Care (Title IV-E) |
203.3 |
20 State Administration for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program |
180.7 |